Seismic data are increasingly applied to predict the characteristics of reservoirs, as their quality improves. Since the change of pressure is a major component in exploitation of reservoirs, a thorough understanding of the influence of pressure on seismic velocity is also important. In this study we introduce the first results of the developed petrophysical model which describes the pressure dependence of seismic velocity. The model is based on the idea that microcracks in rocks open and close under the change of pressure. Laboratory measurements are presented on several sandstone samples. Longitudinal wave velocities were measured at various incremental pressures increased from 0 to 20 MPa. During the measurements, the pulse transmission technique was used and the parameters of the model were determined by using a linearized inversion method. The inversion results proved that the proposed petrophysical model well applies in practice.
A quantitative characteristic of the basic reservoir-filtration properties of clastic rocks of the Cambrian and Devonian starta deposited under the carbonaceous Devonian complex has been presented in the paper. It is based on the results of laboratory tests of cores coming from the wells owned by the Polish Institute of Geology and GEONAFTA Company in the south part of the Upper Silesian block - extending from the region of Bielsko Biała through Andrychów and Myślenice towards Bochnia. The basic elements of the work are regression prediction models enabling a quantitative evaluation of absolute permeability of rocks based on their selected petrophysical parameters, especially capillary parameters obtained through the mercury porosimetry methods.
The aimof this studywas to predict reservoir parameters distribution in Miocene deposits. The area of interest is located in the Carpathian Foredeep, where many deposits of natural gas such as Sędziszów (Zagórzyce), Nosówka and Góra Ropczycka are known. The results of the analysis verified existing gas fields and identified new anomalous zones. The main advantage of presented method is the integration of geological, petrophysical and seismic data. For the purpose of modelling of petrophysical parameters distribution (e.g. porosity, density, gamma ray), results of inversion, well logs and seismic attributes were used. On the basis of structural interpretation of 3D seismic data, the structure framework was built. The entire model was divided into four Miocene's complexes and then split it into layers of 10 m thickness. All used well logging data were scaled to the spatial resolution of the structural model. Estimation of petrophysical parameters was performed using advanced algorithms available in Petrel (Neural Net, Gaussian Random Function Simulation). A number of seismic attributes (e.g. Sweetness, Envelope, Local Flatness, Relative Acoustic Impedance, Dominat Frequency, Chaos, Acoustic Impedance) were used to steer the distribution of petrophysical well data. The study provided information about the distribution of petrophysical properties at every point of the spatial model of Miocene complex. The results show high correlation of seismic attributes and petrophysical properties of the data from the area of Góra Ropczycka–Iwierzyce 3D seismic project. On the basis of all available reservoir information, geobodies have been extracted. Petropysical model prediction is fundamental in understanding clastic reservoirs and should be used for prospect identification.
W ramach pracy wykonano pomiary laboratoryjne właściwości rdzeni wiertniczych, obejmujące następujące badania: porozymetryczne, przepuszczalności absolutnej i fazowych skał dla wody i gazu, składu mineralnego skał na podstawie analiz rentgenowskich, rozkład nasycenia wodą przestrzeni porowej metodą NMR, zawartości pierwiastków promieniotwórczych uranu, toru i potasu oraz parametrów elektrycznych skał. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników badań laboratoryjnych przeprowadzono kalibrację geofizycznych modeli interpretacyjnych, której efektem końcowym była kompleksowa interpretacja pomiarów geofizyki wiertniczej dla poszczególnych otworów. W oparciu o wyniki badań laboratoryjnych i interpretację materiałów geofizyki wiertniczej podjęto próbę konstrukcji teoretycznych kształtów stref przejściowych ropa-woda złożowa oraz przedstawiono procedurę obliczania zawodnienia ze znormalizowanych ciśnień kapilarnych.
Within frameworks of the study laboratory measurements of drilling cores properties have been done, including: porosimetric testing, absolute and phase permeabilities of rocks for water and gas, mineral composition of rocks on the grounds of X-ray analyses, distribution of pore space water saturation with use of NMR method, contents of uranium, thorium and potassium radioactive elements, electrical parameters of rocks. On the grounds of obtained laboratory tests results, complex calibration of geophysics interpretation models was performed, resulting finally in complex interpretation of well logging for individual boreholes. Based on laboratory tests results and interpretation of geophysics well logging materials an attempt has been made to construct theoretical shapes of oil – reservoir water transition zones.
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