Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of high-resolution ultrasonography for the diagnosis of polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus patients by the examination of the ulnar nerves. Method: We recruited 100 healthy age-matched volunteers (50 women and 50 men) with 200 arms without diabetes or cubital tunnel syndrome as the control group. We assessed the upper limbs of 100 diabetes mellitus patients (45 women and 55 men), 40 of whom had electrophysiologically confirmed diabetic peripheral neuropathy and 60 had no diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the upper limbs. Age, sex, height and weight were recorded and the cross-sectional area of the ulnar nerve was measured at every predetermined site. Results: The cross-sectional area of the ulnar nerve was measured at six sites (mid-humerus, inlet of the cubital tunnel, outlet of the cubital tunnel, upon the medial epicondyle, 6 cm upon the wrist crease and Guyon tunnel). The ulnar nerve in two measuring sites (mid-humerus, upon the medial epicondyle) in the control group showed a statistical difference between men and women (p < 0.05). There was no statistical difference in the cross-sectional area in the control group when dominant and non-dominant arms were compared. The cross-sectional area was larger in the diabetic peripheral neuropathy group in three sites (inlet of the cubital tunnel, outlet of the cubital tunnel, Guyon tunnel) compared with those in the control group. Conclusion: High-resolution ultrasonography may be helpful in the early diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients.
Cel: Celem badania było określenie przydatności ultrasonografii wysokiej rozdzielczości w diagnostyce polineuropatii u pacjentów z cukrzycą poprzez badanie nerwu łokciowego. Metoda: Przebadano kończyny górne 100 pacjentów z cukrzycą (45 kobiet i 55 mężczyzn), z których 40 cierpiało na elektrofizjologicznie potwierdzoną obwodową neuropatię cukrzycową, a u 60 nie rozpoznano obwodowej neuropatii cukrzycowej w kończynach górnych. Jako grupa kontrolna w badaniu udział wzięło 100 zdrowych wolontariuszy w podobnym wieku (50 kobiet i 50 mężczyzn), niecierpiących na cukrzycę ani zespół kanału łokciowego (łącznie 200 rąk). Określono wiek, płeć, wzrost i wagę oraz zmierzono pole przekroju poprzecznego nerwu łokciowego w każdym ustalonym miejscu. Wyniki: Pole przekroju poprzecznego nerwu łokciowego zmierzono w sześciu miejscach (środek kości ramiennej, wejście do kanału łokciowego, wyjście z kanału łokciowego, nad nadkłykciem przyśrodkowym, 6 cm ponad nadgarstkiem i kanał Guyona). W grupie kontrolnej wykazano statystycznie istotną różnicę w nerwie łokciowym w dwóch miejscach pomiaru (środek kości ramiennej, nad nadkłykciem przyśrodkowym) pomiędzy mężczyznami a kobietami (p < 0,05). Nie wykazano różnicy statystycznej w polu przekroju poprzecznego w grupie kontrolnej podczas porównywania ręki dominującej i niedominującej. Pole przekroju poprzecznego było większe w grupie z obwodową neuropatią cukrzycową w trzech miejscach (wejście do kanału łokciowego, wyjście z kanału łokciowego, kanał Guyona) w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Wniosek: Ultrasonografia wysokiej rozdzielczości może okazać się pomocna we wczesnej diagnostyce neuropatii obwodowej u pacjentów z cukrzycą. Artykuł w wersji polskojęzycznej jest dostępny na stronie http://jultrason.pl/index.php/wydawnictwa/volume-17-no-70
Objectives: Vertigo is a very common symptom mainly caused by the lesion of vestibular system (peripheral or central) and often accompanied by some work-related diseases and occupational intoxications. The aim of this study was to assess the value of electronystagmography (ENG) and videonystagmography (VNG) for diagnosing vertigo of various origin. Materials and Methods: The study included four groups, 25 subjects each, of patients suffering from vestibular disorders of peripheral, central and mixed origin versus healthy controls. All were examined by means of ENG and VNG, using the bithermal caloric test with 30°C and 44°C air irrigations of the ears. The findings (frequency of induced nystagmus FRQ, its slow phase velocity SPV, canal paresis CP, directional preponderance DP, vestibular excitability VE) were analysed and compared. Results: In all patients with vertigo due to vestibular neuritis, barotrauma and kinetosis, significant CP, the important sign of peripheral site of vestibular lesion was identified both in ENG and VNG. None of the patients with central origin disorders showed CP in VNG; in the majority of cases DP was observed. However, in ENG we found CP in 5 patients with central origin disorders. There were no essential differences between ENG and VNG in measurements of FRQ and SPV except for higher values in VNG in controls and patients with mixed vertigo. Conclusions: The results suggest that the VNG should be recommended in preference as the valuable method to assess vertigo and to discriminate between the peripheral and the central vestibular lesions.
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The article is devoted to the study of associative field of the word using the method of experiment. The paper presents a brief review of the definitions of concepts such as: free associative experiment, association, content analysis. The article attempts to analyze the results of the free associative experiment, associative field study of steppe. The factual material for illustration of the main provisions was the direct lexical association of the respondents. The experimental data allow us to observe mental stereotypes of society, to reveal its cultural memory, modern values verbalized in associations. The following methods were used in the research: questionnaire survey, descriptive, generalization, systematization, observation, content analysis.
This article discusses the experience of small-townedness/localism through the transfer of theatre activities based on the example of theatre institutions in Słupsk, a small city in northern Poland. Localism, recognised as a theme of theatre performances and a leading trend in the development of close relations with the audience, makes theatre institutions eager to use local narratives referring to the place’s history and the cultural identity of its residents. While eliminating the centre–periphery differences regarding participation in cultural events, localism also allows for a better understanding of the distinctiveness and uniqueness of small and medium-sized cities. Emerging as an artistic way of building community narratives, revising stereotypes and restoring the memory of a place and its past, it makes us consider the current problems of its community entirely anew or from a different angle. The context for the unfolding discussion has been provided by multi-disciplinary research (literary studies, theatre studies, history and anthropology of culture) on complex phenomena and processes of contemporary culture in the era of postmodernity. The common denominator is the recognition and appreciation of activities by local theatre institutions that not only ‘practice’ localism on a daily basis but also use it to tell otherwise ‘invisible’ stories and restore the memory of the past. Their approach to localism emerges as a hallmark of their activities.
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