Research interest in the Łaski family of Korab coat of arms resulted in an array of interesting works and several times more postulates and research queries. Studies from the turn of the 19th and 20th century need to be updated and completed. This concerns both the factual issues and interpretational ones. In his article the author undertakes to accomplish these postulates in relation to the period of education and peregrinations of three representatives of the family from Łask: Hieronim, Jan and Stanisław, sons of Jarosław and Zuzanna of Bąkowa Góra and nephews of chancellor and primate Jan Łaski. Apart from reconstructing some events, the author reinterpreted the preserved source material and juxtaposed the results with the previous state of research. This resulted in identifying some inaccuracies reproduced for decades or statements unconfirmed by any sources which are deep rooted in the historiography.
Zainteresowanie badawcze rodziną Łaskich herbu Korab przyniosło szereg interesujących prac oraz wielokrotnie więcej postulatów i pytań badawczych. Powstałe na przełomie XIX i XX w. opracowania wymagają dziś aktualizacji i uzupełnienia. Dotyczy to tak kwestii faktograficznych, jak i interpretacyjnych. W artykule autor podejmuje próbę realizacji tych postulatów w odniesieniu do czasu edukacji i peregrynacji trzech przedstawicieli rodziny z Łaska: Hieronima, Jana i Stanisława, synów Jarosława i Zuzanny z Bąkowej Góry, bratanków zaś kanclerza i prymasa Jana Łaskiego. Obok rekonstrukcji wydarzeń dokonano ponownej interpretacji zachowanego materiału źródłowego i zestawiono otrzymane wyniki z dotychczasowym stanem badań. Efektem tego zabiegu jest wskazanie powtarzanych przed dekady nieścisłości lub niemających ugruntowania źródłowego twierdzeń, które utrwaliły się dotychczasowej historiografii.
The article presents a lexicographical history of two word families: pąć and peregrynacja. It has been demonstrated how these families evolved quantitatively at various periods of the development of the Polish language, how the semantics of lexemes functioning in these aggregates changed. The analysed material has been excerpted from historical and modern general language dictionaries and etymological dictionaries of Polish as well as from expert publications in the field of religious studies.
The article presents the 15th and 16th century accounts on the journeys of Poles to the Holy Land, including Chorografia abo topografia, to jest osobliwe a okólne opisanie Ziemie Świętej by Anzelm Polak (15/16th century), Terminatio ex itinerario Magnifici Domini Ioannis Comitis in Tarnów… by Jan Tarnowski (1488–1566), Peregrynacja do Ziemi Świętej by Jan Gorynski (16th century) and Podróż do Ziemi Świętej, Syrii i Egiptu by Mikołaj Krzysztof Radziwiłł (“Sierotka”) (1549–1616). The article mentions as well a little known work Peregrinatio ad Terram Sanctam by Johannes Poloner (15th century). Till now, the articles have been discussed separately, in literary or religious contexts. However, due to an increasing interest in the geopoetics, it is beneficial to look at all accounts on journeys to the Holy Land collectively and through them get to know about the lands along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, connecting Syria and Egypt. The aim of this article is to present the arguments confirming the legitimacy of the use of geopoetics in the analysis of old texts. Moreover, the article points out to the issues discussed further in the thesis, e.g. the development of “description” in Polish literary tradition being one of two basic narrative elements
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