Systemy monitoringu wideo od szeregu lat wykorzystywane są w celu zwiększenia poziomu bezpieczeństwa obywateli i ochranianych obiektów [3]. Automatyzacja procesu wykrywania i rozpoznawanie osób wykorzystująca znakowanie obiektów i ich identyfikację w oparciu o zdefiniowaną bazę danych ma kluczowe znaczenie dla podniesienia poziomu bezpieczeństwa chronionych zasobów. W artykule przedstawiono problemy implementacji i testowania aplikacji łączącej w sobie zalety technologii RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) i klasycznej techniki rozpoznawania osób na podstawie rysów twarzy. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie umożliwia zwiększenie efektywności i niezawodności pracy systemu monitoringu przy zachowaniu określonej satysfakcji użytkownika [4].
Process of ensuring the security of citizens requires access to the information from sensors located in different points of monitoring and data acquisition systems [3]. Automating the process of detection and identification of people that uses marking objects and their identification on the basis of defined database is crucial for enhancing the level of security of protected resources. The article presents problems of implementation and testing of applications that combines the advantages of RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification)and technique of recognition of persons on the basis of facial features. The proposed solution makes it possible to increase the efficiency and reliability of the monitoring system while maintaining a specific user satisfaction [4].
In the paper a way of people identification, based on ground reaction forces during gait, is presented. The authors established that each individual has an unique gait pattern that can be described by quantitative parameters, calculated using measurements coming from the force plates. Fifteen volunteers took part in this study. Each person walked barefoot at least 100 times through 10-m-long walkway with the force plates built in. Determinants were calculated based on vertical and anterior-posterior components of the ground reaction force. The obtained parameters were used as an input matrix of the artificial neural network designed for identification of each person. Effectiveness of the recognition was assessed as root mean square error between expected and obtained output values. It was proved, that human identification based on presented determinants of the gait and artificial neural network is possible at a high level.
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