In the awareness of many faithful the sacrament of penance is but a sheer formality, if not a magical way of getting rid of sin. This attitude manifests itself in the way preparation is made for this sacrament. Quite often the major focus is on reading an examination of conscience from a book of prayers and confessing one's sins, whereas the other conditions of adequate and fruitful participation in the sacrament: penitence, contrition, resolution to amend one's life and penance are performed only on a formal level. While preparing the faithful for the sacrament of penance and reconciliation one should, therefore, speak of indirect and direct preparation. As far as the ministry of penance, one can clearly see specific conclusions and tasks. The main source of the present crisis of this sacrament may be found in reducing the whole penance practice solely to individual confession at the cost of non-sacramental forms of taking sins away. The major postulate is therefore to celebrate the liturgy of the sacrament of penance in the context of the whole penance practice of the Church. For the preparation for the sacrament of penance and reconciliation cannot be separated from the holistic context of penance as the major life attitude of everyday conversion understood here as the biblical metanoia. Moreover, the common practise of celebrating the sacrament may make one conclude that the character of penance is purely personal and that the purpose is to re-establish a correct relation between an individual and God. The reality is that a man does not live in perfect isolation from one's brothers and sisters. One's salvation takes place in a human environment. Therefore one can enumerate these most vital pastorał postulates preparing for the sacrament of penance: shaping the sensibility of the faithful to an individual and social character of sin and conversion, emphasizing the communal element in preparation for the liturgy of the sacrament of penance and understanding a confessor's involvement in shaping the social and ecclesial attitude of a penitent.
Instytucję tajemnicy spowiedzi należy rozpatrywać w kontekście sakramentu spowiedzi. Tajemnica spowiedzi odnosi się do treści wyznanych w czasie spowiedzi indywidualnej, podczas gdy penitent w sposób sekretny wyjawia spowiednikowi swoje grzechy. Tajemnica spowiedzi w prawie kanonicznym ma charakter bezwzględny. Ustawodawca kościelny stwierdza, iż nie istnieje żadna władza, która byłaby w stanie zwolnić podmiot zobowiązany do zachowania tajemnicy spowiedzi z tego obowiązku. Naruszenie tajemnicy w prawie kanonicznym postrzegane jest jako złamanie prawa i jako takie jest usankcjonowane właściwymi karami. Ustawodawca w kan. 1388 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. czyni rozróżnienie między bezpośrednią i pośrednią formą naruszenia tajemnicy, które obwarowane są obligatoryjną karą. W pierwszym przypadku spowiednik podlega ekskomunice wiążącej mocą samego prawa, zarezerwowanej Stolicy Apostolskiej, w drugim – powinien być ukarany stosowną karą. Ponadto, tajemnica spowiedzi oraz przestępstwo naruszenia tajemnicy spowiedzi zostało uregulowane w Normae de gravioribus delictis z 2001 r. i Normae de delictis reservatis z 2010 r.
The seal of confession should be considered in the context of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. The seal of confession involves information that was revealed during the individual confession while the penitent reveals his sins to the priest. The seal of confession in canon law is absolute and inviolable. It is stated that there is no authority that is able to let the priest betray the seal of confession. Betraying the seal of confession is considered as a breach of the law and as a consequence it is sanctioned by appropriate penalties. The legislator in can. 1388 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law distinguishes between direct and indirect form violating seal of confession. Both are subject of the mandatory punishment. As a result of direct betrayal of seal of confession the priest is excommunicated latae sententiae (this punishment is reserved to the Apostolic See), while the indirect betrayal of seal of confession should be punished with an appropriate penalty. Moreover, the seal of confession and the crime of violating the seal of confession is regulated also by Normae de gravioribus delictis (2001) and Normae de delictis reservatis (2010).
Sakrament pokuty jako miejsce doświadczania uzdrawiającej i wyzwalającej łaski Bożej, stanowi odpowiedź Kościoła na dramat osób obarczonych nałogami oraz propozycję jednej z dróg wyzwolenia z sideł różnych uzależnień. Szafarz tego sakramentu, działając in persona Christi, jest często pierwszą osobą, której penitent „nałogowy” – przeżywający rozmaite trudności – powierza swoją historię. Implikuje to konieczność odpowiedniego przygotowania spowiednika zarówno w sferze intelektualnej, jak i osobowościowej. Punktem wyjścia artykułu jest ukazanie cech penitenta „nałogowego” oraz specyficznych trudności, jakie mogą mu towarzyszyć podczas sakramentu pokuty. Na gruncie tych analiz autor skupił się na kompetencjach spowiednika osób dotkniętych nałogami oraz na uzdrawiającym wymiarze jego posługi. Ostatnia część poświęcona jest konieczności współpracy kapłana z różnego rodzaju środowiskami zajmującymi się profilaktyką i leczeniem osób dotkniętych nałogami.
The Sacrament of Penance is the Church’s solution to the personal tragedies of people suffering from addictions and a way of fighting with various vices. It serves as a place to experience the healing and liberating grace of God. The minister of this Sacrament, acting in persona Christi, is frequently the first person to be trusted to hear stories of addicted penitents who struggle with various difficulties. This implies the necessity of proper intellectual and psychological preparation of confessors. The starting point of the article is a specification of the common features of addicted penitents, along with particular difficulties which may accompany them during the Sacrament of Penance. The author concentrates on the competencies of confessors who minister to addicts and on the healing aspect of the confessor’s ministry. The final part is dedicated to the importance of cooperation between confessors and various social groups working to rehabilitate addicts and prevent the emergence of addictions.
Die katholische Kirche begleitet den Christ auf dem Weg zur Vollkommenheit. Eine besondere Rolle auf diesem Weg spielt das BuBsakrament. Davon zeugen viele Dokumenten der Kirche. In diesem Artikel versuchen wir zu verstehen, wie man dem Beichtendem helfen kann, richtig und fruchtvoll am Bußsakrament teil zunehmen. In der Moraltheologie, die für die heutige Pädagogik und Psychologie offen ist, sieht man mindestens vier Etappen der geistlichen Entwicklung. Die drei Etappen betreffen den Beichtenden. Es geht um die Heteronomie, Autonomie und Theonomie. Jede Etappe bleibt für verschiedene Tugenden offen. In der Heteronomie etappe sind vor allem der Gehorsam, das Recht und die Autoritat wichtig; in der Autonomie besonders die Freiheit und die Liebe. Die letzte Etappe, die Theonomie, wird eine Synthese aller friiheren Etappen. Eine hervorstehende Tugend für die Theonomie bleibt die Verantwortlichkeit. Der Priester soli wissen, auf welcher Etappe der Moralentwicklung der konkrete Beichtende ist. AuBerdem muss man wissen, welche spezifischen Probleme das modernę Leben schafft. Man kann sagen, dass es heute vor allem um bioethischen Fragen geht. Alle, die in der Seelsorge tätig sind, sollen dem Beichtenden helfen. Der Weg zur Vollkommenheit ist lang und das BuBsakrament bleibt eine besondere und wertvolle Hilfe für den Christ.
Artykuł porusza dotąd niedopracowaną naukowo problematykę tajemnicy spowiedzi w procesie karny w kontekście odwołania upoważnienia do sprawowanie sakramentu pokuty w prawie kanonicznym. Okazuje się, że regulacje prawa kanonicznego i procesu karnego są spójne w zakresie gwarancji nienaruszalności tajemnicy spowiedzi, zwanej „pieczęcią sakramentalną”. Tajemnica nie obowiązuje, jeżeli spowiednik nie jest kapłanem, ponieważ tylko kapłan może ważnie sprawować ten sakrament. Rozważania artykułu dotykają również innych kwestii podmiotowych i przedmiotowych, które mają wpływ na tajemnicę spowiedzi w prawie kanonicznym i w procesie karnym.
The article addresses the hitherto under-researched issue of the seal of confession in the criminal trial in the context of revoking the authority to administer the sacrament of penance in canon law. It turns out that the regulations of canon law and criminal trial are consistent in guaranteeing the inviolability of the seal of confession, known as the ‘sacramental seal’. Secrecy does not apply if the confessor is not a priest since only a priest can validly administer this sacrament. The article’s considerations also deal with other subjective and objective issues that have impact on seal of confession in canon law and criminal trial.
The issue was discussed primarily on the grounds of the legal acts and documents of the Magisterium and the legislation of the Republic of Poland. Additionally, there were presented theological and canonical views, as well as those referring to the doctrine of the Polish law. At first, the theological and canonical aspect of the Sacrament of Penance was presented within the said issue. Then, there were discussed problems relating to the protection of the sanctity of the Sacrament of Penance on the basis of the canon law. With this respect, the essence of the mystery and secrecy of confession was explained in the beginning, then there were shown forms of its infringement. Furthermore, we presented crimes which might be committed in the administration and reception of the Sacrament of Penance and canonical sanctions resulting from such commission. In the context of the presented issue, it was also essential to emphasize the protection of secrecy of confession in the Polish law, particularly on the grounds of the Polish procedural law, mainly with respect to the existing inadmissibility of evidence relating to information received under the seal of confession in the criminal, civil and administrative procedures. The paper also addressed the possibility of taking a legal responsibility before Church Court for violating the seal of confession in the Polish law.
A confessor is not required to have special knowledge about bioethical issues. In these cases the confessor needs to discern the internal dispositions of the penitent; i.e., their repentance, conversion and the readiness to change. The minister of reconciliation needs to keep in mind that this sacrament was established for men and women who are sinners, and for this reason the confessor should receive penitents and assume their good will to be reconciled with the merciful God who is willing to be born in a humble heart. The attack on human life touches the very core of the human person. In this area there are no light or irrelevant issues and, therefore, the confessor dealing with this problem is in contact with life and death. God is always first in the sacrament of reconciliation. Let every confessor keep in mind that the confessional is not a torture chamber but the place where the penitent experiences God’s mercy and where they receive an invitation to change and to do good. The penitent should always hear the truth and receive the assurance of salvific love which, in a mysterious way, is at work in every human being independently of their shortcomings and shortfalls.
Can 965 CIC states that only a priest is the minister of the sacrament of penance. A sacerdotal character and faculty is necessary to administer validly the sacrament of penance. Every priest should aim to give an opportunity to faithful people that they successfully benefit from going to confession. A priest is obliged to take care of his own spiritual and intellectual growth, and in exercising his ministry he must adhere faithfully to the doctrine of the Magisterium, but he should remember that the imposition of a penance by the confessor must be individualised. The confessor is to impose salutary and appropriate penances in proportion to the kind and matter of sin confessed, taking into account the condition of the penitent. He should be especially sensitive to those people who by being in ecclesiastical suspense cannot receive a sacramental absolution. He should also be available to minister to people from other churches which do not have full unity with the Catholic Church. It should be in the situations provided by the law. Finally the priest is obliged to observe the secrecy of the confessional, which no one can release him from – the sacramental seal is inviolable.
Autor podkreśla, że Kościół zawsze przywiązywał szczególną wagę do poufności spotkania wiernych z kapłanem podczas sprawowania sakramentu pokuty. Ochrona tego, co z biegiem czasu będzie określane jako „tajemnica spowiedzi”, splata się z historycznym rozwojem formy sakramentu – gdzie postępujący zanik pokuty publicznej i wprowadzenie spowiedzi, uogólnionej już w końcu XII w. w formie, jaką znamy dzisiaj – oraz rozwój dyscypliny kanonicznej w formach właściwie prawnych, a nie tylko teologicznych czy moralnych. Faktycznie, zanim przejdziemy do specyfiki tematu rozpatrywanego w perspektywie kanonicznej, uznającego naruszenie tajemnicy spowiedzi za przestępstwo, autor najpierw prześledzi pewne refleksje biblijne i teologiczne, aby lepiej zrozumieć powody, dla których Kościół przywiązuje to szczególne znaczenie do całkowitej nienaruszalności tajemnicy spowiedzi. To właśnie na Soborze Laterańskim IV (1215) po raz pierwszy zostały ustanowione moralne i prawne obowiązki jako powszechne prawo Kościoła, przewidując surowe kary dla kapłanów, którzy je łamią.
The Author highlights how the Church has always attributed particular relevance to the privacy of the encounter between the faithful and the priest in the administration of the Sacrament of Penance. The protection of what in the course of time will be defined as the „seal of the confessional” is intertwined with the historical development of the form of the Sacrament – when the progressive disappearance of public penance and the introduction of auricular confession, already generalized by the end of the twelfth century, in the form known to us today assumes particular importance – and the development of canonical discipline in its elaboration into juridical forms properly so called, and not only theological or moral. In fact, before entering into the specifics of the eminently canonical subject on hand, the violation of the sacramental seal as a crime, the Author first of all presents some biblical and theological reflections, in order the better to understand the reasons why the Church attributes this particular importance to absolute inviolability of the confessional seal. It is with the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) that a canon sanctions for the first time the moral and juridical obligation as a universal law of the Church, foreseeing grave penalties for priests who break it. The discipline of the Church in subiecta materia has always remained substantially the same, except for the specification of other types, as the absolution of one’s accomplice, way in the past, or, more recently, the extension of the violation of the seal through technical means. In canonical legislation regarding the sacramental seal, the Church, then, intends to transmit the pedagogy of the love of the Father of mercy on the one hand and on the other She desires to direct Her ministers to try to live the gift of ministerial and spiritual paternity, which enables them, in every experience of this seal-secret of the auricular dialog of confession, to be privileged witnesses of the sanctity of this sacrament after the example of Saint John Nepomucene (1349–1393), who endured even martyrdom of blood in maintaining the importance of the absolute value of the inviolability of the seal of confession. Therefore not even the death of the penitent can release the confessor from this bond. The law of the sacramental seal does not admit any exceptions. No confessor can be dispensed from it, even if in wanting to reveal the contents of a confession he intends to avoid a grave and imminent evil. The sacramental seal, understood in this way, also becomes a guarantee of the marvels of God in the heart of every individual penitent, who entrusts himself to the heart of the pastors, who echo in the existential here and now of each one the beauty of the merciful and transforming Love of the Father, given by the redeeming sacrifice of Christ.
L’autore mette in evidenza come da sempre la Chiesa ha attribuito particolare rilevanza alla riservatezza dell’incontro tra il fedele ed il sacerdote nell’amministrazione del Sacramento della Penitenza. La tutela di quello che, nel corso del tempo, sarà definito „segreto confessionale” si intreccia con lo sviluppo storico della forma del Sacramento – ove assume particolare rilevanza la progressiva scomparsa della penitenza pubblica e l’introduzione della confessione auricolare, ormai generalizzata già alla fine del XII secolo, nella forma da noi oggi conosciuta – e lo sviluppo della disciplina canonica nella sua elaborazione in forme propriamente giuridiche, e non solamente teologiche o morali. Infatti, prima di entrare nello specifico del tema trattato in prospettiva eminentemente canonica considerando la violazione del sigillo sacramentale in quanto delitto, l’autore traccia dapprima alcune riflessioni bibliche e teologiche, al fine di comprendere maggiormente le ragioni per cui la Chiesa attribuisce questa particolare importanza all’assoluta inviolabilità del sigillo confessionale. E’ con il Concilio Lateranense IV (1215) che un canone sancisce per la prima volta il suo obbligo morale e giuridico come legge universale della Chiesa, prevedendo gravi sanzioni per i sacerdoti che lo infrangono. La disciplina della Chiesa in subiecta materia è poi sempre rimasta sostanzialmente la medesima, salvo la specificazione di altre fattispecie, come l’assoluzione del complice, fin in antico, ovvero, più recentemente, la dilatazione della violazione del sigillo mediante strumenti tecnici. Nella normativa canonica riguardante il sigillo sacramentale la Chiesa, quindi, intende trasmettere da una parte la pedagogia d’amore del Padre della misericordia e, dall’altra, desidera orientare i Suoi ministri a sperimentare e vivere il dono della paternità ministeriale e spirituale, che permette loro, in ogni esperienza di questo sigillosegreto del dialogo auricolare della confessione, di essere testimoni privilegiati della santità di questo sacramento sull’esempio di San Giovanni Nepamuceno (1349–1393), che giunse fino al. martirio di sangue per custodire la portata assoluta della valenza dell’inviolabilità del sigillo sacramentale. Pertanto, neppure la morte del penitente potrà sciogliere il confessore da questo vincolo. La legge del sigillo sacramentale non ammette eccezioni. Nessun confessore può esserne dispensato, anche se nel voler rivelare il contenuto di una Confessione intendesse evitare un grave e imminente male. Il sigillo sacramentale, così inteso, diventa anche garanzia delle mirabilia Dei nel cuore di ogni singolo penitente, che si consegna al cuore dei pastori, che riverberano nel qui ed ora esistenziale di ciascuno la bellezza dell’Amore misericordioso e trasfigurante del Padre, donato dal sacrificio redentore di Cristo.
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