During the 16th–18th centuries major changes took place in western European education, both within the organization as well as the methods and curricula, which are often referred to as an educational revolution. Humanism and the Reformation had a significant impact on the changes, and in the 17th century – the rapid development of science and technology. Polish contribution to the ongoing transformation of education was relatively small, but the solutions developed in the West were used. The main assumptions of Renaissance pedagogy were known in Poland already in the 15th century, and in the next century Reformation brought a new organizational model of schools and new educational solutions and curricula. These changes were also consolidated by the teaching orders, which over time monopolised teaching of the middle-level. These changes were introduced to the Polish education by foreign teachers and reformers who came to Poland in large numbers. New concepts were not just passively accepted, as there were a number of improvements, adjusting these concepts to the Polish conditions.
The article deals with the theoretical bases of forming the future teacher readiness for innovative educational activity in the process of pedagogical practice. Nowadays the readiness to innovative educational activity is one of the most important qualities of a teacher and the factor of his successful professional activity. The aspects of teacher readiness are considered to innovative activity taking into account modern priorities of education. Teacher’s readiness to development, testing and implementation pedagogical innovation in the educational process appears as a necessary component of their professional readiness. The term «readiness to innovative educational activity» is defined as a personal and professional quality, characterized by awareness of the importance and students’ interests to the training and educating pupils on the basis of innovation; presence of motivation while obtaining special knowledge, skills, which are embodied in the organization of educational work; requirements to creative self-actualization and self-realization. It has been found that teaching practice develops the students’ creativity and independence, promotes them as socially active individuals with innovative potential. The structural components of readiness to innovative educational activity are characterized. Readiness to innovate activity is an integral quality of the individual, and it is characterized by a certain degree of formation of motivational, cognitive, creative, reflective and technological components in their unity, which is manifested in the desire to innovative educational activity, in readiness for its implementation at the professional level. The pedagogical conditions of students’ readiness forming to innovative educational activity during teaching practice are determined. The formation of teachers’ readiness to innovative activity is a process that allows the teacher to help in the developing of his values and humanistic orientation, awareness of solving methodology vocational and educational problems, the specific concepts, the ways to implement the conceptual schemes of experience; understanding his results of pedagogical innovations, criteria development of their evaluation and self-esteem.
Modern society requires high level of professionalism and competence from a teacher. Some prerequisites of the use of historical and pedagogical heritage with the aim to form ethnic cultural and multicultural students’ skills in the process of high school necessary fro future pedagogical work in modern conditions are colligated. The problem of the use of creative platform resources of museums of educational establishments, city and region as a micro factor of professional competence of future educators is illuminated. The necessity of pedagogical innovations and historically approved retro experience, personifying ideas implementing and progressive tendencies in modern high school is actualized.
Współczesne społeczeństwo wymaga od pedagoga wysokiego poziomu profesjonalizmu i kompetencji. W artykule uogólniają się niektóre przesłanki użycia historyczno-pedagogicznej spuścizny w celu kształtowania przyzwyczajeń studentów w oświatowym procesie wyższej szkoły, koniecznych dla przyszłej pedagogicznej działalności we współczesnych warunkach. Oświeca się problem użycia zasobów twórczych placów muzeów nauczalni, miasta i regionu jak mikroczynnika fachowej kompetencji przyszłych pedagogów. Zaktualizowano konieczność integracji pedagogicznej innowacji i historycznie zaaprobowanego retrodoświadczenia, wprowadzenia upersonifikowanych ideii progresywnych tendencji we współczesnej wyższej szkole.
Современное общество требует от педагога высокого уровня профессионализма и ком- петентности. В статье обобщаются некоторые предпосылки использования историко- педагогического наследия с целью формирования этнокультурных и поликультурных навыков студентов в образовательном процессе высшей школы, необходимых для бу- дущей педагогической деятельности в современных условиях. Освещается проблема использования ресурсов творческих площадок музеев учебного заведения, города и региона как микрофактора профессиональной компетенции будущих педагогов. Актуа- лизировано необходимость интегрирования педагогической инноватики и исторически апробированного ретроопыта, внедрения персонифицированных идей и прогрессивных тенденций в современной высшей школе.
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