The article reveals the problem of one of the present-day innovative trends in education – technologization of educational process in higher educational pedagogical institution that promotes a clear structure formation, systematic training of future teachers, provides the opportunity to predict and successfully achieve the intended result. The author has suggested the results of the research concerning the use of the level of formation of primary school teachers speaking skills diagnostics. It has been proved that systematic diagnostics as one of the most important components of the technologization process is not only a means of controlling the level of formation of students speaking qualities, but also a kind of their motivation to further professional development and self-improvement. The objective of this research was to study the role of diagnostics of the level of formation of freshmen speaking qualities in order to form their positive motivation to professional communication behavior. The students involved into the survey study at «Primary schooling» department of the Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. The main methods of the research were: analysis of linguistic, pedagogical, psychological and teaching works of Ukrainian and foreign authors, teachers’ observations, surveys, testing, expert evaluation, self-assessment to determine the level of formation of students speaking skills, method of mathematical statistics – for the research results processing. The article reveals the features of the author’s program SpeechAnalyzer in students’ communicative training. It includes the design and organization of the process of determination of the levels of formation of future primary school teachers’ professional speaking qualities. Key research results – it has been proved that it was systematic and objective diagnostics of the level of formation of freshmen, who are students of “Primary schooling” department of the Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University speaking qualities using a computer program SpeechAnalyzer that provided creation of their positive motivation in formation of professional speaking. It has been determined that further research will concern the studying of the possibilities of using the suggested system for diagnostics of speaking qualities during all the years of future primary school teachers professional training.
Analizowana jest integralność procesu pedagogicznego, współdziałania pedagogicznego i jego typy. W artykule rozpatrywane są: komunikacja pedagogiczna, jej funkcja i etapy; inicjatywa wykładowcy w procesie komunikacji pedagogicznej, jej funkcje i etapy; inicjatywa pedagoga w procesie kierowania komunikacją pedagogiczną i czynniki, które ją gwarantują; aksjologiczna podstawa kształcenia i jej humanistyczny charakter.
Integrity of pedagogical process, pedagogical interaction and its types within the framework of holistic pedagogical process are analyzed. Pedagogical communication, its functions and stages; the teacher’s initiative in the process of management of pedagogical communication and factors that provide it; axiological basis of education, its humanistic character are described.
У статті проаналізовано літературні джерела з проблеми професійно-мовленнєвої культури вчителя фізичної культури. Показано, що формування професійно-мовленнєвої культури майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури передбачає цілеспрямоване навчання з використанням педагогічних методик. Доведено, що застосування спецкурсу сприяє формуванню високого рівня професійно-мовленнєвої культури в процесі оволодіння педагогічними методиками. Підтверджено, що впровадження в навчально-виховний процес розробленої програми формування професійно-мовленнєвої культури актуалізувало процес самовизначення майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури щодо педагогічної діяльності.
The article analyzes literary sources on the issue of professional speech culture of the of physical training teacher. It is shown that the formation of professional speech culture of future teachers of physical training implies purposeful training using pedagogical methodologies. It is proved that the application of the course promotes high-level professional speech culture in the process of mastering pedagogical techniques. It is confirmed that introduction in the educational process of the developed program of formation of professional speech culture stimulated the process of self-determination of future teachers of physical training at a pedagogical activity.
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