We present the last millennium of history of a peatland located in northern Poland. Our results are based on two replicate monoliths taken from a Baltic raised bog. We applied a high-resolution approach and radiocarbon dating to the peat material to obtain a detailed palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. To reconstruct past peatland moisture, we used three proxies: testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and pollen. Despite different peat accumulation and extensive hiatus in the formerly studied core, both monoliths show a similar pattern of changes. However, the core from this study provides us with more detailed data on S. fuscum disappearance which correlates well with the data from the other Baltic bog, Słowińskie Błoto. Our research shows that pristine Baltic bogs can be dated to AD 1350. Słowińskie Błoto palaeohydrology confirms AD 1300 as the beginning of the hydrological disturbance. In the case of the Stążki and Słowińskie Błoto bogs, the Little Ice Age (LIA) is recorded between AD 1500 and AD 1800. However, this climatic change might have been blurred by human impact. In the case of the Baltic bogs, their reference virgin state can be dated to AD 1200. After this date, we observed increasing human impact and climatic instability connected with the LIA. However, between AD 1800 and 1900, bogs were wet, most possibly due to climatic forcing. This fact suggests that despite human impact, recent peat deposits can still reflect climate. Our research provided information related to the time of existence, location and characteristics of the natural/pristine state. High-resolution peatland palaeoecology is crucial for restoration activities, e.g., rewetting and environmental management. The palaeohydrological context (supported by other proxtes) of the last 1000 years provides a retiable answer to the question: 'To rewet or not to rewet?'
Artykuł przedstawia związki przestrzenne wydm i obszarów mokradłowych w centralnej Polsce oraz zapis aktywności eolicznej w osadach biogenicznych. Interakcję wydm i sąsiadujących z nimi torfowisk rozpatrzono dla holocenu, nawiązując do chronologii archeologicznej. Przedstawione stanowiska z środkowej Polski dobrze ilustrują zapis wzbudzanych antropogenicznie zmian, jak też reakcję na te zmiany w geosystemach mokradłowych. Osady eoliczne składane były w postaci miąższych warstw w osadach biogenicznych w strefie styku wydm i mokradeł lub cieńszych wkładek i domieszek – w innych częściach badanych torfowisk. Dla młodszej części holocenu okresy zintensyfikowanych procesów eolicznych odniesiono do etapów tzw. antropogenicznej fazy wydmotwórczej.
The article is focused on considerations on spatial relationships between dunes and wetlands in Central Poland and also on aeolian record in organic deposits. The interactions between dunes and neighboring peatlands have been analysed for the Holocene, according to the archaeological chronology. The presented sites illustrate well the record of human inducted processes as well as the reaction of wetland ecosystems. Aeolian deposits were deposited as thick layers within biogenic sediments at the contact zone of dunes and wetlands and as thinner interlaminations or admixtures in other parts of the studied peatlands. For the Late Holocene, periods of intensified interaction between aeolian processes and peatland have been related to stages of the so-called human-inducted dune forming phase.
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Charakteryzując torfowiska Kotliny Sandomierskiej uwzględniono ich rozmieszczenie w mezoregionach fizycznogeograficznych, rodzaj i charakter. Wyróżniono 10 obszarów obniżonych w postaci dolin i równin oraz 5 obszarów wyższych o 30–70 m w postaci płaskowyży i podgórzy. Analizowano liczbę, powierzchnię, wielkość złóż torfu, średnią miąższość i popielność złóż oraz ich stratygrafię (złoża szuwarowe, turzycowiskowe, mechowiskowe, olesowe, mszarne przejściowe, brzezinowe przejściowe, mszarne wysokie, złoża pogrzebane i gytiowiska). Omówiono publikowane prace: florystyczne, fitosocjologiczne, palinologiczne, torfoznawcze i paleogeograficzne.
The peatlands of the Sandomierz Basin were characterized according to their location, type and character in physico-geographical mesoregions. Ten lower regions, valleys and planes, and 5 higher regions of 30–70 m above, plateaux and submontane districts, were specified. The number, the surface area and the size of peatlands were analized as well as their average thickness, ash content and stratification (rush, sedge, parvocaricetum, transition bog, bogmoss, alder, transition birch, raised bogmoss, buried and gyttia deposits). Published papers on flora, vegetetion, palynology, peatforming processes and palaeogeography were presented.
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