Plant parasitic nematodes feed and develop on many economically important crop species causing high losses amounting to many billions dollars every year throughout the world. This negative balance make them the second most damaging group of pathogen/pests after fungi. Additionally, some of them are viral vectors that is contributing to their higher extent of harm caused. Nevertheless, plant nematology is underrepresented in terms of staff in comparison to other fields focusing on plant pests and pathogens. Development in biotechnology however, caused also the development in plant nematology providing tools for characterization or identification of nematode species. New modern diagnostics approaches are continuously described on the basis of genome analysis. Also in Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute several studies are conducted that concentrate on populations variability of economically important nematode species, diagnostics, and plant-nematode interactions. Another aspect of interest involving biotechnologists is characterization of host reaction to plant-parasitic nematode infection and description of genes participating in production of resistance against those pests. The use and generation of resistant cultivars is a powerful tool in reducing the spread of some quarantine nematodes. Since nematodes are very difficult to destroy, their reduction is a major challenge for plant protection. The use of biotechnology along with other alternative approaches may help to achieve this goal.
Both native European species, Bursaphelenchus mucronatus and B. fraudulentus, are relatively common and harmless to trees. They belong to the xylophilus group, which includes also the quarantine pest B. xylophilus – the causal agent of the pine wilt disease. They can be difficult to distinguish morphologically from each other and from B. xylophilus. Therefore, reliable methods of taxonomic identification of these species are therefore of particular interest to plant quarantine services. PCR amplification with specific primers enables rapid and precise species identification, even from a single nematode. In 2004, Matsunaga and Togashi designed specific primers for B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus. The aim of this study was to design specific primers for B. fraudulentus. The specificity of the newly designed primers was tested on eight isolates of B. fraudulentus which originated from different parts in Europe (Austria, Germany, Poland, Russia and Ungarn). For all isolates, PCR amplification resulted in products of identical length of 617 bp, but no PCR products were generated for B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus. The PCR amplification with primer sets specific for B. xylophilus (XF and XR), B. mucronatus (MF and MR) and those for B. fraudulentus (FF and FR) designed in this study resulted in amplicons of different lengths (557, 210 and 617 bp, respectively), which can be easily distinguished in agarose gels.