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Content available remote Vtělení: subjekt a tělo v díle Emmanuela Levinase
In his late philosophy, Levinas finds that the human being, along with his body, is constituted by “sensibility as proximity, as signification, as one-for-the-other, which signifies in giving”; otherwise he or she is not human. For Levinas, therefore, it is also an affectivity, which, in its bind to the Other, opens up as a sensitivity to the Other. The Other is what animates affectivity. In Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence, “the passage to the physico-chemico-physiological meanings of the body”, that is prepared by “sensibility as proximity, as signification, as one-for-the-other”, as the materialization of the body, is now exclusively reabsorbed in ethical signification. Nevertheless, the article shows some other figures of incarnation in the earlier works of Levinas as well: the position and the enjoyment.
Content available remote Reduction of large circuit models via low rank approximate gramians
We describe a model reduction algorithm which is well-suited for the reduction of large linear interconnect models. It is an orthogonal projection method which takes as the projection space the sum of the approximate dominant controllable subspace and the approximate dominant observable subspace. These approximate dominant subspaces are obtained using the Cholesky Factor ADI (CF-ADI) algorithm. We describe an improvement upon the existing implementation of CF-ADI which can result in significant savings in computational cost. We show that the new model reduction method matches moments at the negative of the CF-ADI parameters, and that it can be easily adapted to allow for DC matching, as well as for passivity preservation for multi-port RLC circuit models which come from modified nodal analysis.
Content available remote Automatic control of mechatronic systems
This contribution deals with different concepts of nonlinear control for mechatronic systems. Since most physical systems are nonlinear in nature, it is quite obvious that an improvement in the performance of the closed loop can often be achieved only by means of control techniques that take the essential nonlinearities into consideration. Nevertheless, it can be observed that industry often hesitates to implement these nonlinear controllers, despite all advantages existing from the theoretical point of view. On the basis of three different applications, a PWM-controlled dc-to-dc converter, namely the 'Cuk-converter, the problem of hydraulic gap control in steel rolling, and the design of smart structures with piezolelectric sensor and actuator layers, we will demonstrate how one can overcome these problems by exploiting the physical structure of the mathematical models of the considered plants.
This paper summarizes the results of the investigations on selected topics from the field of materials science, such as: composition and stability of the passive films on metal alloys and the effect of electrochemical and chemical modifications on the catalytic activity and selectivity of Cu-based amorphous alloys as well as of Raney Ni catalysts doped with Cr. Microscopic and surface analytical techniques like scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) provide an in sight into the mechanism of the functionalization of the materials studied. The local chemical and morphological inhomogeneities at a micro- and nano-scale have been monitored. An attempt has been made to find an interrelation between the composition, structure and morphology of materials and their specific behavior in the processes considered.
Content available remote Reduction of Large Circuit Models Via Low Rank Approximate Gramians
tom Vol. 11, no 5
We describe a model reduction algorithm which is well-suited for the reduction of large linear interconnect models. It is an orthogonal projection method which takes as the projection space the sum of the approximate dominant controllable subspace and the approximate dominant observable subspace. These approximate dominant subspaces are obtained using the Cholesky Factor ADI (CF-ADI) algorithm. We describe an improvement upon the existing implementation of CF-ADI which can result in significant savings in computational cost. We show that the new model reduction method matches moments at the negative of the CF-ADI parameters, and that it can be easily adapted to allow for DC matching, as well as for passivity preservation for multi-port RLC circuit models which come from modified nodal analysis.
Stale niskochromowe stosowane w instalacjach geotermalnych wykazują odporność korozyjną przy zawartości Cr [większe równe] 5%. Warstwy tlenkowe na powierzchni niskochromowych stopów Fe3%Cr oraz Fe5%Cr wytworzone potencjostatyczne w 0,1M Na2SO4 analizowano przy pomocy spektroskopii fotoelektronów oraz Augera. Przeprowadzone w ramach niniejszej pracy badania strukturalne miały na celu stwierdzenie, jakie zmiany zachodzą na powierzchni stopów Fe-Cr przy niskich zawartościach chromu podczas polaryzacji w środowisku obojętnym. W obydwu przypadkach zarejestrowano widma cząstkowe dla Fe, Cr, C i O w wąskim zakresie energii wiązań celem identyfikacji stanu chemicznego poszczególnych pierwiastków. Można przyjąć, iż grubość warstw tlenkowych w obu przypadkach jest zbliżony i są one rzędu kilku nanometrów. Analiza wytworzonej warstwy wskazuje na obecność uwodnionych związków Fe i Cr (hydroksotlenki żelaza/chromu) po zewnętrznej stronie warstewki. Ponadto, dominującymi składnikami części wewnętrznej warstwy są tlenki Fe domieszkowane tlenkami Cr.
Low chromium steels used in geothermal pipelines show sufficient corrosion resistance even with chromium content Cr [większe równe] 5%. Oxide layers on Fe1%Cr and Fe5%Cr were prepared potentiostatically in 0.1M Na2SO4 and were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger spectroscopy. The aim of this work was to explain what kind of changes occure on the surface of low chromium alloys during polarization in neutral environment. For both, Fe3%Cr and Fe5%Cr there were collected spectra of Fe, Cr, C, O in narrow range of bonding energy. The aim of these studies were to identify the chemical state of each element. It can be assumed that thickness of oxide layers are similar for Fe3%Cr and Fe5%Cr alloys and amount up to few nanometers. XPS results showed the presence of hydrated compounds of iron and chromium (hydroxides of Fe-Cr in the outer part of layer). Moreover, the compounds which are predominant of the inside layer are iron oxides with small share of chromium oxides.
Content available remote Passive properties of duplex stainless steels after long-time ageing in air
The influence of long-term ageing in air on the chemical composition of passive films and the electrochemical behaviour of samples was investigated. After mechanical polishing, there is no significant influence of the grain orientation. The passive film thickness is around 1.8 and 2.3 nm the ferrite and the austenite, respectively. The ratio Cr/Fe in the passive film is 0.48 and 0.37 in the ferrite and the austenite, respectively. The behaviour of both phases behave can be described by the CPE. After long-term ageing, the passive film thickness and the ratio Cr/Fe was not significantly affected. By contrast, LEIS diagrams were significantly different than after mechanical polishing. Two capacitive loops were detected in the ferrite phase associated with the passive film and interface. The grain orientation had significant influence on the electrochemical behaviour of the ferrite phase after long-term ageing. On the other hand, the austenite behaves like a blocking electrode represented by the Randles circuit.
W pracy przedstawiono wpływ starzenia w powietrzu stali duplex UNS S32304 na jej elektrochemiczne zachowanie się i skład chemiczny warstwy pasywnej. Wykazano, że orientacja krystalograficzna ziaren nie miała istotnego wpływu na elektrochemiczne zachowanie się stali niestarzonej. Grubość warstwy pasywnej utworzonej na ferrycie była 1,8 nm, natomiast na austenicie 2,3 nm. Z kolei stosunek Cr/Fe dla ferrytu wynosił 0,48, a dla austenitu 0,37. Starzenie próbek stali duplex w powietrzu przez 1 rok nie wpłynęło istotnie na grubość warstwy pasywnej ani na stosunek Cr/Fe. Lokalne badania impedancyjne wykonane dla ferrytu wykazywały obecność dwu pojemnościowych półokręgów, których nie obserwowano dla próbek niestarzonych. Ponadto wykazano, że orientacja krystalograficzna ziaren ma wpływ na elektrochemiczne zachowanie się stopu starzonego. Za pomocą badań LEIS wykazano, że ziarna austenitu zachowują się jak elektroda blokująca.
Content available remote Dylematy edukacji korozyjnej
tom nr 11
Wskazano na dylematy występujące przy przekazywaniu wiedzy korozyjnej. Omówiono problemy interpretacyjne dotyczące zjawisk korozji wysokotemperaturowej (prawa utleniania metali) oraz korozji elektrochemicznej (pasywność i korozja wżerowa żelaza).
Some dilemmas in corrosion education were indicated. Interpretation problems concerning the high temperature corrosion (metal oxidation laws) and the electrochemical corrosion (passivity and pitting of iron) were outlined.
Prevod romana "Wilcze noce" Vlada Žabota je izvir znanja o slovenskem značaju in stereotipih, zlasti heterostereotipih, oblikovanih pod vplivom slovenske kulturne raznolikosti, zgodovinskih dogodkov in družbeno-političnega položaja Slovenije. Karakterološka slovenska neenotnost je očitna tudi v jeziku prevoda, na njegovi semiotično-semantični ravni. Prevod omogoča poljskemu sekundarnemu sprejemniku spoznati stereotip Slovenca kot osebo, ki si prizadeva za samouničitev s potjo ritualnega trpljenja in na ta način z vplivanjem na Drugega z različnimi obredi vsakdanjega življenja, skupnega nasilja in samožrtvovanja. Besedilo prevoda, ki je nastalo 14 let po izidu izvirnika v Sloveniji je oblika obračuna s spremembo predstave Slovenca v poljski in slovenski zavesti.
The novel "Wilcze noce" of Vlado Žabot is the source of knowledge about the Slovene character and stereotype including heterosterotype, formed under the influence of the cultural diversity of Slovenia, its historical and socio-political events. This unevenness of character is plain in the language of translation, in the semiotic and semantic structure. The polish reader can because of the translation of the novel Wilcze noce, come to know the stereotypical of Slovene as a person with strong self-destructive tendencies realized by the means of the ritual suffering at the same time influencing the ‘Other’ in the form of daily life rituals, group violence and self-sacrifice. The text of the translation was shaped 14 years after the first original Slovene edition and is a form of coming to terms with a change of the image of the Slovene in Polish and Slovene mentality.
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