The article presents the model of the vision head that enables the hybrid quality inspection in the vision and infrared band. The presented solution assures raised efficiency of the inspection process by joint analysis of images in the two spectral ranges. The construction of the vision head has the modular structure, which enables the high flexibility and the easy reconfiguration of particular elements. Cameras and lenses from both channel vision can be selected individually in the dependence of the target application requirements. It is possible, with the use of LED light panels !!!! clamped on the external casing to obtain the correct illumination of the inspection area in the vision band. The developed model of the vision head assures the execution of the quality inspection with the use of passive thermography without any additional thermal stimulation, and the active thermography with the stimulation impulse on the researched materials with infrared lamps. IR lamps holders are clamped to the casing of the vision head. In order to protect the camera module against the adverse impact of external factors like high temperature of the inspection process or pollution, the vision head casing has two frames. Between the external and the internal jacket there is a space, which isolates and is located inside the cameras. The vision head has three independent modules, which enable cooling of the external jacket, the internal area, and vision windows. Compressed air is a cooling medium. This article also presents sample applications of a hybrid method of the quality inspection that uses the passive and the active thermography.
Infrared thermography (IT) is a remote non-invasive technique of temperature distribution measurement and is widely applied in mechanics, electronics, metallurgy, medicine. Experimental part: 11 healthy volunteers (36% of women), mean age (28.09 (4.46)) were recruited for the study. Firstly, according to passive thermography procedure, thermographic images of left and right hand were taken. Afterwards, active thermography procedure was performed. The protocol included immersing left and right hand in ice water, separately. Results and discussion: Active thermography is to a lesser extent dependent on environmental, individual and technical factors of temperature measurement than passive thermography. Additionally, active thermography enables temperature distribution measurement over the course of time. Conclusions: Active thermography is superior to passive method.
Termografia w podczerwieni (IT) jest bezdotykową, nieinwazyjną techniką pomiaru rozkładu temperatury i jest szeroko stosowana w mechanice, elektronice, metalurgii, medycynie i innych dziedzinach. Część eksperymentalna: 11 zdrowych uczestników (36% kobiet), średni wiek (28,09 (4,46)) zostało zakwalifikowanych do badania. W pierwszej kolejności, zgodnie z procedurą termografii pasywnej, wykonano zdjęcia termowizyjne lewej i prawej dłoni. Następnie przeprowadzono procedurę termografii aktywnej. Protokół uwzględniał schłodzenie oddzielnie lewej i prawej dłoni w wodzie z lodem. Wyniki i ich dyskusja: Termografia aktywna jest w mniejszym stopniu zależna od czynników środowiskowych, indywidualnych oraz technicznych pomiaru temperatury niż metoda pasywna. Dodatkowo termografia aktywna umożliwia pomiar rozkładu temperatury w czasie.
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