This study examined the travel behawior of commercial public transport passengers in Lagos State, Nigeria. The descriptive research survey was used in order to assess the opinions of the respondents using the questionnaire. A total of 84 samples were used as representative population, while two null hypotheses were formulated and tested using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 level of significant. The results that were obtained indicated that a positive correlation exists between frequency of travel and commuters income in Lagos Metropolis and also that a positive correlation exists between frequency of travel and distance covered by commuters in Lagos Metropolis. Secondary data was also sourced to serve as complement to the primary data, thus allowing for a robust research. Descriptive statistical tools such as percentages were also adopted to present the socio-economic characteristics in the area. Findings showed that about 57% of sampled population are male, 62 % are civil servants, 48% of respondents travel for business purposes. Also, that majority of the respondents (50%) said that the commercial public transport is highly prone to accident, while about 64% of the respondents commute on daily basis. It was established that lack of transport infrastructure coupled with poor road maintenance were seen as the leading causes of inaccessibility of the area.
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Zarządzanie jakością jest zagadnieniem, które stanowi o możliwościach zapewnienia zadowolenia klientów we wszystkich sektorach gospodarki. Szczególnego znaczenia nabierają wymagania związane z jakością produktów i usług dedykowanych poszczególnym sektorom i branżom. Jakość usług w pasażerskim transporcie kolejowym, jest zagadnieniem szerokim, a ich wypełnienie powinno być priorytetem kolejowych firm transportu pasażerskiego, gdyż on warunkuje możliwość dynamicznego rozwoju przyrostu transportu zbiorowego. Autorzy w niniejszym artykule podjęli się interpretacji obecnego stanu prawnego i biznesowego w kontekście nowych wymagań wobec zarządzania jakością i monitorowania osiągnięć w dziedzinie jakości pasażerskich przewozów kolejowych.
Quality management is an issue, which is the basis to provide customer satisfaction in all sectors of the economy. Particular importance are the requirements related to the quality of products and services, which are dedicated to each sectors and industries. The quality of services in passenger railway transport is an extensive problem. Fulfill the requirements of quality standard should be a priority of passeneger railway transport companies (railway undertakings), because it's determine the ability to dynamically increase the development of public transport. The authors of this article set out to interpretation of the current legal and business status in the context of new requirements for quality management and monitoring of the achievements in the field of quality in rail passenger transport.
W artykule omówiono problemy dochodzenia przez pasażerów roszczeń z tytułu zryczałtowanych odszkodowań, przewidzianych rozporządzeniami unijnymi. Wskazano nieprawidłowości w procesie wyznaczania organów odpowiedzialnych za egzekucję przestrzegania przepisów ww. rozporządzeń. Jednocześnie zwrócono uwagę na problemy związane z dochodzeniem roszczeń z ww. tytułów zarówno przed odpowiednimi organami, jak i sądami. Problemy te wynikają z nieuwzględnienia w obowiązujących w Polsce procedurach sytuacji, w których kompetencja do rozstrzygania tej samej sprawy powierzona została różnym organom.
The article discusses problems of recovery of claims in respect of lump-sum compensation for passengers provided by EU regulations. The authoress shows irregularities in the designation of administrative bodies responsible for enforcement of compliance with the provisions of the above regulations. She also points to problems that arise from the possibility of recovery of passengers claims before administrative bodies and courts at the same time. These problems result from the lack of provisions which regulate the situation when the competence to decide the same case was entrusted to different bodies.
Digitisation of transport is a tool for achieving the European Union’s political goals included in the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe. For rail transport, digital innovation is required to increase its competitiveness. One of the tools of the digital transformation of railways is 5G networks, the fifth generation of wireless communication systems. The purpose of this article is to present the benefits of implementing 5G network for railway operators. Focus was placed on its innovative features, such as ultra-fast access to Internet services, very high connection reliability, and extremely low data transmission delays. Examples of new services for railway operators based on the capabilities of 5G networks were presented. This article describes the unique functions of the 5G network in which resources can be flexibly allocated depending on current traffic needs thanks to the network slicing function, e.g., for services of key importance to rail traffic and commercial services for other market segments. Roadmap proposals for transforming the current rail communication network infrastructure towards the target FRMCS system are presented. The analysis was based on source materials from Nokia Corporation, available literature, EU documents and regulations, as well as institutional studies of the railway sector.
Ustawa o publicznym transporcie zbiorowym określa zasady organizacji i funkcjonowania regularnego przewozu osób w publicznym transporcie zbiorowym, realizowanego na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz w strefie transgranicznej, w transporcie drogowym, kolejowym, innym szynowym, linowym, linowo-terenowym, morskim oraz w żegludze śródlądowej.
Modal split between individual automobile transport and public passenger transport represents a ratio to 70:30 for individual transport. Long-term trend in Slovak republic is decrease in the number of passenger using public passenger transport. One of the possible determinants of passenger demand is service quality. Information is one of the important quality criteria. Information systems in passenger transport companies and information systems for passengers can improve service quality and stimulate passenger demand. In the one way operator should identify the requirements of passengers and in the other way these requirements should be filled with the maximum possible levels. Quality criteria information and punctuality are closely related. Punctuality is important for management of the transport operations and for passenger within the meaning of information about accuracy timetable. Implementation of information systems for passengers and respect for the latest trends can increase the quality of public passenger transport services in the Slovak republic. Raise of customer satisfaction should be the goal of each company, to ensure the sustainability of demand for public transport services.
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