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Studia Ełckie
tom 18
nr 4
377 - 384
In the Archives of the Archdiocese of Warmia in Olsztyn there are two doc-uments of the latter part of the 16th century including information on the parish in Wrzesina. One of them is the description from around 1580, whereas the other post-visitation protocol is of 1598. They are not too detailed, but allow to trace back the date of the consecration of the church and the altars and its equipment. They also offer information about the pastors and teacher and in the case of the 1598 Protocol also the attitude of parishioners to the parish priest. Much attention was paid to material matters as well. From the description of about 1580 we can also learn about the towns belonging to the parish.
The article aims at presenting the resources of the Archive in the Parish of St. Adalbertus in Rydzewo near Rajgród which is dated from 1810 to 2000. The author studies acts among which there are many not obligatory today. Therefore the structure of the article does not follow the present order of parish archives. The important fact is that the Rydzewo Parish acts base mainly on registers dated in XIX century. Since they also contain municipal acts, account, and correspondence, the simple division of the documents is often not possible. The article also mentions the archival material which was annexed by the state archives in the past.
The undertaken analyses enable a conclusion that the investigated visitation of the parish church in Bisztynek in 1798 was very detailed and delivered many interesting information which were skipped in other archival sources. The main part of documents was dedicated to the material cases what is wholly understood for the priests were obliged to notify scrupulously all incomes and expenses of the parish. The especially important information refer to established benefices, priests who worked there, and liturgical ornaments and things.
Studia Ełckie
tom 17
nr 1
The article describes the origins and development of the parish in Radostowo in 1945. The main attention was paid to changes in the equipment of the church, pastoral development, operation of the parish school, religious associations and pastors. Radostowo was founded in the years 1333-1342. Its location was approved in 1362 by Bishop Jan Stryprock and back the church was dated. The first known probost was Thomas Kranch, mentioned in 1482. In 1888-1890 there was conducted a restauration of the interior. The parish was not large. In 1777 Easter Holy Communion was taken by 726 people and 33 children were baptized. In 1901 (after the parish in Frączki was excluded) Easter Holy Communion was taken by 1010 and in 1941 by 1227 people. After World War II the parish did not have its own parish priest for many years until 1 July 1990 when rev. Jan Mucha became the probost and now rev. Marek Choromański has ministered to the parish.
tom 64
nr 6: Teologia pastoralna
According to the Department of Foreign Affairs more and more people come to Poland in order to settle here. Although Poland is considered to be one of the least attractive countries in the European Union for incomers, many of them marry Polish citizens, find a job, study or start their own business in Poland. Such people live in big cities as well as in towns, becoming the members of local communities. Some of them are Catholics of various denominations, others are Christians from other Churches, some are non-believers or remain indifferent to any religion. They all, however, constitute a challenge for pastoral care of the family which aims at bringing them closer to Christ. Parish pastoral care priests, as it is indicated in the teaching of the Church, can undertake various initiatives according to the religious or denominational affiliation of the immigrants and their needs. The forms of assistance of pastoral care priests involve satisfying spiritual, psychological and material needs of incomers. However, the main aim of pastoral care is to integrate the newcomers with the local community.
The Roman Catholic parish as a socio-cultural milieu. The paper deals with a number of essential issues, such as: a) parish membership; b) signs of social bonds in the parish; c) organizational structures of a parish and their activities. We look at the parish from the perspective of the real social integration that takes place on the level of everyday parish life, where social bonds are formed. Current discussions about decline or revival of catholic parish are replaced by those writings, which emphasize change and metamorphosis. The basic metamorphoses to which traditional parish communities are subjected, take place on various levels and in different aspects. In our discussion about the social condition of the Roman Catholic parish in Poland, we mainly focus on its religious and church activities, and not so much on issues related to solving diverse social problems (the public work of a parish).
Studia Ełckie
tom 15
nr 3
In the XIX. and the first half of the XX. century Gołdap belonged to those towns where the Catholic diaspora was surrounded by a substantial majority of Evangelicals. Masses have been celebrated there since 1884. In 1892 Catholic efforts were started to create an independent pastoral institution. For that pur-pose, a plot of land was bought where a church was to be built. The construction plans were prepared by Jobsky, a master bricklayer from Gołdap. By December 1893, the church was constructed in a rough state. The investment was sup-ported by Catholics from Warmia and other dioceses, as well as by some or-ganizations, particularly the Boniface Association in Paderborn. On 16. August 1894, Eduard Lilienweiβ was appointed as the first priest of Gołdap and the church was consecrated on 9. September 1894. Its dedication, led by the Bishop of Warmia Andreas Thiel, was held on 25. June 1895. The church was dedi-cated to Saint Leo the Great and Saint Boniface. Catholic services were deliv-ered by the priest from Gołdap to other places, including Darkiejmy (currently Oziorsk) and Węgorzewo (since 1900). In 1890 738 Catholics were covered by the Gołdap pastoral service, and in 1938 there was 650 of them. The authorities of the diocese and church organizations (like the Boniface and Adalbert Asso-ciation in Frombork) participated in financing priests in Gołdap.
Kościół parafialny pw. Świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła w Grodzisku to ciekawy przykład wzniesionego na początku XVII wieku z fundacji szlacheckiej obiektu sakralnego wyróżniającego się na tle krajobrazu architektonicznego regionu szczególnymi okolicznościami powstania. Obiekt wzniesiony został staraniem Jana Rudnickiego, kasztelana sieradzkiego, który zdecydował się na budowę świątyni pod koniec swojego życia, w podeszłym wieku, wiedząc, że oprócz pięciu córek nie doczeka się już żadnego potomka. Początkowo kościół posiadał skromniejszą formę – dzisiejszy wygląd zyskał w wyniku kilku kolejnych przebudów, które zostały przeprowadzone w XIX wieku. W XVII wieku świątynia ograniczała się jedynie do prostokątnej nawy, półkoliście zamkniętego prezbiterium oraz zakrystii. Stanowi ona przykład udanego połączenia form architektonicznych zakorzenionych w średniowieczu, nadal niezwykle popularnych na terenie dekanatu uniejowskiego, z elementami renesansowego wnętrza. Omawiany obiekt świadczy o pozycji i zamożności fundatora oraz jego trosce, by nawet po śmierci ostatniego Rudnickiego pamięć o tej rodzinie nie uległa zatarciu.
Saint Apostles Peter and Paul’s Church in Grodzisk is an interesting example of a church founded by a nobleman. It was erected at the beginning of the 17th century by the castellan of Sieradz, Jan Rudnicki, who had five daughters and no male heir. He decided to build a temple when he reached an old age and knew that he would not have any more children. Originally,, the church had a much more modest form than today. Its present appearance is the result of several reconstructions carried out in the 19th century. Initially it only had a rectangular nave, a semicircular closed chancel and a sacristy. It is an example of a successful combination of architectural forms rooted in the Middle Ages, still very popular in the Uniejów deanery, with Renaissance elements inside. The church is a testimony to the position and wealth of its founder and his concern to commemorate the family and ensure that it will be remembered long after the death of the last Rudnicki.
This article presents the problematic concerning the relationship between the local Superior and the religious pastor in a parish entrusted to a religious institute, when these offices are not held by the same person. The Author presents briefly a historical evaluation of the concept of the religious parish, i.e. the movement from the beneficium to the communitas. According to the Author there are 3 principles organising this commitment: the salvation of souls, the work (opus) of the institute, and the principle of conserving religious identity. Following these principles, the Author expresses his opinion regarding the limitation of the religious pastor as “pastor proprius paroeciae”, and emphasises the fact that the religious pastor is first of all a religious, without any special rights in the religious community. Lastly, according to the Author, it would be better for religious life to use the canonical office of moderator rather than that of the pastor (cf can. 517, 1983 CIC).
At present, innovative initiatives pose a serious pedagogic challenge, which is also faced by catechists and priests. Therefore, it is worth verifying traditional activities in school and parish environments and seeking new, crea-tive organisational and methodological solutions. This requires creativity of ideas and actions from catechists and priests, since not every initiative deserves to be called innovative. Only introducing better, alternative, reality-changing solutions can be referred to as innovative actions. On the basis of the term “innovative pedagogic initiatives”, as understood in the analyses, the article highlights good practices in the organisation and methodology of initiating various creative activities. They were presented as models for innovative initiatives in the school and parish environment. Also presented were characteristics of catechists and priests – innovators in the school and parish environment, who are open to the “signs of the times”, able to think creatively, to act outside the routine and to cooperate. This was the context in which barriers were described which limit the implementation of pedagogic innovations by catechists and priests and the methods of overcoming them.
W niniejszym artykule w oparciu o dokumenty kościelne i opracowania katechetyczne przedstawiono zagadnienie duszpasterstwa katechetycznego w parafii, etapy katechezy parafialnej, grupy osób dorosłych objętych katechezą oraz treści katechezy biblijnej w parafii. Najwięcej uwagi poświęcono grupom katechetycznym. Wyróżniono w nich osoby podzielone ze względu na zaangażowanie w sprawy wiary, osoby podzielone ze względu na szczególne sytuacje życiowe oraz inne grupy katechetyczne, czyli rodziców, dorosłych posługujących w liturgii oraz katechetów. Do wszystkich tych grup osób dorosłych powinna być skierowana odpowiednia katecheza, w tym również katecheza biblijna otwierająca na spotkanie z Chrystusem obecnym w słowie Bożym.
The present paper describes the problem of parish catechetical ministry, as well as the levels of parish catechesis, groups of adults for which catecheses are intended, and the subject matter of parish biblical catechesis, taking into account the Church documents and catechetical guidelines. Most of the attention was paid to the catechetical groups. There were distinguished groups of adults classified according to their degree of adherence to the faith, or according to their specific life situations, as well as other catechetical groups i.e. parents, lay liturgical ministers, and catechists. A proper catechesis should be directed towards each of these groups of adults. This concerns also the biblical catechesis which prepares to meet Christ present in the Word of God.
The village of Tartaków is situated in the former Bełz powiat, currently in Ukraine. The local Archangel Michael parish church was founded in 1739 by Franciszek Salezy Potocki, the voivod of Kiev and Wolhynia, and crown carver. The construction lasted probably until ca. 1751, when Potocki commissioned the Virgin Mary painting for the church. In the second half of the 18th century the Tartaków church became a Marian sanctuary with the worship of the wondrous painting of Our Lady the Healer of the Sick. In the nave and on the vault the remains of 18th-century frescos by Tomasz Gertner are found. The present appearance of the church is different from the original one; in the late 19th century it was extended, a new chancel was added as well as two chapels functioning as a pseudo-transept. The original shape of the church, austere and simple, indicates the local education of the architect and is deeply rooted in previous architectural solutions.
The article analyzes the information pertaining to the Kostelec deanery in order to understand the activity of this smallest link in the ecclesiastical administration in the pre-Hussite period and, especially, to study the settlement development and property situation of the nobility in the region. It also offers brief information about the subsequent fate of the churches that were linked to the deanery as well as their present-day situation.
The liturgy celebrated in the parish is a special place in which the Church is realized, and in which the work of salvation of people is done. The manifestation of the Church is first done in the congregation of the baptized, which is a sacred congregation or God’s people hierarchically ordered. This congregation, that is the Church, is the subject of the liturgy. Christ, who is truly present in all the Church’s liturgical celebrations, and first of all in the sacraments, himself supports, builds, revives and unites the Church with Himself. The fundamental place in this process is taken by the Eucharist that creates the communio with Christ, and unites the baptized more closely.
Liturgia sprawowana w parafii jest szczególnym miejscem urzeczywistniania się Kościoła, w którym dokonuje się dzieło zbawienia ludzi. Manifestacja Kościoła dokonuje się najpierw w zgromadzeniu ochrzczonych, które jest świętym zwołaniem, ludem Bożym uporządkowanym hierarchicznie. To zgromadzenie, a więc Kościół, jest podmiotem liturgii. Chrystus, który jest prawdziwie obecny we wszystkich czynnościach liturgicznych Kościoła, a przede wszystkim w sakramentach, sam podtrzymuje, buduje, ożywia i jednoczy z sobą Kościół. Fundamentalne miejsce w tym procesie zajmuje Eucharystia, która tworzy communio z Chrystusem i ściślej wiąże ochrzczonych między sobą.
Powojenne dzieje parafii w Kamieniu Pomorskim są równie interesujące, jak i cała kościelna historia tych ziem. Parafia kamieńska powstała już przed wojną w 1925 r. (obecnie istnieją dwie parafie, chociaż druga pw. św. Ojca Pio Pietrelciny tylko nominalnie). Z pewnością obecność tutaj przez prawie 350 lata stolicy biskupiej (1188-1545) wywarło bardzo widoczne przełożenie na współczesne oblicze tejże parafii. Obok dobrze rozwiniętych struktur parafialnych i prężnie działającego duszpasterstwa w jej przestrzeń wpisuje działalność ponadparafialną w postaci kapituły kolegiackiej, sanktuarium pańskiego, Domu Księży Emerytów, festiwalu organowo-kameralnego, jak też wizyt znamienitych gości prymasa Polski kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego, i uroczystości o charakterze diecezjalnym – Millennium Chrztu Polski.
The post-war history of the parish in Kamien Pomorski is as interesting as the whole church history of these lands. Parish Kamieńska was before the war in 1925. (currently there are two parishes, although the second church St. Padre Pio da Pietrelciny only nominally). Certainly being here for almost 350 years episcopal (1188-1545) had a very noticeable impact on the contemporary face of that parish. Next to the well-developed structures and vibrant parish pastoral ministry there are other additional activities : collegiate chapter, the sanctuary of the Lord, the House of Retired Priests, chamber organ festival, as well as visits of distinguished guests including Polish Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, and ceremonies of a diocesan - Millennium of the Baptism of Poland.
Jednym z wiodących kierunków badań naukowych ks. R. Kamińskiego jest problematyka parafii i duszpasterstwa parafialnego. Dużym osiągnięciem tego Autora jest rozwój w Polsce teorii struktury parafii i jej działalności zbawczej. Ks. R. Kamiński jest przekonany, że sku­teczność oddziaływania pastoralnego parafii na wiernych uwarunkowana jest jej permanentną odnową. Istotą odnowy parafii jest natomiast rozwijanie jej wspólnotowego charakteru, pogłę­bianie wiedzy i przekonań religijnych wiernych, większe zaangażowanie apostolskie laikatu oraz kreowanie lub umacnianie istniejących już w parafii substruktur wspólnotowych, zwła­szcza parafialnej rady duszpasterskiej, małych wspólnot religijnych oraz życia wspólnoto­wego prezbiterium parafialnego. Artykuł zawiera analizę dorobku naukowego ks. R. Kamińskie­go w zakresie modelu parafii jako wspólnoty miłości i służby braterskiej.
Kościół garnizonowy św. Wojciecha w Szczecinie został wybudowany w latach 1906-1909. Swój charakter opieki nad duszpasterstwem wojskowym przejął po zakończeniu II wojny światowej. Poprzez posługę duszpasterską kolejnych kapłanów świątynia gromadziła rzesze wiernych związanych z 12 Dywizją Zmechanizowaną w Szczecinie. Wszelkie wymiary duszpasterstwa realizowane w parafii św. Wojciecha ukazują pielęgnowanie tradycji narodowych i religijnych w przeciągu funkcjonowania duszpasterstwa wojskowego, które po przerwie czasów PRL-u od 1991 r. nosi ponownie miano Ordynariatu Polowego.
St. Wojciech’s garrison church in Szczecin was being built in 1906 – 1909. It took over its care of the military ministry after the end of World War II. Thanks to the pastoral care of the following priests, the temple has gathered crowds of the faithful associated with the 12th Szczecin Mechanized Division. All dimensions of pastoral work carried outin St. Wojciech’s parish show nursing of the national and religious traditions within the functioning of the military chaplaincy, which after the break caused by the time of Polish People’s Republic, has again been called, since 1991, the Military Ordinariate.
Sacred Scripture provides indications of how to channel pastoral care in the parish so that pastors and lay evangelizers will be merciful like the Father. The Merciful God is pre¬sented in the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Drachma and the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Pope Francis in Misericordiae Vultus observes that in these parables we discover “the core of the Gospel and of our faith, because mercy is presented as a force that overcomes everything, filling the heart with love and bringing consolation through pardon” (MV, 9). God is portrayed as the Merciful Father searching for those who have left the community of the faithful or got lost in the Church. This image is a foundation for creating a pastoral vision for the parish. From this perspective mercy does not apply only to the charity practices but becomes evangeli¬sation which opens for a personal meeting with Jesus Christ in the Gospel, liturgy, sacraments and the community. From these parables the “imagination of mercy” is born, the imagination which should permeate the parish and indicate the style of pastoral care. The realisation of mercy consists in going to the peripheries of the parish in order to search for those who have left or got lost (cf. NMI, 50). The new “imagination of mercy” encourages us to use the law of gradualness in pastoral care (cf. EG, 34-39; AL, 293-295) and the strategy of facilitation (cf. EG, 44).
A parish is a part of the Church – the community of believers and the Mysti­cal Body of Christ. It is a divine and human community which differs from the communities which are rooted in the mundane world. It is, however, also similar to them as it is rooted in the human reality. Therefore, the rules which concern the organizational theory, can, to a cer­tain extent, be applied to this community and to the way it is ruled because they were develo­ped on the basis of the secular sciences. The theory of the source of this authority helps to understand the nature of the authority of a parson but also helps to use it in a better way. The rules which concern the structure of the authority and its delegation will contribute to improve the pastoral activity by engaging more groups of competent people.
W artykule zostały omówione najpierw rodzaje władzy proboszcza w świetle teorii organi­zacji i zarządzania. Są nimi: władza formalna, władza nagradzania, władza wymuszania, władza ekspercka i władza odniesienia. Wskazane zostały najważniejsze, z punktu widzenia pastoralne­go, źródła władzy we współczesnej posłudze pasterskiej. W dalszej kolejności została omówio­na struktura władzy. Zaakcentowano rolę struktur sztabowych w duszpasterstwie parafialnym i uczestnictwo katolików świeckich w kierowaniu parafią. W artykule ujęte zostało także zagadnienie delegowania władzy przez proboszcza. W sposób szczególny zwrócono uwagę na zalety i trudności w delegowaniu władzy wikariuszom parafialnym.
This text presents the historical outline of the Catholic Parish of Łaszczów from the moments of its first emergence in historical records up until the late 18th century. Firstly, the geographical location of the parish is presented, its size and its place in the organizational structure of the Church. The analysis of the visitation protocols issued by the Bishops of Chełm reveals what the Łaszczów Parish church looked like and how its equipment changed in the period under analysis. A list is of 20 priests is composed, each of them connected with the Łaszczów Parish. The parsons’ benefice is also defined. The latter part of the paper is devoted to the Fraternity of the Holy Rosary, which functioned at the parish. Its financial status and forms of activity are discussed. The text also calculates – approximately – the population of the faithful and the number of the parishioners accepting sacraments in the second half of the 18th century. Also discussed is how the parsons of Łaszczów complied with the duty of launching and running schools, imposed by the Fourth Lateran Council.
Praca przedstawia dzieje łacińskiej parafii łaszczowskiej od momentu pojawienia się jej w źródłach do końca XVIII wieku. Na wstępie określono położenie geograficzne parafii, jej wielkość i miejsce w strukturach organizacyjnych Kościoła. Analizując protokoły powizytacyjne biskupów chełmskich, starano się przedstawić wygląd świątyni łaszczowskiej i jej wyposażenie w badanym okresie. Odtworzono listę 20 duchownych związanych z kościołem łaszczowskim i określono beneficjum plebanów. W dalszej czyści artykułu zajęto się funkcjonującym przy kościele Bractwem Różańca Świętego, ukazując jego sytuację finansową i formy działalności. Określono także w miarę możliwości liczbę wiernych oraz przedstawiono liczbę parafian przystępujących do sakramentów w drugiej połowie XVIII w. Omówiono także realizację przez plebanów w Łaszczowie, nałożonego przez Sobór Laterański IV, obowiązku zakładania i utrzymywania szkół.
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