Isozyme, RAPD and AFLP markers were evaluated and compared for their ability to determine genetic similarity in a set of 18 parental lines of winter oilseed rape F1 hybrids developed using CMS ogura. Five isozyme systems, 64 RAPD starters and 23 EcoRI+3/MseI+3 AFLP primer combinations generated 597 polymorphic markers. These polymorphic fragments were chosen for estimation of genetic similarity. Of the total number of polymorphic products, polymorphic zymograms constituted only 3.0% of the markers, 57 RAPD primers 37.7%, and 23 AFLP primer combinations 59.3%. The size of RAPD polymorphic products ranged from 564 to 2100 bp. On average there were four amplified bands per primer, with 61.0% polymorphism. The AFLP polymorphic fragments ranged from 72 to 1352 bp in size. AFLP assays generated 15 bands per primer pair on average and detected roughly four times more bands than with RAPD analysis. The genetic similarity coefficients based on all marker data range from 0.52 to 0.84. The correlation of genetic similarities based on RAPD and AFLP markers was 0.58. Estimated genetic similarity based on isozyme data was not correlated with genetic similarity derived from the two DNA-based markers. The dendrogram constructed with the three types of markers taken together grouped all the winter oilseed rape parental lines into several similar clusters. The genomic distribution and frequency of the RAPD and AFLP markers can serve well as estimators of genetic similarity between parental lines of F1 CMS ogura hybrids.
Genetic control of a-amylase activity in rye grain was investigated by QTL mapping/based on DS2 x RXL10 intercross consisting of 99 F₅₋₆ families propagated at one location during four vegetation seasons. A wide range of variation in α-amylase activity and transgression effects were found among families and parental lines. This variation was shown to be determined in 40.1 % by 7 significant (LOD score not less than 2.5) and 2 putative QTLs (2 < LOD < 2.5) distributed on all rye chromosomes except 4R. Two significant QTLs located on 3RL and 5RL chromosome arms were expressed each year. The third significant QTL was detected in three years (1RL). The other four significant QTLs (2RL, 5RS, 6RL, 7RL) were found in one year of study. The number and composition of QTLs were specific for a given year varying from three to six. QTLs were not correlated with isoenzyme polymorphisms at the structural α-Amyl loci. A QTL associated with a region containing the α-Amy3 locus was detected on chromosome 5RL. Both high- and low-activity QTL alleles were found in each parental line, which explains the appearance of transgressive recombinants in the segregating population.
Materiał badań stanowiły pojedyncze mieszańce F1 żyta pochodzące z krzyżowania linii męskosterylnych (linie P) z restorerami płodności (R) oraz ich komponenty rodzicielskie, wyhodowane w Instytucie Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin w Radzikowie. Badania prowadzono w Radzikowie (RAH) w latach 1999 i 2000 oraz w Smolicach (SMH) w 2000 roku. Analizowane ziarno pochodziło z doświadczeń polowych (3 powtórzenia, siew siewnikowy, wielkość poletka 5 m2). Liczbę opadania (L.O.) oznaczano metodą Hagberga-Pertena w aparacie Falling Number 1800. Obliczenia statystyczne wyników wykonano za pomocą programów komputerowych "AGRO" oraz "WAKOMBK — (TP)" w Zakładzie Roślin Zbożowych IHAR Kraków. Przeprowadzono analizę wariancji dla genotypów oraz dla zdolności kombinacyjnej. Obliczono współczynniki odziedziczalności w szerokim h2 (s) i w wąskim sensie h2 (w) i ich błędy standardowe. Ponadto obliczono współczynniki korelacji między liczbą opadania linii rodzicielskich a ich zdolnością kombinacyjną oraz między liczbą opadania linii rodzicielskich a liczbą opadania ich mieszańców F1. Badania wykazały istotne zróżnicowanie linii rodzicielskich oraz mieszańców F1 pod względem liczby opadania w obu latach badań. Stwierdzono wyraźny wpływ warunków pogodowych miejscowości i lat na liczbę opadania. Mieszańce F1 żyta charakteryzowały się istotnie wyższą liczbą opadania od linii rodzicielskich we wszystkich warunkach środowiska. Nie wykazano istotnej zależności między wartością linii rodzicielskich per se a ich zdolnością kombinacyjną oraz między liczbą opadania linii rodzicielskich a L.O. ich mieszańców. Wyodrębniono linie rodzicielskie przekazujące potomstwu wysoką liczbą opadania. Linie te mogą być wykorzystane w programie hodowli mieszańców żyta o podwyższonej odporności na porastanie i polepszonej wartości wypiekowej ziarna. Współczynnik odziedziczalności w szerokim sensie h2 (s) wynosił 0,8366 ± 0,2539, a w wąskim sensie h2 (w) wynosił 0,0034 ±0,0436. Wydaje się, iż w dziedziczeniu liczby opadania badanych obiektów odgrywały rolę zarówno addytywne, jak i nieaddytywne formy działania genów ze znaczną przewagą tych ostatnich.
F1 single crosses between male sterile lines (P lines) and fertility restorers (R lines) were tested together with their parents in field experiments (3 replications, plot size — 5m2) at Radzików in two seasons (1999, 2000) and at Smolice in 2000. Falling number was determined by the Hagberg-Perten method using the Falling Number 1800 instrument. Analysis of variance was carried out with the computer software "AGRO" and "WAKOMBK — (TP)". Effects of general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) of parental lines were determined. Additionally, correlation coefficients were calculated between a line per se performance and combining ability effects as well as between the FN of parental lines and their single crosses. A considerable variability (cv) of the falling number was found among the parental lines and among the single crosses in the both years. Analysis of variance indicated significant differences among the parental lines and among the single crosses for this character in the both years. Effects of the environmental conditions on the FN were pronounced. The FN of single crosses was higher than that of parental lines in all environments. Both general and specific combining abilities proved to be significant for the FN. No relation was found between a line per se performance and its GCA effect. Heigh coefficient of heritability in broad sense (0,8366 ± 0,2539) was indicated for the FN in 1999. Several lines with high and significant GCA effects for the FN could be used in hybrid rye breeding programmes for the improving sprouting resistance and baking quality.
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