The paper aims to present logistics solutions in Poland’s e-commerce market using the example of the rapidly growing InPost SA Group. The group’s development strategy focuses on the e-commerce market and the expansion of services including innovative solutions. The subject literature, and documents and information provided by the research subject, the InPost SA, are the sources used in this study. The paper presents the specificities of the e-commerce sector, especially courier services, express and parcel deliveries. Receivers of shipments in the e-commerce market are a demanding group of customers, who continually pressure the courier market operators to expand their range of services. The study also identifies drivers of competitive advantage in the changing logistics services sector associated with e-commerce.
Rozwój rynku B2C w handle elektronicznym wpływa na wzrost znaczenia dostaw ostatniego kilometra, realizowanych na terenach miast. Ze względu na specyfikę handlu-elektronicznego, funkcjonowanie dostaw w ramach e-commerce na rynku B2C oparte jest na dostawach domowych. Z powodu rosnącego popytu na te dostawy, który w konsekwencji może oddziaływać na ruch drogowy i problem kongestii, jak również na środowisko miejskie, ważne jest poszukiwanie alternatywnych rozwiązań, pozwalających ograniczyć owo negatywne oddziaływanie. W ostatnich latach bardzo interesującym i popularnym, jako efektywny system dostaw ostatniego kilometra, rozwiązaniem stały się paczkomaty. W artykule dokonano oceny użyteczności tego rozwiązania, bazując na przykładzie systemu firmy InPost.
The growth of B2C e-commerce market results in the increase of importance of last mile deliveries in the city area. Due to e-commerce’s generic specificity, functioning of the deliveries in e-commerce on B2C market is based on home deliveries. Due to influence on the growing demand for deliveries, which consequently could have the impact on traffic and congestion problem as well as city environment, it is important to look for the alternative measures, which will help to reduce this negative impact. In recent years a very interesting and popular solution became parcel lockers as the efficient last mile delivery system. This paper is focused on the assessment of usability of this measure based on the example of InPost company system.
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