Energy based approach was used in the study to formulate a set of functions approximating the magnetic flux linkages versus independent currents. The simplest power series that approximates field co-energy and linked fluxes for a two winding core of an induction machine are described by a set of common unknown coefficients. The authors tested three algorithms for the coefficient estimation using Weighted Least-Squared Method for two different positions of the coils. The comparison of the approximation accuracy was accomplished in the specified area of the currents. All proposed algorithms of the coefficient estimation have been found to be effective. The algorithm based solely on the magnetic field co-energy values is significantly simpler than the method based on the magnetic flux linkages estimation concept. The algorithm based on the field co-energy and linked fluxes seems to be the most suitable for determining simultaneously the coefficients of power series approximating linked fluxes and field co-energy.
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Conceptual hydrological models are an effective tool used to forecast runoff from catchments and assess changes in catchment dynamics. The article presents a modified concept of the Diskin parallel cascade mod-el, with the replacement of one of the cascades with the submerged cascade model – the Nash cascade-submerged cascade model (NCSC2). Considering a watershed as a system where total runoff is determined by amounts of both surface and subsurface runoffs, the use of different model structures as surface and subsurface runoffs is reasonable. Adopting 13 different objective functions, the comparative analysis of NCSC2, Nash cascade, Diskin model, single linear reservoir and submerged reservoir cascade (SC2) models has been carried out in the catch-ment of six Polish rivers. The research has shown that the use of the submerged cascade as one of the Diskin model cascades positively affects the quality of the model.
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This paper presents a generalization of the Kalman filter for linear and nonlinear fractional order discrete state-space systems. Linear and nonlinear discrete fractional order state-space systems are also introduced. The simplified kalman filter for the linear case is called the fractional Kalman filter and its nonlinear extension is named the extended fractional Kalman filter. The background and motivations for using such techniques are given, and some algorithms are discussed. The paper also shows a simple numerical example of linear state estimation. Finally, as an example of nonlinear estimation, the paper discusses the possibility of using these algorithms for parameters and fractional order estimation for fractional order systems. Numerical examples of the use of these algorithms in a general nonlinear case are presented.
The aim of the article is to present the concept of an indirect diagnostic method using the assessment of the variability of the amount of released heat (mass fraction burn) and the heat release rate. The Wiebe function for the assessment of variability has been used. The Wiebe function parameters from the course of the high-pressure indication in the cylinder of internal combustion engine using linear regression have been calculated. From a sufficiently large number of measured samples, the upper and lower limits of the Wiebe function parameters have been statistically determined. Lower and upper limits characterize variability of the heat release process not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of heat release rate. The assessment of variability is thus more complicated than using one integral indicator, typically the mean value of amount of the released heat. The procedure enabling a more accurate estimation of heat generation beginning has been shown. For the combustion process variability assessment of the engine, statistical test of relative frequencies has been used.
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The parametric approach to the identification of the SISO state space compartmental models of pharmacokinetic systems is presented. The model structure is formulated basing on the a priori knowledge. The initial parameter estimates are calculated on the base of the output measurements collected during the intuitive experiment. They are used for designing the optimal input, which ensures the best accuracy of the parameter estimates. The sensitivity criterion is adopted and presented in terms of nonlinear programming problem with constraints. Two classes of optimal inputs are considered: equidose and equienergy inputs. The results obtained with optimal and standard inputs are presented and compared.
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The aim of this paper is an attempt to create a web-based application for parameters of the mathematical model of induction motor management. These parameters are stored in a relational database and designed application allows to perform the appropriate calculations and present the results in a dynamically generated web pages. The extra features contained in new internet-based technologies enable performing calculations on the Web platform. This article aims to verify whether this new, quite interesting idea, can be practically applied in numerical calculations.
Celem artykułu jest sprawdzenie możliwości zbudowania aplikacji webowej do zarządzania zestawami parametrów modelu matematycznego silnika indukcyjnego. Parametry te mogą być przechowywane w relacyjnej bazie danych, a zbudowana aplikacja, oprócz funkcjonalności związanej z obsługa bazy danych, pozwoli przeprowadzić odpowiednie obliczenia i zaprezentować wyniki na stronie internetowej.
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W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie estymacji parametrów energooszczędnego silnika indukcyjnego. Estymacja została oparta na przebiegach dynamicznych zmierzonych podczas rozruchu silnika. Zastosowano elastyczne i efektywne środowisko obiektowe (nazwane SEST), zaprojektowane specjalnie do estymacji parametrów. W tekście omówiono wyniki oraz przedstawiono uwagi związane z problemami pojawiającymi się w trakcie badań.
The paper presents the problem of high-efficiency induction motor parameters estimation. The estimation based on the dynamical dependencies - the measurements collected during the start of the motor. The flexible and efficient object oriented enviroment (called SEST) – designed especially for parameters estimation – has been used. The results and problems noticed during the investigation have been described.
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Wyniki pomiarów TSDC są superpozycją wielu procesów relaksacji. Złożone spektrum czyni analizę trudną, stąd parametry opisujące proces relaksacji są obarczone dużym błędem. Aby separować poszczególne procesy relaksacyjne i estymować odpowiadające im parametry, zastosowano algorytmy ewolucyjne. Algorytmy te efektywnie przeszukują skomplikowane przestrzenie rozwiązań, do których należy estymacja parametrów złożonego spektrum TSDC.
The result of a TSDC measurement is a superposition of several relaxation processes. The resulting complexity of the spectrum makes the analysis difficult, while the parameters describing the relaxation process carry a large error. In order to separate individual relaxation processes and estimate the corresponding parameters, the evolutionary algorithm has been used. The algorithms are durable and effective in analyzing processes in very complicated solution spaces, such as the estimation of a complex TSDC spectrum.
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Praca przedstawia proces formułowania modelu elektrolizera alkalicznego z uwzględnieniem stężenia masowego roztworu wodnego KOH. W pracy została przeanalizowana przydatność różnych funkcji do opisu charakterystyk statycznych takiego elektrolizera. Zaproponowano opis matematyczny rozważanych charakterystyk zapewniający uzyskanie wysokiej dokładności modelowania i wykorzystujący stężenie roztworu jako parametr. Przedstawiono sposób automatycznego doboru wartości współczynników w zaproponowanym opisie matematycznym i zoptymalizowano liczbę tych współczynników. Poprawność modelowania zweryfikowano doświadczalnie w szerokim zakresie zmian stężenia roztworu.
This paper presents the process of formulating an alkaline electrolyser model taking into account the mass concentration of KOH aqueous solution. The paper analyzes the usefulness of various functions for the description of the dc characteristics of such an electrolyser. A mathematical description of the considered characteristics has been proposed, ensuring high modeling accuracy and using the solution concentration as a parameter. The method of automatic selection of the values of the coefficients in the proposed mathematical description is presented and the number of these coefficients is optimized. The correctness of the modeling was verified experimentally in a wide range of changes in the concentration of the solution.