Przedstawiono analizę istniejącego systemu zasilania maszynę produkującą filtry papierosowe w plastyfikator. Scharakteryzowano przedmiot badań, który stanowiła maszyna filtrowa KDF2. Zamieszczone wyniki badań doświadczalnych wskazały na błędy sterowania wynikające z braku pełnej automatyzacji procesu produkcyjnego. System zasilania sterowany ręcznie przyczyniał się do strat w produkcji. Przedstawione zostały wady filtrów papierosowych wynikające z ręcznego sterowania uzupełniania plastyfikatora w maszynie KDF 2. Stwierdzono, że opracowanie sytemu sterowania w pełni zautomatyzowanego pozwoli wyeliminować problemy związane z utrzymaniem jakości produktu.
The paper presents the analysis of supplying a machine manufacturing cigarette filters with a plasticizer . The object of research was characterized, being KDF2 filter machine. The published research results indicated at control errors resulting from the lack of full automation of the production process. The supply system controlled manually added up to losses in production. The paper presents faults of cigarette filters being a result of manual control of supplying plasticizer in KDF 2 machine. It was discovered that developing a fully automated control system shall allow for eliminating problems related with maintaining the product quality.
In Poland, incineration is a relatively new method of waste treatment. Modern installations for waste incineration have two functions: they reduce the quantity (volume) of the waste and are a source of electricity and/or heat. During all combustion processes including waste incineration, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCD/Fs) (well known as dioxins) are formed. These compounds are considered to be extremely dangerous for living organisms including human beings. Dioxins are formed in any process of combustion of solid and liquid fuels in the presence of chlorine, oxygen and organic matter at appropriate temperatures. Combustion processes also occur during cigarette smoking, which is also a source of dioxin emissions. Although smoking has been classified as a less important source of dioxins in the environment, it directly affects our health. This work’s aim is to determine and compare the degree of harmfulness caused by the amount of inhaled dioxins: cigarette smoking or living near a waste incineration plant. Based on literature and experimental data, the concentration of dioxins in cigarette smoke and exhaust gases generated by municipal waste incineration plants as well as number of dioxins absorbed per day by the body will be presented.
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