Określono skład odżywczy owoców papai (Carica papaya L.) odmiany Solo, w tym zawartość białka, tłuszczu, cukrów ogółem, cukrów redukujących, błonnika pokarmowego, suchej masy oraz kwasu L-askorbinowego i karotenoidów. Analizowano zmiany zawartości związków bioaktywnych (kwas L-askorbinowy, karotenoidy) oraz cech sensorycznych w czasie przechowywania tych owoców: 1 -w temperaturze 20±2°C, 2-w warunkach chłodniczych (t = 2±1°C), 3 - w stanie głębokiego zamrożenia (t = -20±2 °C). Wykazano, że w temperaturze pokojowej owoce papai mogą być przechowywane do 2 tygodni, w warunkach chłodniczych 5 tygodni, zaś głęboko zamrożone co najmniej 4 miesiące. Kryterium trwałości owoców papai może być obecność przebarwień na ich skórce, gdyż są one wskaźnikiem przejrzewania i początku psucia się.
The nutritional composition (protein, fat, total dietary fiber, dry matter, total sugars, reducing sugars, ascorbic acid and carotenoids) of fresh papaya (Carica papaya L var. Solo) fruit was determined. Changes in content of bioactive compounds (L-ascorbic acid, carotenoids) and sensory properties were analyzed, in fruits stored up 2 weeks to 4 months), under 3 temperature conditions: 20±2 °C, 2±1 °C (cold storage); -20±2 °C (deep freezing). It was shown that papaya fruits can be stored under such conditions until 2 weeks, 5 weeks and over 4 months respectively. The most important criterion deciding of shelf storage of papaya fruits could be discoloration in skin, because the skin color change indicates a spoilage of fruits.
The research was intended to analyse the response of five papaya varieties to phosphorus fertilization in tidal swamp areas. The research was conducted at the Peatland Project (PLG) in Mentangai, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan, from August 2007 to April 2008. A split plot design was used. The main plot had the following P application: 100; 200; 300 g P/plant, and the subplot had the following varieties of papaya: Bt1; Bt2; Bt3; Bt4; Bt7. There were 3 replications and 10 plants per unit of treatment. The observed parameters were: (1) vegetative growth (plant height, stem diameter, internode number); (2) and fruit quality (fruit number, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit circumference, flesh thickness, and total soluble solid). The research result showed that four of five papaya varieties, namely Bt1, Bt2, Bt4, and Bt7 proved to have a higher growth and production response than Bt3. Therefore, the four varieties Bt1, Bt2, Bt4, and Bt7, show good prospects for development in the tidal swamp areas. P application affected significantly plant height only, but did not have an effect on other parameters of plant growth and fruiting. These findings could be used as a guide for choosing varieties suitable for cultivation in the tidal swamp areas.
Badanie miało na celu określenie wpływu nawożenia fosforem na wzrost i owocowanie pięciu odmian melonowców rosnących na terenie mokradeł pływowych. Do świadczenia przeprowadzono od sierpnia 2007 do kwietnia 2008 roku w ramach Projektu Torfowiskowego w Mentangai, Kapuas na środkowym Borneo, w układzie bloków podzielonych w trzech powtórzeniach, po 10 roślin każde. Badaniami objęto pięć klonów melonowca: Bt1; Bt2; Bt3; Bt4; Bt7. Zastosowano następujące nawożenie fosforem - 100, 200, 300 g P na roślinę. Badano (1) wzrost wegetatywny (wysokość roślin, średnicę łodyg, liczbę międzywęźli) oraz (2) plon i jakość owoców (liczbę, wagę, długość, obwód i jędrność owoców oraz zawartość ekstraktu w owocach). Wyniki wykazały, że rośliny genotypów Bt1, Bt2, Bt4 i Bt7 rosły szybciej i lepiej plonowały niż rośliny genotypu Bt3, co wskazuje, że mogą być uprawiane na terenach mokradeł pływowych. Nawożenie fosforem miało pozytywny wpływ tylko na wysoko ść roślin, ale nie miało wpfywu na inne badane parametry. Wyniki te mogą być wskazówką przy doborze odpowiednich odmian melonowca do uprawy na terenach mokradeł pływowych.
This study was conducted to determine the phy- sical and biochemical properties of guava, sapota, and papaya. The physical properties studied were: dimensions, shell ratio, surface area, bulk and true density, porosity, sphericity, packing coeffi- cient, aspect ratio, and roundness index. The specific heat at various mass fractions, biochemical properties like pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, and colour analysis were studied for fruit pulps. The viscosity of fruits was studied at various mass fractions. The high sphericity of guava and sapota indicated that those fruits had high rolling capability, which is an important factor for designing hoppers. Bioch emical analysis showed that sapota was the sweetest fruit amongst the three studied.
The Erwinia species are well-known pathogens of economic importance in Malaysia causing serious damage to high-value fruit crops that include pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.] and papaya (Carica papaya L.).The 16S rRNA sequence using eubacteria fD1 and rP2 primers, identified two bacteria species; Dickeya zeae from pineapple heart rot, and Erwinia mallotivora from papaya dieback. Phylogenetic analysis based on the neighbor-joining method indicated that all the bacterial isolates clustered in their own taxa and formed monophyletic clades. From the pathogenicity test, all isolates of D. zeae and E. mallotivora showed pathogenic reactions on their respective host plants. Genetic variability of these isolates was assessed using repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR) fingerprinting. The results indicated interspecies, and intraspecies variation in both species’ isolates. There were more polymorphic bands shown by rep-PCR fingerprints than enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) and BOX- PCRs, however both species’ isolates produced distinguishable banding patterns. Unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis indicated that all Dickeya and Erwinia isolates from the same species were grouped in the same main cluster. Similarity among the isolates ranged from 77 to 99%. Sequencing of 16S rRNA using eubacteria fD1 and rP2 primers, and rep-PCR fingerprinting revealed diversity among Dickeya and Erwinia isolates. But this method appears to be reliable for discriminating isolates from pineapple heart rot and papaya dieback.
Carica papaya Linn. is one of the valuable plant used for various purposes in medicinal field. Leaves, fruit and seeds of the C. papaya are used as ethnomedicine. This work describes biochemical constituents of leaves of C. papaya. Fresh leaves samples of the plant were collected during the month of January, 2013 from different parts of Bhuj in Kachchh district (Gujarat), India. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the biochemical composition in leaves of C. papaya growing in the semi-arid region of Gujarat and based on the result to justify its importance in various treatments of diseases. The dried leaves were further analyzed for biochemical constituents like Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Clˉ and Li+. The results indicated that the leaf extract of C. papaya has high potentiality for curing number of diseases.
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