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This paper aims at investigating the determinants of tourism demand in Greece over eight years (2004-2011). Tourism is the main industry of Greece as its share in the Greek economy varies from 15% to 20% of GDP whether measured directly or indirectly respectively. We opted for a macroeconometric approach and, in particular, building on the existing literature we used panel data estimation techniques with disaggregated data on the country (or area) of origin combined with macroeconomic aggregates, indicators and (relative) price indices. The specific econometric techniques used take into account both the statistical properties of variables and the differences between the various cross sections. The main conclusion of the paper is that the macroeconometric panel data approach to explaining tourist receipts provides a rather satisfactory model fit, with explanatory variables explaining a significant part of the variability of the dependent variable. Our findings also suggest that certain policy directions identified by Greek governments (both in the present and past), such as enhancing competitiveness and the outward orientation of the economy, may indeed affect positively the prospects of the Greek tourism sector.
Począwszy od 1995 roku, wzorem innych banków centralnych, Narodowy Bank Polski prowadzi własne badania ankietowe sektora przedsiębiorstw. Ich szczególną cechą jest stała próba uczestniczących w nich podmiotów, umożliwiająca prowadzenie badań panelowych. W pracy przyjrzano się dwóm względnie rzadko analizowanym aspektom tych badań: wpływowi nowych obserwacji na wskaźnik koniunktury oraz relacji pomiędzy ocenami jakościowymi bieżącej sytuacji przedsiębiorstw a wynikami finansowymi. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają na lepsze zrozumienie zachowania się wskaźników jakościowych i stwarzają zachętę do dalszej analizy tego typu zagadnień.
Following the example of other central banks National Bank of Poland has been conducting its own business surveys since 1995. The important characteristics of these surveys is the sample which consists of regular participants and allows to do analysis on panel data. The paper raises two rarely analyzed aspects of the study: impact of new observations on the business indicator performance and relations between the qualitative assessments by surveyed firms of their current business situation and financial performance ratios. The results allow a better understanding of behavior of the survey data and challenge further analysis.
Content available Pension funds and FDI. Is there a link?
The significant factors determining Foreign Direct Investments are trade openness, economic growth and the institutional profile of the country. Among the latter determinants, pension system privatization attracts foreign investors, as it gives them a signal that the country’s macroeconomic stability is going to improve. FDI are beneficial for economic development, especially for economies in transition. The question arises whether the degree of pension system privatization attracts FDI to developed economies. To answer this, Dunning’s Investment Development Path was applied for 44 countries over the period 2006- -2016 from the OECD database. The first step consisted of clustering data to obtain the IDP stage for each country in a given year. The second step was a panel estimate. The outcome indicates that when a country is in a lower IDP stage (up to 2), the size of the private pension funds positively affects FDI inflow. When the country reaches the higher stage, private pension funds’ size does not seem to affect the FDI inflow.
W literaturze ekonomicznej uznaje się, że otwartość gospodarki, wzrost gospodarczy oraz czynniki instutucjonalne przyciągają Bezpośrednie Inwestycje Zagraniczne (BIZ). Prywatyzacja systemu emerytalnego może przyczynić się do przyciągnięcia BIZ, ponieważ kraj, gdzie ona ma miejsce, spostrzegany jest jako prowadzący odpowiedzialną politykę makroekonomiczną. Wiele badań dotyczących powyższego zagadnienia odnosi się do krajów rozwijających się, jednak czy zależność ta będzie istotna także dla krajów rozwiniętych? Aby udzielić odpowiedzi na powyższe pytanie badawcze zastosowano teorię ścieżki rozwoju inwestycji dla danych z 44 krajów w latach 2006-2016 dostępnych w bazie Pension funds and FDI. Is there a link? 19 OECD. W pierwszym kroku ustalono etap na ścieżce rozwoju inwestycji dla każdego kraju w każdym roku na podstawie technik aglomeracji. W drugim etapie zastosowano regresję panelową. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że prywatne fundusze emerytalne przyciągają BIZ do krajów na niskim poziomie ścieżki, natomiast wśród krajów, które znajdują się na wysokim poziomie ścieżki, nie zaobserwowano wpływu wielkości prywatyzacji emerytur na BIZ.
tom 24
nr 3
This study empirically investigates the relationship between economic freedom and financial development in EU countries. Using panel data covering the years 2000 2017 and employing fixed effects, random effects, and the generalised method of moments (GMM), the paper examines the effect of economic freedom on financial development. The research results demonstrate that greater economic freedom is conducive to financial development in the EU. These findings remain robust to the use of an alternative index of economic freedom. The results imply that policies which promote economic freedom are likely to raise the level of a country’s financial development.
The article discusses conditional β-convergence in 126 countries around the world in 1975-2003. The authors offer a theoretical model to explain the essence of convergence. Unlike in most empirical studies, the authors assume that convergence, or the relationship between the rate of economic growth and the initial level of GDP, is not constant but changes over time. The model was constructed on the basis of panel data, using the Fixed Effects estimator and the Generalized Method of Moments estimator developed by Arellano and Bond. The results of the evaluation confirm the existence of β-convergence, which is much faster than suggested by most empirical studies. When per capita GDP is 1% higher, the rate of growth falls by 0.20-0.22 percentage points on average. The β-convergence indicator ranges from 22% to 25%. By assuming that convergence is not constant, the authors proved that there is a strong relationship between the initial level of GDP and the rate of economic growth. This shows that their assumption was fully justified as the main hypothesis of the analysis.
The aim of the research was to identify the motives behind the investment decisions of manufacturing enterprises in Poland in 1996-2003. The analysis was conducted with the use of probit models and an extensive body of panel data applying to individual enterprises to determine the probability of an investment decision. The author discovered that three key factors encouraged investment by manufacturing enterprises in all the surveyed groups (exporters, publicly traded companies, private domestic and foreign enterprises and companies with foreign capital). The first factor is the expected demand for an enterprise’s products, reflecting prospective sales possibilities. Another important factor is the use of production capacity, reflecting the company’s possibilities for expanding its volume of production on the basis of existing resources and assets. Both these factors are complementary with regard to the description of the investment process. Enterprises wanting to expand their sales tend to make investment decisions when their existing fixed assets are insufficient to increase the supply of products. The third key factor that determines investment decisions is prior involvement in a long-term investment process and the continuation of work in progress. In light of the research, the cost of raising funds and the restrictiveness of monetary policy are only loosely related to the course of investment processes in Poland.
The COVID‑19 pandemic has had a great impact on the economies of the EU, also with regard to the future of EU climate policy. The plan to rebuild and support the EU economy seems to place less emphasis on environmental issues as the main focus has been shifted to a quick economic recovery. One of the issues discussed in this context is the continued operation of the EU ETS. From this perspective, empirical research devoted to a thorough analysis of the impact of the EU ETS is of particular importance. At the same time, the current economic literature lacks any econometric analyzes devoted to the issues in question that would use detailed and reliable databases on EU ETS like the one provided by the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change. The aim of this paper is to make a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of the EU ETS in terms of reducing the actual emissions while preserving the economic growth of EU member states. The extensive empirical analysis is focused on examining the issues in question for different phases of the EU ETS and various groups of EU economies that vary in terms of economic development and the overall air pollutant emission.
A sample of 24 representative firms in the Czech economy is a subject of a study for their technical efficiency and, subsequently, for their willingness to invest. The former concept is accomplished with the help of the frontier production function. The latter one is based on the value of Tobin’s Q, defined as the ratio of the market value of business capital assets to their replacement value; if it is greater than one, Q indicates the profitability of further investment. The analysed firms differ in their technical performance, but all of them are profitable and this might be their motivation to invest. A comparison of technical efficiency and Tobin’s Q as two evaluations follows under a hypothesis that one of them matches the other one. Applying the Passing–Bablok method, the finding is that those two items are not interchangeable in spite of a high correlation.
The purpose of this paper is to study the standard firm-factor determinants on capital structure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To this end, we analyzed small and medium sized firms in Kazakhstan, where all sectors were considered. We use panel data methods to investigate the determinants of capital structure for non-financial SMEs in Kazakhstan. This study examines the impact of key determinants such as asset tangibility, size, growth, profitability and tax rate of SMEs. The trade-off theory and the pecking order theory of capital structure guided this study. The results suggest that despite some differences in the influence of factors on the capital structure, most of the determinants presented by the theory of finance appear indeed to be relevant for the Kazakhstan small and medium business sector.
nr 3
A sample of 24 representative firms in the Czech economy is a subject of a study for their technical efficiency and, subsequently, for their willingness to invest. The former concept is accomplished with the help of the frontier production function. The latter one is based on the value of Tobin’s Q, defined as the ratio of the market value of business capital assets to their replacement value; if it is greater than one, Q indicates the profitability of further investment. The analysed firms differ in their technical performance, but all of them are profitable and this might be their motivation to invest. A comparison of technical efficiency and Tobin’s Q as two evaluations follows under a hypothesis that one of them matches the other one. Applying the Passing–Bablok method, the finding is that those two items are not interchangeable in spite of a high correlation.
Content available remote Corruption, governance and tax revenues in Africa
tom Volume 13
nr Issue 4
In this paper we analyze the effects of institutional variables (corruption and governance), structural variables (per capita income, trade openness, inflation and share of agriculture in GDP), and policy variables (tax rate and tariff rate) on total tax revenues, direct taxes, indirect taxes and trade taxes using panel data set for 30 African countries over the 1996-2016 period. All estimates are based on fixed effects (FE) and random effects (RE) models. Using Hausman test, RE is earmarked to be the more preferred model in this paper. The RE regression results show that corruption and governance are two main determinants of tax revenues in Africa. While corruption has a significant negative effect on tax revenues, good governance measured in terms of government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and voice and accountability tends to raise tax revenue generation and in particular, indirect taxes. In the same vein, governance in form of political stability tends to have a very significant effect on direct taxes and international trade taxes. The basic intuition behind these results is that higher institutional capacity and lower corruption enhance tax revenue generation in the economy. Intriguingly, empirical results show that tariff rates tend to have a strong negative effect on total tax revenue but at the same time they have a strong positive effect on trade tax revenue. Moreover, trade openness tends to have a strong positive relationship with tax revenue. Overall, results suggest that to raise more tax revenue, governments should reduce corruption, improve tax and customs administration and raise revenues from tax categories that are less susceptible to corruption. They should as well enhance trade openness.
One way to assess the quality of the educational activities of schools is to analyze the educational value-added, with the help of which it is possible to measure the gain in students‟ knowledge that takes place at various stages of education. This is an objective measurement that takes into account the knowledge with which the student begins the next stage of learning. Access to data on the final results of tests at every stage of education enables the assessment of the quality of education in schools throughout Poland. The article aims to analyze these results and attempts to show the spatial dependence of the results obtained.
Content available Bank Risk-Taking in CEE Countries
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie głównych determinant preferencji prywatnych i publicznych przedsiębiorstw niefinansowych w Polsce w zakresie finansowania długiem. Badanie na dużej próbie przedsiębiorstw za lata 1995–2012 przeprowadzono za pomocą modelu ekonometrycznego. Wśród czynników determinujących strukturę kapitałową zbadano wpływ rentowności, płynności, majątku trwałego, możliwości wzrostu, tarczy podatkowej oraz polityki monetarnej. Wyniki badania potwierdziły, że bardziej rentowne i zdolne do samofinansowania duże przedsiębiorstwa w mniejszym stopniu finansują się kredytem niż małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa. Niezależnie od wielkości przedsiębiorstwa wraz ze wzrostem płynności maleje dźwignia, co świadczy o skłonności przedsiębiorstw do samofinansowania. Wykazano też bardzo niski wpływ polityki monetarnej, zarówno za pośrednictwem stopy procentowej, jak i kursu walutowego, na decyzje przedsiębiorstw co do sposobu finansowania. Uzyskane wyniki mają pewne znaczenie praktyczne i mogą pomóc bankom dostosować ofertę kredytową do potrzeb małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Wyniki analiz potwierdzają, że dostęp do dotacji z UE zmniejszył zapotrzebowanie małych przedsiębiorstw na kredyt, a kryzys finansowy lat 2009–2010 ograniczył finansowanie kapitałem obcym.
The aim of the article is to identify main determinants of the preferences of private and public enterprises in Poland as regard debt financing. The investigation was made with help of an econometric model on a large enterprises sample for the period 1995–2012. Among the factors that determine capital structure, the authors tested the impact of profitability, cash flow, fixed capital, growth potential, tax shield, and monetary policy. The results of the examination confirm that more profitable large firms, able to self-finance their activity, are less dependent on credits as compared with small and medium-size firms. Independently of the firm size, increase in the cash-flow lowers the leverage, which proves enterprise propensity to self-financing. The impact of monetary policy on enterprise decisions about the financing manner was very low, both as regards the influence of interest rates and the impact of exchange rates. The results of this research have some practical significance: these may help the banks better to adjust their credit offer to the needs of small and medium-size enterprises. The results of the analysis also confirm that firms access to EU funding has lowered their demand for credits, and the financial crisis of 2009–2010 has reduced the scale of outside financing.
В статье указываются главные детерминанты, учитываемые при принятии решения о кредитном финансировании частными и публичными нефинансовыми предприяти- ями в Польше. Исследование было проведено с помощью эконометрической модели на большой выборке предприятий и охватывало период 1995–2012 гг. Среди факторов, детерминирующих структуру капитала, особое внимание было уделено влиянию рента- бельности, ликвидности, основных фондов, перспектив роста, налогового щита и мо- нетарной политики. Результаты исследования подтвердили, что более рентабельные и способные к самофинансированию крупные предприятия в меньшей степени прибе- гают к кредитному финансированию, чем малые и средние предприятия. Независимо от объемов предприятия, вместе с ростом ликвидности уменьшается рычаг, что свидетель- ствует о склонности предприятий к самофинансированию. Доказано также очень низкое влияние монетарной политики посредством как процентной ставки, так и валютного курса, на решения предприятий относительно способов финансирования. Полученные результаты имеют некоторое практическое значение и могут помочь банкам создать кре- дитное предложение, отвечающее нуждам малых и средних предприятий. Результаты анализа подтверждают, что доступ к дотациям из ЕС сократил спрос малых предприятий на кредит, а финансовый кризис 2009–2010 гг. ограничил финансирование с помощью иностранного капитала.
tom 20
nr 2
India is the world's third largest consumer of primary energy, which includes fossil fuels like coal, oil, etc. The total primary energy consumption in India in 2015 was 107 Mtoe. India's total final energy consumption was estimated at 527 Mtoe of which the industrial sectors consumed about 30% (185 Mtoe) in 2013. The Iron and Steel sector is one of the most energy-intensive industries, consuming about 25% of the total industrial energy consumption. The energy consumption in Indian Iron and Steel sector is on the declining trend. It declined from 10 GCal/tcs in 1990 to 6.9 GCal/tcs in 2010-11. On average, iron & steel plants spend about 20-40% of the total manufacturing cost to meet their energy demands. In fact, energy cost is considered as a major factor in pricing of the steel. Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (ECA), and the formulation of Bureau of Energy Efficiency are important initiatives taken up by government in order to reduce energy consumption by various sectors in the Indian economy. Another important initiative is launching of first of its kind market-based mechanism, Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) mechanism in 2010 particularly targeting the energy consumption by the industrial sector of the economy. Phase-I for PAT ran from 2012-015 including eight most energy-intensive sectors under Indian Industrial sector, with Iron and Steel sector being a prominent sector. The objective of this paper is to empirically estimate the energy intensity of Indian Iron and Steel sector, also accounting for the impact of ECA and PAT Phase-I in dummy variable form. The results indicate that the decline in energy consumption in this sector until 2011 can also be attributed to Energy Conservation Act implemented in the year 2001 along with other factors. This is empirically confirmed by our results that ECA has a significant impact on reduction of energy intensity of the steel firms. PAT does not seem to have a considerable impact on energy intensity alone but in the years where both PAT and ECA are prevalent, i.e. from 2012 to 2015, there seems to be a significant impact of around 0.050 reduction in energy intensity, as accounted by different models in this paper. There is one more observation from the empirical results that profit margin intensity was found to be negatively related to energy intensity implying more profitable firms invest more in energy efficiency.
One of the most important factors affecting international trade is exchange rate fluctuations. To date, studies that have analyzed the effect of exchange rates have shown that the effect can vary from sector to sector and from country to country. The fact that this relationship has not been extensively studied in the fisheries industry is the motivation for this study. In this regard, the aim of this study is to determine whether changes in the real exchange rates of countries affect their fisheries production levels. Accordingly, we used the causality test developed by Emirmahmutoglu and Kose (2011), which takes into account both cross-sectional dependencies and heterogeneity. The data set used in this study consisted of 27 annual observations from 38 countries from 1990–2016. The results revealed that changes in the real exchange rate affected fisheries production. This situation shows that changes in exchange rates may affect the international demand for fisheries and serve as a source of motivation for producers.
This paper studies possible complementarities and substitution effects between such strategic choices as alliances, acquisitions and internal R&D investments. The findings indicate that a firm’s absorptive capacity affects the presence of complementarities and substitution effects among those strategic choices. Firms with high absorptive capacity exhibit substitution effects between alliances and acquisitions and between alliances and internal R&D investments. Firms with high absorptive capacity also exhibit complementarities between acquisitions and additional R&D investments. These results were obtained from panel data of large and medium U.S. companies spanning the years 1998- 2009. The results are robust to the use of different measures of performance: profitability, market-tobook value, and sales growth. This paper contributes to our understanding of the role of absorptive capacity for the optimal choice of inter-organizational strategy vs. greater internal R&D investments.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers, known as the beginning of the global financial crisis, showed how important risk management is in a bank. The aim of the article is to analyze bankruptcy risk factors of commercial banks from CEE. The hypothesis assumes that bank’s features: profitability, asset quality, size, credit risk, structure of assets, the direction of the core business and sources of financing, have a statistically significant impact on the bankruptcy. To verify the hypothesis, an econometric model was built which examined the determinants in three areas: comprehensively, dividing into large and small banks and by the EU membership criterion. The analysis showed that the risk of bankruptcy is affected by: profitability, asset quality, bank size, asset structure and core business direction; the determinants of bankruptcy vary depending on the size of the bank; the country’s membership in the EU does not affect the type of determinants but only the strength of their influence.
Upadek Lehman Brothers, znany jako początek światowego kryzysu finansowego, pokazał, jak ważne jest zarządzanie ryzykiem w banku. Celem artykułu jest analiza determinant ryzyka upadłości banków komercyjnych z krajów EŚW. Postawiona hipoteza zakłada, że cechy banku: rentowność, jakość aktywów, wielkość, ryzyko kredytowe, struktura aktywów, kierunek działalności podstawowej i źródło finansowania, mają statystycznie istotny wpływ na ryzyko bankructwa. Aby zbadać hipotezę, zbudowano model ekonometryczny, który pozwolił na analizę determinant w trzech ujęciach: kompleksowo dla próby badawczej, w podziale na banki duże i małe oraz z wykorzystaniem kryterium przynależności do UE. Badanie wykazało, że na ryzyko upadłości istotnie wpływają: rentowność, jakość aktywów, wielkość banku, struktura aktywów oraz kierunek działalności podstawowej; determinanty upadłości różnią się w zależności od wielkości banku; przynależność kraju do UE nie wpływa na rodzaj determinant, lecz na siłę ich oddziaływania.
tom Vol. 8, nr 4
Presented paper expands the previous research of the various effects of components of research and development (R&D) on the productivity of 8 Slovak regions at NUTS 3 level during the period 1997-2011. The paper suggests alternative indicators for labor input (number of employees and total employment) to obtain upper and lower bound on the true value of labor elasticity of regional output. Such approach is striving to produce results of higher reliability, than those obtained by a single estimate. Thus, the paper compares the obtained panel estimates with results of previous analysis, to draw conclusions about regional production technology and its response to the changes in two components of R&D: technological progress and R&D inventories. Based on the results of the paper it is possible to assume that despite substantial effects of technological progress on regional production technology the level of R&D inventories is very unlikely to affect the regional production.
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