Artykuł stanowi przegląd treści pieśni safickiej Rudolfa Agrykoli Młodszego adresowanej do biskupa poznańskiego Jana Lubrańskiego, którą włączył do swej dysertacji kosmologicznej „Introductio in Ptolemaei Cosmographiam cum longitudinibus et latitudinibus regionum et civitatum celebriorum” (Kraków 1512, 1517) Jan ze Stobnicy (1470–1530). Jako poemat panegiryczny wiersz Rudolfa stanowi opowieść o działalności i osiągnięciach biskupa. Wsławił się on zarówno licznymi inwestycjami budowlanymi, zakładaniem miast, patronatem roztaczanym nad artystami, jak i przymiotami swojej osobowości. W artykule podjęto próbę charakterystyki pochwały hierarchy, która całkowicie odpowiadała oczekiwaniom ówczesnych czytelników.
The article offers an overview of the poetical material circulating in a Latin poem by Rudolph of Wasserburg which was inserted into an astronomical and geographical treatise “Introductio in Ptolemaei Cosmographiam cum longitudinibus et latitudinibus regionum et civitatum celebriorum” (Cracoviae 1512, 1517) of Jan of Stobnica (1470–1530). As a Sapphic verse, Rudolph’s poem offers tales of the achievements of Jan Lubrański, the Bishop of Poznań, which were praised and admired in order to meet the tastes and cultural expectations of contemporary readers, thus becoming a testimony to the bishop’s outstanding personality. Among others, the article examines his actions and deeds eulogised in the poem, such as building churches and patronage of the arts.
"Moeris. Eclogue in other words pastoral pride: education and rest of youth extols in front of His Royal Highness Stanisław August, the King of Poland, The Grand Duke of Lithuania, and in rural rhymes a Polyarchy", this is one of three idylls by Marcin Eysymont which were offered to Stanisław August. They were published in “Zabawy Przyjemne i Pożyteczne” ["Pleasant and Useful Games"] between 1774-1776. The work is a praise of king’s activities, who was stressing the need of youth’s education and upbringing in the spirit of good citizenship. At that time it was a very important but also a very difficult issue on account of the political situation after the first partition of the country. It is the context that is very important to interpret "Moeris" – the prototype, Virgil’s ninth eclogue from where the name of the main protagonist was taken and the theme – sorrow after the loss of land, depicted with the use of pastoral topoi.
The article deals with the funeral of Anna Vasa, the sister of the Polish ruler Sigismund III Vasa. Young Anna Vasa decided to change her religion which influenced her further life. In consequence, her remains could not receive a solemn funeral for the next 11 years following her death. This text aims at analysing the work by German author Martin Opitz, which was ordered in commemoration by the Swedish princess’ nephew, Wladyslaw IV. Martin Opitz’s work, which undoubtedly brought him fame, is being analysed based on the rhetoric devices used by the author as well as the parenetic model of a woman that he created, based on the examples of the virtues of the deceased princess.
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