The article presents both the formal aspects of the poetics of Tuwim’s pamphlets (enumeration, hyperbole, grotesque, irony) and the figures of those who are the targets of his satirical addresses. Tuwim used verse satires to create polemical and ironic portraits of individual people (the main figure being a nationalist journalist and literary critic Stanisław Pieńkowski) as well as to ridicule state institutions, ideologies and political parties. The author also analyses pamphlet-like lyrical poems, columns and literary criticism by Julian Tuwim. In conclusion the author describes some elements of the cultural milieu which the poet refers to in his satirical writing (popular culture and the media, totalitarian ideologies, mass-society).
The article offers a reconstruction of the text-based fight between Adolf Nowaczyński and Antoni Słonimski. It was not, as it is argued here, only a contest of styles and temperaments – though this exchange proved one of the most impressive, powerful, and dramatic polemics of that time in terms of articulation. However, it stemmed from a long history of tumultuous contacts which offered an amplified view of the problems of identity (Jewishness), politics, and community. A comprehensive view of the combat between Nowaczyński and Słonimski requires both an analysis of the rhetorics of the texts and an investigation into the context and dynamics of publication.
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The article deals with stylistic aspects in the analysis of 17th-century drama in France. In their critique of dramatic elocutio, pamphlet and poetic authors ascribe an expressive function to fi gures of discourse. This concept has strong roots in rhetorical theory, in whose development in the 17th century may be observed a characteristic evolution: from the initial valorisation of concepts of thought (such as hypotyposis), authors confer basic expressive functions to fi gures of construction (syllepse, ellipse, pléonasme, hyperbate). Also founded on poetics, the stylistic analysis of texts valorises only certain types of fi gure: the strictly dramatic function is ascribed above all to fi gures of thought, and sense. It is interesting that 17th-century poetics does not ascribe dramatic functions to fi gures of construction, which allows the limits of the infl uence of rhetorical theory on stylistics in poetics to be defi ned.
Przedmiotem artykułu są aspekty stylistycznej analizy dramatu w XVII wieku we Francji. W swojej krytyce dramatycznego elocutio autorzy poetyk i pamfl etów przypisują figurom dyskursu funkcję ekspresywną. Ta koncepcja jest silnie osadzona w teorii retoryki, w której rozwoju w XVII wieku można zaobserwować znamienną ewolucję: po początkowej waloryzacji fi gur myśli (np. hipotypoza), autorzy przyznają podstawowe funkcje ekspresywne fi gurom konstrukcji (syllepse, ellipse, pléonasme, hyperbate). Również prowadzona na gruncie poetyki analiza stylistyczna tekstów waloryzuje tylko pewne typy figur: ściśle dramatyczna funkcja przyznawana jest przede wszystkim figurom myśli oraz sensu. Interesujący jest fakt, iż poetyka XVII wieku nie przypisuje funkcji dramatycznych figurom konstrukcji, co pozwala uchwycić granice wpływu teorii retoryki na stylistykę uprawianą w ramach poetyki.
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