The injection piles reinforced by structural sections are used in many protecting constructions. A character of these constructions causes that they work under conditions of complex loads. So it may appear state of stress of various signs in a pile section. A combination of structural section with cement grout surround is subjected in such a case to steel ironing from cement grout in ones fibers and in other ones forcing steel in to grout. A command of combination strength in both cases as well as of slip rate on the contact surface is essential by designing. The stress values accompanying the failure of combination which there were achieved during strength tests for stronger grounds have proven lower than normative capacity of pile side surface.
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Wraz z rosnącym zapotrzebowaniem na specjalistyczne prace inżynieryjno-geotechniczne rośnie popularność tzw. samowiercących iniekcyjnych mikropali i gwoździ gruntowych systemu Ischebeck TITAN. Artykuł przedstawia krótką analizę rozwiązań technologicznych i wymogów formalnych.
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Struktura pali iniekcyjnych zbudowana jest z zaczynu cementowego i zatopionego w nim elementu stalowego. W przenoszeniu obciążeń w konstrukcji naziemnej na grunt biorą udział oba elementy pala, dlatego tak istotnego znaczenia nabiera prawidłowość ich zespolenia.
The injection pile structure consists of cement grout and steel-based element fused into it. Both pile elements are employed to transfer the load from overhead to ground structure. For this reason, joining those piles correctly is fundamental. According to some tests, joint failure leads to a disintegration of cement grout wrapping. In order to increase steel adhesion to cement grout in injection piles some SAS steel elements have been launched in the market. The tests confirmed the suitability of this type of rods to reinforce geotechnical elements, such as injection piles, ground anchors or studs.
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Low-pressure injection piles are increasingly used both while reinforcing old foundations and designing new engineering solutions. In the course of design works, piles are often linked functionally with foundations. The research presented in this study does not confirm the guidelines according to which the coefficients reducing the bearing capacity of piles used as part of a set of piles should be applied. The area around a pile, which is affected by significant ground deformation, is very limited. According to the performed experiments, piles bear different in fluence on cohesive and non-cohesive soils. In both cases, a noticeable difference of pile and ground dislocation within their contact zone has occurred. It therefore seems necessary to verify the operating model of a pile in the ground, considering the slipping of both means in relation to each other.
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