Artykuł jest poświęcony wybranym elementom procedury unieruchamiania pojazdu za pomocą urządzenia do blokowania kół, na podstawie art. 130a ust. 8 i 9 ustawy - Prawo o ruchu drogowym. Autor skoncentrował uwagę na zagadnieniach związanych ze wskazaniem podmiotów uprawnionych do dokonania tej czynności. Wskazał również przesłanki, których spełnienie umożliwia uruchomienie tej procedury.
The author discusses some aspects of the procedure to immobilize the vehicle with a wheel-locking device, included in article 130a (8) and (9) of the Law on Road Traffic. Attention is focused on the issue related to the entities authorised to perform this activity. The author also indicates the conditions which must be fulfilled for the procedure to be instituted.
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Artykuł został poświęcony wybranym problemom związanym z usunięciem pojazdu na podstawie art. 50a ustawy Prawo o ruchu drogowym. Omówiono przesłanki warunkujące dopuszczalność stosowania tej instytucji. Konieczne jest ustalenie, że pojazd pozostawiony jest bez tablic rejestracyjnych lub że jego stan wskazuje na to, że nie jest on używany. Wskazano na zakres zastosowania tej instytucji, na podmioty uprawnione do jej stosowania, jak również na różnice pomiędzy tym trybem a trybem wskazanym w art. 130a ustawy Prawo o ruchu drogowym.
This article is devoted to selected problems connected with the removal from the road of a vehicle, based on Article 50a of the Act on Road Traffic. The premises determining the admissibility of employing this institution are discussed. It is necessary to establish that the vehicle has been abandoned on the road with no license plates or the condition of the vehicle indicates that it is not used. The scope of the application of this institution, entities entitled to perform it as well as the differences between this procedure and one based on Article 130a of the Act on Road Traffic are indicated.
Improving road safety is a prime objective of the European Union’s transport policy. An important element of that policy is the consistent enforcement of sanctions for road traffic offences committed in the Union which considerably jeopardise road safety. In order to improve road safety throughout the Union and to ensure equal treatment of drivers, namely resident and non-resident offenders, enforcement should be facilitated irrespective of the Member State of registration of the vehicle. To this end, a system of cross-border exchange of information should be used for certain identified road-safety-related traffic offences, regardless of their administrative or criminal nature under the law of the Member State concerned, granting the Member State of the offence access to vehicle registration data (VRD) of the Member State of registration. A more efficient cross-border exchange of VRD, which should facilitate the identification of persons suspected of committing a road-safety-related traffic offence, might increase the deterrent effect and induce more cautious behaviour by the driver of a vehicle that is registered in a Member State other than the Member State of the offence, thereby preventing casualties due to road traffic accidents.
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