Osady powstające w procesie uzdatniania wód stanowią ważny problem ekologiczny, któremu nie poświęca się należytej uwagi. Ilość powstających osadów stale wzrasta wraz ze zwiększającą się ilością uzdatnianych wód powierzchniowych. Zagospodarowanie osadów należy zaliczyć do procesów trudnych podobnie jak wykorzystanie osadów. W artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia z zagospodarowania i unieszkodliwienia osadów pokoagulacyjnych zawierających glin, przedstawiono możliwości ich wykorzystania w celu zwiększenia zakresu ochrony środowiska.
Sludge produced during processing of drinking water is a waste type which has been paid so far little attention only. The quantity of sludge has been increasing with the increasing volume of the processed surface water. This sludge is difficult to treat and its future use is rather limited. This paper deals with lessons learnt during from treatment and disposal of alumina water sludge and proposes re-use alternatives. The goal is to eliminate loading of the environment with this waste type.
Badano możliwości wykorzystania osadów z uzdatniania wody w procesie przeróbki osadów ściekowych. W skali laboratoryjnej prze¬ prowadzono badania nad wpływem osadów zawierających koagulant glinowy na proces odwadniania osadów ściekowych. Sprawdzono wpływ dawek osadów z uzdatniania wody wymieszanych sposobem objętościowym oraz względem zawartości suchej masy organicznej. Stwierdzono zwiększenie skuteczności odwadniania przy zastosowaniu objętościowego sposobu mieszania. Nieznaczny wpływ osadów z uzdatniania wody na właściwości filtracyjne osadów ściekowych zaobserwowano dla próbek zmieszanych w zależności od zawartości suchej masy organicznej. Im większy był udział osadów z uzdatniania wody w mieszaninie osadów ściekowych, tym parametry odwadnialności były korzystniejsze.
Water treatment sludge was added to the sewage sludge to improve its processability under lab. conditions. An increase in dewatering efficiency by using a volumetric mixing method was obsd.
With the treatment of water, especially surface waters, there is produced a high amount of sewage and sludge. They make up a serious ecology problem that due to a high volume and the content of sludge of iron or aluminium oxide-hydroxide or, pollution which occur in the intaken water (mineral and organic substances, algae, protozoa and bacteria) as well as the chemicals added. The environmental protection requires limiting materials as well as it makes you search for effective waste management problem-solving methods. The waste generated at present during water treatment most often undergo dehydration and drying and then they are deposited at the landfill site. The currently binding environmental protection law makes you look for the possibilities of the use of sludge as recycled materials, e.g. in brick factories, cement factories or with sewage treatment. Sludge containing aluminium or iron can be used e.g. in the process of municipal sewage treatment. The application of sludge containing aluminium for dephosphatation has the advantage of protecting the system from secondary release of precipitated phosphates in the environment deprived of dissolved oxygen. The possibilities of sludge application to remove phosphates differ, depend not only on the sludge characteristics but also on the sewage treatment process. The article demonstrates the results of research into using sludge derived from water treatment station in Lubicz to remove phosphates from sewage. At present the sludge after sedimentation and mechanical dehydration with the filtration press finally reaches the municipal landfill site. The sludge, applied for research, concentrated in settling vessels, is a mixture of post-coagulation sludge and washings from anthracite-sand and carbon filters. Its hydration accounting for 98,7% shows a high colour, above 80 mg Pt/dm3, it contains about 2,6 g/dm3 of aluminium as well as organic compounds expressed with BOD5 value equal 170 mg O2/dm3. The sludge shows a high COD of 3990 mg O2/dm3, and organic substance – for 31,6% of dry weight. The study of effectiveness of the removal of phosphates was made with the vessel test method. The sludge was dispensed at a changing volume from 0,5 to 100 cm3 per 1 dm3 of prepared water and then sewage. Both in water and in sewage there was recorded a 90% removal of phosphates by applying 80 cm3 of sludge per 1 dm3 of the sample. Additionally there was investigated the effect of dispensed sludge on the effectiveness of sewage treatment with the model of the treatment plant with rotating biological contactors. Applying the rate of 40 cm3 of sludge per 1 dm3 produced 96,0% elimination of COD, 97,7% removal of organic compounds characterised with the values of COD and BOD5 as well as 100% removal of phosphates. Finally it was found that it is possible to use the sludge to remove phosphates from sludge. During dephosphatation there was reported no use-up of the natural alkalinity of sewage. Sludge dispensing did not result in a decrease in the effectiveness of sewage treatment with the method of rotating biological contactors. The research is preliminary in nature and it needs to be continued.
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Lead is a heavy metal with strong toxic properties. This chemical element is found in wastewater and sometimes in drinking water. The article deals with the removal of lead(II) ions from polluted water using a sorption process to determine the most effective sorbent for the removal of lead(II) ions. Three sorbents were used in the research: clay, sapropel, and iron sludge. All three sorbents investigated reduce the concentration of lead(II) ions in water: clay efficiency was of 65.7-90 %, sapropel of 94.3-100 %, and iron sludge of 84.3-97 %, depending on sorbent type and contact duration. The research has shown that the most effective way to remove lead(II) ions from the test water is sapropel. Using different amounts of sapropel (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 g/dm3 and 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8 g/dm3) and different duration of contact (30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes), the concentration of lead(II) ions in the test water after purification did not exceed the permissible values for drinking water (10 mg/dm3), so that the lowest sapropel content of 0.1 g/dm3 can be used for sorption. Lead(II) ions are most effectively removed when contact time is 30 min.
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