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Supply chain management is at the heart of business strategy. The types of goods delivered are extremely varied and the way to deliver to the final consumer is more and more complex. Moreover, the relations between players within the supply chain take multiple shapes and have inevitably an impact on its design. This arena of complexity leads companies to use diverse kinds of relational approaches. But the relational view is itself a large field of study and a recent trend in supply chain management. It can be focuses on joint planning, coordination, and process integration between suppliers, customers, and other partners in a supply chain. Its benefits include cost reductions, an increasing reliability and a strong responsiveness to market needs. In addition, managing a sustainable supply chain involves today additional parameters like CO2 emissions reduction, energy consumption decrease, eradication of traffic congestion problems and the need for a better traceability. Besides, recent progresses in inter-companies’ communication technologies, along with a growing use of strategic partnering, has resulted in a large variety of alternative information systems approaches for supporting a collaborative supply chain management. Helped by theories and based on empirical data from specific cases companies, this exploratory and conceptual research shows the relative influence of various specific environments on the coordination of logistics flows, with a focus on relationships between different players. This work analyzes diverse types of supply chains and gives a framework confronted with some examples showing how different players create new models of logistics organization in particular situations.
The article presents the result of an empirical study that compares the formal structure of a company with its less formal counterpart: the network of cooperation, flow of information, knowledge and decision between employees. An empirical study surveys 374 employees from two companies about their position in formal structure and their connections with other employees. The conducted analysis examines the relationship between company structural characteristics and performance, as one of studied company performs less effective than other. The paper examines such issues as: the level of convergence of both structures, the degree of compliance of formal and informal authority and the allocation of network resources. In a company characterized by higher performance we observed higher level of convergence of both structures, higher degree of compliance of the position of the employee with the level of their informal authority, and higher level of support provided by the managers. Results suggest that the comparison of formal and informal structure of the company provides information about its performance that is difficult to obtain in any other way. Finally, presented managerial implications refer to the specific ways how to improve the organizational structure on the basis of information obtained by analyzing the organizational network.
W artykule przedstawiono rolę właściwej struktury organizacyjnej w osiąganiu wysokiej produktywności polskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjno-usługowych. Zaprezentowano trendy rozwojowe typowych ramowych struktur organizacyjnych na przestrzeni ostatnich lat - od rynku producenta przez rynek konsumenta aż do współczesnej postaci organizacyjnej zarządzania przez jakość. Omówiono wpływ czynnika ludzkiego w procesie modyfikacji struktur zarządzania i wprowadzania niezbędnych zmian. Zademonstrowano nowy schemat organizacyjny umożliwiający otwarcie firmy na otoczenie i klienta.
The paper presents role of adequate organizational structure in achieving the high productivity in polish service-productive enterprises. It is also shown evolution of typical organizational structure during the different stages of development in present times starting from producer's market, through consumer's market and finally to reach Total Quality Management. Paper deals with human factor in this process and necessity of changes. New model of organization chart which allows open communication with environment was also demonstrated.
The appropriate evaluation of the organizational structure in the company is one of the elements that helps to improve the quality of the work that is done within organization. In order to assess this structure a method for building communication-based organizational social network is proposed. Both the formal and informal communication between employees were analyzed in order to extract this network. Further, the built network's structure is compared with organizational structure defined on the basis of the business processes within the company. In the case of detecting differences or inconsistencies a list of changes aiming to improve the effectiveness of organizational structure is generated. A measure for estimating the quality of organizational structure as a whole was also proposed.
Project Management Maturity can be defined as the degree of development of repeatable systems and processes and giving a high chance of achieving success in future projects. One of the factors influencing the project management maturity is communication in the group created for the project, as reflected by a specific organizational structure. Selection of project structure becomes one of the important factors that reduce the risk of completion of projects failure, especially those with a high degree of innovation. The article presents the results of research relating to the above issues and compares them to other studies of a more general nature. It also refers to the possibility of applying the concept of project management maturity in the context of project management.
Content available Analiza sieci w badaniach struktury organizacji
Using social network analysis for the studies of organizational structure allows to understand in more details the ways of real organizing of employees. The manner in which people work is the quotidian knowledge that is often not realized very well but it is essential for effective performance of a company. The article presents the research process that results in a picture of organizational structure reflected as the network of connections between employees. The studies are usually conducted with survey questions that are presented in the article (cooperation, information flow, the flow of knowledge and problem-solving, and finally the decision flow) and interpreted in the context of the analysis made in a real company. The network structure of an innovative IT company (125 employees) consisting of 3097 connections has been visualized and analyzed. We tested the assumptions regarding the degree of company integration, the level of centralization in decision making process, the way of task coordination and the possible blockages in the flow of knowledge. We also highlighted employees that were important in these areas and specified their roles.
In the article an attempt was made to identify possible variants of marketing function’s location in the structure of administrative and multiadministrative enterprises. The focus was on practical structural solutions in marketing zone and also there were identified typical barriers which make the development of marketing function impossible.
Supply chain management is at the heart of business strategy. The types of goods delivered are extremely varied and the way to deliver to the final consumer is more and more complex. Moreover, the relations between players within the supply chain take multiple shapes and have inevitably an impact on its design. This arena of complexity leads companies to use diverse kinds of relational approaches. But the relational view is itself a large field of study and a recent trend in supply chain management. It can be focuses on joint planning, coordination, and process integration between suppliers, customers, and other partners in a supply chain. Its benefits include cost reductions, an increasing reliability and a strong responsiveness to market needs. In addition, managing a sustainable supply chain involves today additional parameters like CO2 emissions reduction, energy consumption decrease, eradication of traffic congestion problems and the need for a better traceability. Besides, recent progresses in inter-companies’ communication technologies, along with a growing use of strategic partnering, has resulted in a large variety of alternative information systems approaches for supporting a collaborative supply chain management. Helped by theories and based on empirical data from specific cases companies, this exploratory and conceptual research shows the relative influence of various specific environments on the coordination of logistics flows, with a focus on relationships between different players. This work analyzes diverse types of supply chains and gives a framework confronted with some examples showing how different players create new models of logistics organization in particular situations.
tom nr 4
The logistics controlling forces the change of the current organization’s rules of operation concentrating not on conforming to the procedures but on the actions focusing on achieving results. One of the instruments that serve this purpose consists of the organizational rules and the organizational chart of a given business entity. The organizational rules with the organizational chart allow for the delegation of powers, free communication within the organization as well as determine the level of costs related to personnel management and induce a range of changes within the organization.
The application of E-government initiative in Jordan had widely spread milestones in terms of achievement, these achievements has changed the means of communication between the government different ministries and directories through websites. This research studied the level of E-government application and the changes in the organizational structure needed to reach the optimal customer service. Data collected through the interview with personnel in the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and Electronic Government Program from, the websites of the Ministry of Education and the Income and Sales Tax Directorate, and the United Nations E-government Readiness Biannual Report. This study found that the E-government application level is conventional with some utilization in the vertical integration, and the effect on the structure is not clear except for the new technology-related positions that have emerged due to the changes in the communication methods.
Podobnie jak większość zjawisk społecznych, kultura organizacyjna ulega powolnym zmianom i utrwala pewne bieżące tendencje. Równocześnie kultura organizacyjna posiada właściwości, które sprawiają, że trudno ją przewidywać w bardzo długich okresach. Pewne współczesne trendy dotyczące sposobów w jaki dokonują się międzyludzkie interakcje oraz tego jak członkowie organizacji będą współdziałać w przyszłości, stanowią wyzwanie dla badań nad kulturą organizacyjną. Zmiany dotyczą wszystkich podstawowych komponentów kultury. Jednym z najbardziej wyraźnych trendów jest malejący nacisk na znaczenie tradycji i hierarchicznego statusu jako wyznaczników prawidłowych działań oraz rosnący nacisk na rynkowe determinanty działań Kultura organizacyjna posiada tendencji do pewnej inercji. Równocześnie kształtujące się w jej ramach subkultury zaczynają rozwijać się w sposób autonomiczny. Wywołuje to szereg problemów w procesie funkcjonowania współczesnych organizacji, których cechą jest zmienność i tymczasowość powiązań organizacyjnych. Paradygmat dwudziestego wieku zakładał, że strategia powinna być pierwsza: pożądana strategia powinna determinować strukturę organizacyjną, a kultura organizacyjna jest przede wszystkim pochodną struktury. Paradygmat obecnego wieku zakładałby, że kultura organizacyjna powinna być pierwsza: pożądana kultura powinna określać strukturę organizacyjną, a strategia jest przede wszystkim pochodną struktury.
The organisational culture, as most social phenomena, is subject to gradual change and it perpetrates certain current tendencies. In parallel to that, some of the properties of organisational culture cause it to be difficult to predict over very extended periods. Certain contemporary trends concerning the way in which human interactions proceed as well as the way in which members of an organisation will cooperate in the future are a challenge for research on organisational culture. Changes occur within all basic components of culture. One of the most readily discernible trends is the decreasing emphasis on tradition and hierarchical status as factors determining which action is desirable, and a growing emphasis on market-related action determinants. Organisational culture tends to be somewhat inert, whereas the subcultures that develop within it start developing autonomously. This leads to a range of problems in the operations of contemporary organisations, which are characterised by variable and transitory organisationallinks. An assumption of the paradigm that prevailed in the 20th century was that strategy should be of overriding importance, i.e. a desired strategy should determine the organisational structure, whereas organisational culture it essentially to be derived from structure. By contrast, the paradigm for the present century would assume that it is the organisational culture that should be given priority. Under this paradigm, a desired culture should determine the organisational structure, and strategy should be primarily a derivative of structure.
Different authors agree that designing the organizational structure in accordance with the business processes can bring numerous advantages, which improve business performance of the organizational system. This article aims to show how cost-effective restructuring, through modification of organizational structure according to business processes that exist in the organization, can bring numerous benefits. Successful implementation of process organizational model does not necessarily demand large investments, but only adequate structural changes and internal reorganization. The data used in this paper were gathered during the project of restructuring one transportation company from Belgrade, which consulting team from Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, performed in year 2012.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zjawiska co-sourcingu usług finansowoksięgowych w polskich przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych. Co-sourcing usług finansowo-księgowych nie jest procesem jednolitym. Jest on realizowany w różny sposób. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano istotę business process co-sourcing w rachunkowości oraz jego wpływ na strukturę organizacyjną i efektywność działania przedsiębiorstw.
The purpose of this article is to present the phenomenon of co-sourcing finance and accounting services in Polish manufacturing companies. Co-sourcing of finance and accounting is not a uniform process. It is implemented in different ways. The paper presents the essence of business process co-sourcing in accounting and its impact on the organizational structure and operational efficiency of the enterprises.
[...] W regionie pilskim1 (podobnie jak w całej Polsce) w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX w. wystąpiły zmiany w systemie transportowym. Największe z nich przeprowadzono w transporcie kolejowym i samochodowym, a najważniejsze dotyczyły przewozów pasażerskich, towarowych, struktury organizacyjnej, jakościowej, ilościowej oraz struktury zatrudnienia. Nadmiernie rozbudowana sieć linii kolejowych w regionie powodowała, że ich zdolność przewozowa nie była w pełni wykorzystywana, zwłaszcza na liniach tzw. układu uzupełniającego sieć [...]
In the region of Pila’s province (like in the whole of Poland) there were changes in the transport system in the nineties. Among others they embraced the railway transport. Between 1990–1998 there was about 1/3 of railway lines shut down in the region. The number of carried passengers decreased by almost 50%. A significant decrease was also observed within freight traffic. The employment was reduced (the highest decrease reaching almost 40% was observed in the operating field of Pila’s Regional Railway Station). One out of 18 shunting yards in Poland was liquidated in Pila including locomotive and carriage shops. As a result of the introduction of the II stage of restructuring of Polish National Railway a Goods Service Plant was brought into existence.
In the era of the knowledge-based society and economy education has become a crucial factor in determining the future prospects of national states, and thus a subject to fundamental changes. With a purpose to improve the quality of higher education (HE) and become more competitive in the global context European countries joined their efforts and commenced a massive multi-year project of harmonizing and modernizing HE systems, which is known as the Bologna process (BP). According to the main Bologna documents the involvement of all stakeholders, especially the recipients of educational services (students), into HE governance at all levels is considered to be one of the core principles of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) development. However, it was found out, the system of student representation and the degrees of their engagement vary considerably around Europe. For solving this problem it is essential to find innovative approaches in engaging students into HE management by studying the positive experience of the most influential student representative organization in the EHEA – the European Students’ Union (ESU). In the article major organizational, procedural and content foundations of the ESU’s activity as a subject of the BP were defined and characterized. On the basis of logical and systematic analysis of statutory and policy documents specific peculiarities of the organizational structure, goals and principles, and forms of cooperation with external partners of the Union were pointed out. The basic action lines of the ESU in the context of the higher education modernization were studied. They are quality assurance, student-centered paradigm in education, graduates’ employability, financing of higher education and student movement development. To the main forms of the ESU’s engagement into the BP we refer: collection, analysis, synthesis and dissemination of information to the NUSes, and other BP subjects; monitoring of the Bologna principles implementation in different European countries; establishment together with other representative bodies of the advisory and expert bodies pools; foundation of associated structures; popularization of ESU’s policies among major stakeholders in higher education; realization of analytical and research projects (QUEST, SAGE, FINST, PASCL, etc.). Besides, it was determined that the main means which the ESU uses in order to achieve its objectives are the following: surveys NUSes, student debates, forums, conferences and seminars; policy documents, declarations and resolutions, speeches, statements; the series of analytical publications “Bologna With Student Eyes”.
Tarnowska delegation Książęco-episcopal Assistance Committee was officially was established on 19 August 1915 r. It was a transformation of Tarnowski Rescue Committee. This organization functioned during the First World War. Its patron was bishop of Tarnów Leon Wałęga. As part of its structure three sections: building, the orphan and food shortages were created. They were based on subsidies and donations, also from abroad. It moved to assist the most affected by the war diocese – orphans and the homeless, especially in rural areas. Delegation activity fell at the most difficult times. There was no shortage of clergy and lay people involved in helping the most needy. Institutional support was organized professionally. Thanks to the work Tarnowskiej Delegation K.B.K. many lives were saved.
The objective of the paper is to present the results of investigation regarding barriers for empowerment in the context of organisational problems of companies, their application in the search for solutions, and adequate implementation in order to increase the efficiency of the processes of decision-making.
Building construction organizational structures is aimed at creating appropriate conditions for the cooperation of construction staff in order to complete a specific construction object. It should be associated with the process of organizing and allocating work, decision-making rights and resources to individual construction participants, along with providing appropriate resources so that they can perform their tasks correctly and safely. Construction organizational charts are helpful. The article presents an example procedure for designing an organizational structure that may be useful in construction management.
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