The role and the meaning of a construction company on the market is variable depending on the phase of the life cycle of the company in a given moment. The processes and the services offered by a company are dependent on time and how the business activities of the company are developed as well as the barriers which the company encounters at specific stages of the business activities of the enterprise. In this specific context competitiveness can be understood not only as a comparison of the position of the company with other enterprises functioning within a given sector but as a resultant of possibilities and chances created by an organization in the context of its life cycle. The main aim of this article is to try and assess the influence of the life cycle of a construction company on its market behaviour taking into account the theoretical consideration of competitiveness.
Rola i znaczenie przedsiębiorstwa budowlanego na rynku jest zmienna w zależności od fazy życia, w jakim się ono w danym momencie znajduje. Procesy i usługi oferowane przez przedsiębiorstwo uzależnione są bowiem od czasu i rozwoju działalności oraz barier, jakie napotyka w poszczególnych etapach działalności. W tym kontekście konkurencyjność może być rozumiana nie tylko jako porównanie pozycji przedsiębiorstwa z innymi działającymi w danym sektorze, ale jako wypadkowa możliwości i szans stwarzanych przez organizację w kontekście cyklu jej życia. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba oceny wpływu fazy życia przedsiębiorstwa budowlanego na jej zachowania rynkowe przy uwzględnieniu teoretycznych rozważań konkurencyjności.
The purpose of this article is to introduce organizational application of allostasis. This is to be used as a very convenient replacement of homeostasis which has been lost due to adverse circumstances created by a turbulent environment. This application is derived by the continuous diagnosis and observation of the chosen sample. The sample has been positioned in various organizational situations represented by FOGT’s businesses organization from 1982 to 2014. The situation is determined by a recognized level of organizational effectiveness or potential ineffectiveness caused by dysfunctions created by surroundings. In such circumstances organizational homeostasis based on stability does not exist and it has to be replaced by allostasis. When homeostasis represents the idea of achieving organizational stability through constancy, allostasis represents the idea of achieving stability through change. This article presents a brief summary of the results of the diagnosis based on qualitative, long lasted depth analysis. The author's tool “The business life cycle model of organizational effectiveness influenced by dysfunctions” is based on the research of the organizational situation. The summary interprets all outcomes of the research and expresses the sense of implemented organizational adaptation through changes as allostasis.
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