The main aim of the article is to present a recognition of the factors in uencing the innovative activity (organizational and marketing) of industrial enterprises in Poland. It was decided to specify 5 potential variables explaining innovative activity of enterprises. Multiple regression was used to test the significance of factors. The results show that the share of micro companies in the given division of manufacturing turned out to be a significant factor in determining the level of activity in the scope of marketing-related innovativeness. Companies owned by foreign subjects display higher activity in the sphere of innovative activity. The share of bank credits in short-term liabilities turns out to be a serious barrier to implementation of organizational innovations.
Purpose: This paper aims to match subjective and objective measures of organizational innovativeness and test correlative relationship between the two. Methodology: The research adopts a quantitative approach, and applies correlation analysis to identify interdependencies. The study has been done in the aviation industry, as organizational innovativeness has so far been described especially in high-tech industries – however it has not been investigated within aviation industry yet. Findings: The results show that the discussions over reliability of research based on subjective measurements techniques are not unfounded. The evidence suggests that subjective measures are not correlated with objective measures, and the outcomes of third-party investigations differ considerably. Therefore decisions about measurements techniques should be deliberate, thought out, theoretically grounded and justified. In general, methodological recommendations provided by this paper could be boiled down to the ascertainment that accurate and reliable assessment of organizational innovativeness should use a set of objective measures addressing all stages of the innovation process. Originality: It should be noted that this study was restricted to only one industry and prone to some common bias. The aviation industry sample was relatively small and purposefully selected, disallowing conclusive statements made outside of this empirical setting. However despite the limitations this paper provides some significant contribution to evaluation and research on innovativeness. It compares two approaches to measurement and empirically proves which approach is more suitable in case of such a highly innovation-intensive sector like aviation. Moreover, it introduces a new in Polish research tool for subjective assessment of organizational innovativeness namely the questionnaire developed by Wang and Ahmed (2004).
It is well-recognized from various business sectors that learning organization occupies a significant role in boosting the performance of organizations and is employed for gaining competitive advantage. Despite many studies in this management topic, there is a dearth of studies investigating public Higher Education. This study aims at investigating the implementation of learning organization at the individual, group, and organizational levels and the relationship with organizational innovativeness among academics in Indonesian public universities. Statistical results analyzed with regression analysis from 170 academics indicate significant positive associations between all variables. The finding of this research emphasizes the urgency to manage knowledge-based assets to accomplish the integration of personal knowledge to the organizational level. On the top priority, to gain competitive advantage, the public universities should create opportunities for continuous learning as well as promote a principle of inquiry and dialogue. Being one of the most essential sources of knowledge creation, it is imperative for higher education to implant organizational learning to accomplish literary greatness to contend satisfactorily in an unpredictable situation.
Z różnych sektorów biznesu dobrze wiadomo, że organizacja ucząca się odgrywa znaczącą rolę w zwiększaniu wydajności organizacji i jest wykorzystywana do uzyskiwania przewagi konkurencyjnej. Pomimo wielu badań w tym temacie zarządzania, brakuje badań dotyczących publicznego szkolnictwa wyższego. Niniejsze badanie ma na celu zbadanie wdrożenia organizacji uczenia się na poziomie indywidualnym, grupowym i organizacyjnym oraz związku z innowacyjnością organizacyjną wśród naukowców na indonezyjskich uniwersytetach publicznych. Wyniki statystyczne analizowane za pomocą analizy regresji 170 naukowców wskazują na znaczące pozytywne powiązania między wszystkimi zmiennymi. Wyniki tych badań podkreślają pilną potrzebę zarządzania zasobami opartymi na wiedzy, aby osiągnąć integrację wiedzy osobistej z poziomem organizacyjnym. Nadrzędnym celem, aby uzyskać przewagę konkurencyjną, publiczne uniwersytety powinny stworzyć możliwości ciągłego uczenia się, a także promować zasadę dochodzenia i dialogu. Będąc jednym z najistotniejszych źródeł tworzenia wiedzy, konieczne jest, aby szkolnictwo wyższe zaimplementowało uczenie się organizacji, aby osiągnąć dużą zdolność do skutecznego radzenia sobie, w nieprzewidywalnych sytuacjach.
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