The main objective of this study is to carry out a complex economic analysis of organic manure application. Researches were carried for years 2010-2015. Organic manure, a by-product of animal husbandry, is one of the oldest and most valuable materials in agriculture. The primary purpose of using organic manure is to improve soil fertility. Since the 90s, Hungary has been facing changes in the ownership of agricultural ventures, the number of big farms decreased and the amount of livestock was reduced in the main sectors of animal husbandry. Hungary, as a member of the European Union, has to conform to the current environmental protection regulations which also refer to the disposal of organic manure that can only be performed if significant investments are made. It can be concluded that the economic efficiency of organic manure application is primarily determined by transport distance and the specific transport method. In addition, the establishment of manure containers can be considered to be unproductive investments which affect the economic efficiency of using organic manure negatively.
Głównym celem artykułu jest kompleksowa ocena ekonomiczna stosowania obornika na Węgrzech. Badania dotyczyły lat 2010-2015. Stwierdzono, że efektywność ekonomiczna stosowania nawozu organicznego zależy przede wszystkim od sposobu transportu i odległości na jaka jest transportowany. Ponadto wykazano, że tworzenie płyt obornikowych może być uznane za inwestycję nieopłacalną, która negatywnie wpływa na efektywność ekonomiczną użycia nawozów organicznych.
With the rising awareness of the adverse effects of chemical pesticides, people are looking for organically grown vegetables. Consumers are increasingly choosing organic foods due to the perception that they are healthier than those conventionally grown. Vegetable crops are vulnerable to a range of pathogenic organisms that reduce yield by killing the plant or damaging the product, thus making it unmarketable. Soil-borne diseases are among the major factors contributing to low yields of organic produce. Apart from chemical pesticides there are several methods that can be used to protect crops from soil-borne pathogens. These include the introduction of biocontrol agents against soil-borne plant pathogens, plants with therapeutic effects and organic soil amendments that stimulate antagonistic activities of microorganisms to soil-borne diseases. The decomposition of organic matter in soil also results in the accumulation of specific compounds that may be antifungal or nematicidal. With the growing interest in organic vegetables, it is necessary to find non chemical means of plant disease control. This review describes the impact of soil-borne diseases on organic vegetables and methods used for their control.
Badania miały na celu określenie wpływu materiałów ściółkowych, tj. słomy i wiórów, na właściwości fizykochemiczne otrzymanego z nich obornika oraz jego wartość nawozową i plonotwórczą. Obornik wiórowy w większym stopniu wzbogacił glebę w N, P, K i Mg, podnosząc jej zasobność. Po zbiorze plonów saldo zmian pH gleby oraz zawartości w niej N, P, K było wyższe po oborniku wiórowym niż po słomiastym. Wyższy plon ziarniaków uzyskano z pola nawiezionego obornikiem słomiastym, a także wyższa w nich była zawartość N i P. Słoma zebrana z pola nawiezionego tym obornikiem była uboższa w N i K. Wynika z tego, że w oborniku wiórowym więcej było makroelementów w formach nieprzyswajalnych dla roślin. Obornik słomiasty w większym stopniu podniósł urodzajność gleby niż obornik wiórowy.
The aim of study was to determine the influence of used bedding materials (straw and woodchips) on physico-chemical properties of produced poultry manure, its fertilization and crop yielding effects. The manure with woodchips enriched the soil with N, P, K and Mg to much higher extent, improving its abundance. After harvesting crops the balance of soil pH and the N, P, K contents were higher after applied manure with woodchips, than after that with straw. Higher yield of grain was obtained from the field fertilized with straw manure at higher N and P contents; the straw harvested from this field contained less N and K. Thus, it appears that the woodchips manure contained more macroelements in forms non-available for plants. The straw manure increased the soil fertility to higher degree than the woodchips manure.
Organic farming is a holistic production management system that promotes and enhances environmental quality including biodiversity, bio-geo-chemical cycles and soil floral and faunal activities. One of the energy resources developed during recent years are the application of organic sources such as biogas slurry, blue green algae, compost, green manure farmyard manure, vermicompost and seaweed liquid fertilizer. During decomposition, these organic manures yield many organic compounds and organic acids as well as antibiotic substances as an intermediate product. Mangrove/Halophytes forest has an important ecological and socio economic value to man. In India, Tamil Nadu has a coastline of 950 km. Extensive mangrove wetlands are located in Pichavaram of Cuddalore district and Muthupet of Thanjavur district. It is reported that the nutrient values of halophytes were higher when compared to green manures (glycophytes). The objective of the present study is to highlight the efficacy of halophytic compost which are normally available in coastal areas on growth and yield parameters in pulse varieties. Various combinations of halophytic composts used, Suaeda compost + farmyard manure + phosphate solubilising bacteria treatment showed an increased in biomass and yield, number of root nodules and microbial activities when compared other halophytic compost and control. This study shows the feasibility of using halophytic composts in the coastal area to improve soil fertility and productivity.
Organic manuring have significant influence on the sweet corn growth. Important element of sweet corn agrotechny can be catch crops cultivated on the ploughing down. A field experiment was carried out at the Zawady Experimental Farm near Siedlce. There was investigated the effect of green manures applied as sunflower catch crops on changes in the content of dry matter, ascorbic acid, total sugars and monosaccharides in sweet corn . The sunflower was sown at three dates: the 21st of July, 4th of August and 18th of August. The effects of catch crop green manures was compared to the effect of farmyard manure (40 t·ha-1) and the control. Sweet corn cultivated in control and after catch crops sown on the 18th of August content more dry matter in kernels then cultivated after farmyard manure. Catch crops sown on the 21st of July and 18th of August reduced ascorbic acid content in corn compared to farmyard manure and the catch crop sown on the 4th of August. Sweet corn cultivated following farmyard manure and catch crops sown on the 21st of July and 4th of August had a higher content of total sugars compared with corn following the sunflower catch crop sown on the 18th of August. An average content of monosaccharides in sweet corn after sunflower catch crop sown on the 21st of July was higher than in corn cultivated following farmyard manure.
Na wzrost kukurydzy cukrowej istotny wpływ ma nawożenie organiczne. Ważnym elementem jej agrotechniki mogą być rośliny międzyplonowe uprawiane na przyoranie. Eksperyment przeprowadzono w RSD w Zawadach k. Siedlec. Badano wpływ nawozów zielonych ze słonecznika wysiewanego 21 lipca, 4 i 18 sierpnia na zawartość suchej masy, kwasu askorbinowego, cukrów ogółem i redukujących w kukurydzy cukrowej. Efekty stosowania nawozów zielonych porównano z obornikiem (40 t·ha-1) oraz obiektem kontrolnym. Kukurydza uprawiana w kontroli i po międzyplonie posianym 18 sierpnia charakteryzowała się wyższą zawartością suchej masy w ziarniakach od uprawianej po oborniku. Uprawa kukurydzy po międzyplonach posianych 21 lipca i 18 sierpnia wpłynęła na spadek ilości kwasu askorbinowego w ziarniakach w stosunku do uprawy po oborniku i międzyplonie posianym 4 sierpnia. Kukurydza uprawiana po oborniku oraz międzyplonach posianych 21 lipca i 4 sierpnia charakteryzowała się wyższą zawartością cukrów ogółem od uprawianej po międzyplonie posianym 18 sierpnia. Zawartość cukrów redukujących w kukurydzy po międzyplonie posianym 21 lipca była wyższa niż po oborniku.