In this work, the semi-synthetic wastewater made of the leachate derived from non-hazardous municipal waste landfill in Kozodrza (south-eastern Poland) and supplemented by ammonium, was treated in hybrid SBRs to assess the removal efficiency of organic compounds, including humic substances and dissolved fractions, depending on the technological conditions. The technological layout variants concerned both the volumetric proportions of aerated and anoxic zones (0.33 and 0.66) as well as the N/C ratio (0.1 and 0.2). It was found that the efficiency of organic compounds removal (expressed as COD, BOD5 and TOC) was influenced by the geometry of oxygen supply; in the SBRs operating with 0.33 ratio, it was significantly higher compared to that with 0.75 ratio. The analysis also revealed that the N/C ratio set at 0.1 resulted in higher treatment efficiency than that obtained for 0.2. The composition of dissolved organic fractions in outflows was also related both with the SBRs geometry and the N/C ratio. It was found that proportions of TOC and humic substances were significantly lower in the SBRs operating with aeration geometry of 0.33, compared to the ones working with 0.66. Moreover, the N/C ratio of 0.1 led to a higher content of dissolved humic substances and COD in outflows.
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Values of kinetic parameters for biogas production from organic material contained in communal waste. Morphological contents of mixed communal waste. Balance of obtained fractions. High susceptibility of the middle fraction of communal waste, obtained by mechanical means, to biological decomposition. Estimating biogas production potential with the use of manometric analysis in oxygen free conditions according to GB21 procedure.
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Przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością generowania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych w procesie mezofilowej kofermentacji osadów ściekowych i organicznej frakcji stałych odpadów komunalnych. W badaniach wykorzystano spreparowane w sposób sztuczny odpady organiczne o składzie typowym dla warunków polskich. Specyficzną cechą polskich odpadów jest wysoka zawartość w nich skrobi ziemniaczanej. Stosunki wymieszania odpadów organicznych i osadów ściekowych w substratach poddawanych kofermentacji wynosiły od 0,06:1 do 23:1 w przeliczeniu na zawartość suchej masy. Za optymalny należy uznać udział odpadów organicznych w mieszaninie nie przekraczający 65% w odniesieniu do suchej masy. Produkcja lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych w procesie kofermentacji była bardzo wysoka i wynosiła od 5,65 do 24,3 g CH3COOH /dm3, przy 3,8 g CH3COOH/dm3 w reaktorze kontrolnym.
The study evaluates the feasibility of the volatile fatty acids production during co-digestion of typical organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and sewage sludge. The OFMSW was simulated based on the waste audit done for Łódź City; it consisted of 50% starch, 40% of food waste (vegetables and fruit refuse), 5% bread and 5% various (pasta, rice, coffee, tea and eggshells) by weight. Ready-made products like flour were used if possible. The remaining products were dried at 105°C and then grinded with a disk mill. The prepared mixture of OFMSW was blended with distilled water to obtain the mixture with 60% total solids (TS). Anaerobic digestion of organic wastes and sewage sludge was carried out in the laboratory scale under the following conditions: reactor temperature 37š1°C; suspended solids (SS) in the feed between 34.7 and 325.3 kg/m3; volatile solids (VS) content in the feed between 71 and 94% SS; hydraulic retention time (HRT) = solids retention time (SRT) 20 days (1-st series) and 5 days (2-nd series). To identify an optimal ratio of OFMSW to sludge the output of volatile fatty acids (VFA) was evaluated. An optimal mixture was identified with no more than 65% of OFMSW and 35% sewage sludge by suspended solids weight because the higher OFMSW content didn't cause the higher volatile fatty acids production. The effluents from the anaerobic co-fermentation process had the average content of more than 5 g *L-1 CH3COOH. VFA concentration in the supernatants increased for first 2 days and than stabilized. The by-products of acidogenic step of the co-fermentation - volatile fatty acids - could be a cheap and easy to get biodegradable carbon source to enhance denitrification and phosphorus removal. The daily biogas production profile shown that there was one distinct rise in biogas production (for first 3 days) in reactors containing OFMSW and sewage sludge mixtures. The distinct rise in biogas production in control reactors was on about the 9-th or 10-th day. The co-fermentation of OFMSW and sewage sludge is an approach to the answer to the problem of the organic waste utilization because within the European Union dumping this refuses in landfills without any treatment will be prohibited after 2005.
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The increase in population and industrialization leads to an increase in the solid waste year by year. The limited availability, increasing cost and adverse effect of climate change on fossil fuel leads to encouraging the research in the field of finding alternatives for energy sources. The organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) can be utilized as a bio-energy source, which reduces the environmental impact and the requirement of landfill areas to dispose of municipal solid waste. Anaerobic digestion is the widely used sustainable approach to treat OFMSW. In recent years, the generation of methane from municipal solid waste has received increasing attention in research. This paper reviews literature published in recent years considering various characteristics of input feedstock parameters like pH, total solids, volatile solids, and water content which affect the digestion quality of the OFMSW and increase the production of methane. A regression model is developed to identify the relationship between methane production and various feedstock parameters. When the chemical compositions of feedstock were used as independent variables, the percentage variation accounted for by the model is low (r2 = 0.63) and also the important observation from the analysis is that the pH of the feedstock influences majorly methane production.
W artykule przedstawiono rezultat badań, których celem było określenie możliwości biologicznego przetwarzania frakcji organicznej wydzielonej ze zmieszanych odpadów komunalnych. Badania strukturalne odpadów komunalnych, z uwzględnieniem charakteru zabudowy, przeprowadzono na terenie Koszalina. Badania fizykochemiczne próbek odpadów, ograniczono do wskaźników pozwalających stwierdzić przydatność surowca do dalszego wykorzystania w procesie tlenowej stabilizacji. W badaniach uwzględniono również zawartość metali ciężkich, jako potencjalnego czynnika inhibitującego procesy biologiczne. Ocenę zastosowania metody biologicznego przetwarzania frakcji organicznych odpadów, przeprowadzono w kontekście wymogu zagospodarowania odpadów biodegradowalnych i ograniczenia kosztów eksploatacyjnych ZUO.
In this article a results of investigation tracked to qualify possibitity of processing of organic fraction separated from municipal waste has been presented. The research of waste structural was carry in Koszalin. A factor witch has been taken into consideration to have representive samples was differences between infrastructure of commune. A physical and chemical analysis has been limited to indexes need to verify of usefulness of raw material for biological stabilization in the presence of oxygen. One of the analyzed indexes were heavy metals witch can be treated as a limiting factor. Assessment of use of biological method to digested organic fraction has been made in relation to necessity of cultivation of biodegradable waste and cut the ZUO upkeep costs.
Composting is a natural process; however, many artificial factors have been developed to improve process efficiency for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) stabilization in the mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) plant. The study aimed to assess the effect of aeration (X1), irrigation (X2), process time (X3) and turning frequency (X4) on OFMSW stabilization after the intensive degradation phase of compositing in a full-scale MBT plant. The four-factorial design on two levels with two replicates was used to the optimization of compost stabilization yield. Among analyzed factors, mechanical turning was found not to significantly influence the effect of stabilization. The achieved determination coefficient (R2) of 0.94 suggests an adequate representation of the process model and a good correlation between the experimental and predicted values. The achieved stabilization yield obtained in the control run was 47.5%, where the aeration (X1) was set up as blower working cycle: 10 minutes blowing and 5 minutes break, the irrigation level (X2) was set up for 10000 dm3/d and process was performed 4 weeks (X3).
Kompostowanie to zachodzący naturalnie tlenowy proces biodegradacji wykorzystywany przemysłowo zwłaszcza do przetwarzania odpadów. Opracowano i określono wiele parametrów tego procesu w celu poprawy wydajności procesu stabilizacji frakcji organicznej odpadów komunalnych (OFMSW) w zakładzie obróbki mechaniczno-biologicznej (MBT). Niniejsza praca miała na celu ocenę wpływu napowietrzania (X1), nawadniania (X2), czasu trwania procesu (X3) i częstotliwości przewracania pryzmy (X4) na stabilizację OFMSW uzyskanej po intensywnej fazie kompostowania w zakładzie MBT. Do optymalizacji wydajności stabilizacji kompostu wykorzystano czteroczynnikowy plan eksperymentu (DOE) na dwóch poziomach z dwoma powtórzeniami. Stwierdzono, że mechaniczne przewracanie pryzmy nie ma statystycznie istotnego wpływu na efektywność stabilizacji. Osiągnięty współczynnik determinacji (R2) wynoszący 0,94 sugeruje odpowiednią reprezentację modelu procesu i dobrą korelację między wartościami eksperymentalnymi i przewidywanymi. Uzyskana wydajność stabilizacji uzyskana w przebiegu kontrolnym wyniosła 47,5%, przy ustawieniu czasów pracy wentylatora napowietrzania jako 10 minut działania i 5 minut przerwy (X1), nawadniania na poziomie 10 000 l/dobę (X2) i eksperymencie trwający, 4 tygodnie (X3).
W pracy badano wpływ zawartości węgla i azotu w masie odpadów organicznych kierowanych do procesu fermentacji metanowej na szybkość produkcji biogazu. Stwierdzono, że szybkość produkcji biogazu jest uzależniona od zawartości węgla i azotu w zawiesinie dodawanej do fermentora i skutkiem tego od ich wzajemnych proporcji w zawiesinie fermentacyjnej. Największą szybkość produkcji biogazu osiągnięto przy hydraulicznym czasie retencji 20 dni, gdy zawartość węgla w związkach rozpuszczonych w cieczy wynosi ok. 1,5 g/dm3 .
In the study an influence of carbon and nitrogen content in organic fraction of municipal solid waste directed to methane fermentation on biogas production rate was investigated. It was confirmed that biogas production rate depends on carbon and nitrogen content in suspension added to the digester, and therefore, on their mutual proportions in suspension fermented. The greatest biogas production rate was attained at hydraulic retention time In the study an influence of carbon and nitrogen content in organic fraction of municipal solid waste directed to methane fermentation on biogas production rate was investigated. It was confirmed that biogas production rate depends on carbon and nitrogen content in suspension added to the digester, and therefore, on their mutual proportions in suspension fermented. The greatest biogas production rate was attained at hydraulic retention time W artykule przedstawiono metodę weryfikacji modelu (FSI) dla silikonowej rurki odzwierciedlającej zachowanie pulsującego naczynia krwionośnego z przepływającą wewnątrz krwią. Przy pomocy trój członowego modelu Yeoha funkcji gęstości energii naprężenia rozważono nieliniowe zachowanie equal to 20 days when carbon content in compounds solved in liquid is equal to about 1.5 g/dm3.
In the professional literature, there is no information about the sieve and morphological composition OFMSW (<80 mm) subjected to biological processing in MBT installations during the heating season. Knowledge about the quality of this fraction is important because it significantly affects the course of the biostabilization process. The paper presents the morphological composition, sieve composition, humidity, loss on ignition and organic carbon content of <80 mm fraction separated from municipal waste delivered to 21 MBT installations in Poland, in winter. The results show that about 1/3 of the OFMSW (34.0 ± 10.6%) mass is a fine fraction (<20 mm), mainly furnace waste. The organics share was on average 39.3 ± 10.4%. The fraction "paper and cardboard" was also present in the bulk of OFMSW, an average of 10.5 ± 4.3%. The shares of other components did not exceed 5%. The large number of batteries in OFMSM was surprising, despite their widespread selective collection. The high content of fine fraction (ashes) and inert components in OFMSW during the heating season results in low hydration and low losses of waste incineration, which may even determine their inability to be processed biologically.
W literaturze fachowej brak jest informacji na temat składu sitowego i morfologicznego OFMSW (<80 mm) poddawanej biologicznemu przetwarzaniu w instalacjach MBT w sezonie grzewczym. Wiedza o jakości tej frakcji jest ważna, ponieważ wpływa istotnie na przebieg procesu biostabilizacji. W artykule przedstawiono skład morfologiczny, skład sitowy, wilgotność, straty prażenia i zawartość węgla organicznego frakcji <80 mm wydzielonych z odpadów komunalnych dostarczanych do 21 instalacji MBT w Polsce, w okresie zimowym. Wyniki pokazują, że około 1/3 masy OFMSW (34,0±10,6%) stanowi frakcja drobna (<20 mm), głownie odpady paleniskowe. Udział organiki wynosił średnio 39,3±10,4%. W dużej ilości w masie OFMSW występowała jeszcze frakcja „papier i tektura”, średnio – 10,5±4,3%. Udziały pozostałych składników nie przekraczały 5%. Zaskakująca była duża liczba baterii w OFMSM, mimo powszechnego ich selektywnego zbierania. Efektem dużej zawartości frakcji drobnej (popiołów) i składników obojętnych w OFMSW w sezonie grzewczym jest niskie uwodnienie oraz niskie straty prażenia odpadów, które mogą nawet decydować o ich nieprzydatności do biologicznego przetwarzania.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is the most often applied technique for sewage sludge stabilization at medium and large wastewater treatment plants. Nonetheless, the application of AD to sewage sludge stabilization is often limited by long retention time and low VS (volatile solid) removal. For this reason in recent years a number of studies have been focused on optimize anaerobic digestion processes. One of the most interesting options for improving anaerobic digestion yields is co-digestion, namely simultaneous decomposition of a homogenous mixture of at least two biodegradable wastes. Fat-rich materials are attractive substrate for AD due to the high organic matter content of waste and high energetic potential. It is estimated that about 1,014 dm3, methane at STP (standard temperature and pressure) can by produced from 1 g VS lipids, while only 0,415, 0,496 dm3 can be produced respectively from 1 g VS carbohydrate and protein. However, due to inhibitory effect of intermediate compounds (LCFAs – long chain fatty acids) and operational problems, such as: hindrance, sedimentation clogging, scum formation, and flotation of biomass, separate AD of this waste ended with failure. The aim of the current study was to investigate how the co-digestion of fats of vegetable origin (FV) and mixed sewage sludge affected the performance of the anaerobic digestion (AD) process. The process was carried out at mesophilic conditions (37°C) in continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) with working liquid volume equal to 6,5 dm3. The reactors were operated in draw-and fill mode (on a daily basis). The digestion was examined in semi-continuous mode at sludge retention time of 10 days and the organic loading rate maintained in the range 2,24–3,02 g/dm3 d. During the start-up period the digester was fed only sewage sludge. Co-digestion process was initiated after achievement of stable working parameters of bioreactor for sewage sludge digestion. Addition of fat in the feedstock was gradually increased up to 35%. Anaerobic process state indicators such as: biogas production, biogas composition, pH, alkalinity and volatile fatty acids (VFA) were used to monitor a digestion. Furthermore, the LCFAs concentrations were measured in a feed and digested sludge. The results showed that use of FV as a co-substrate adversely affects the efficiency of the process. Comparing digestion of MSS alone with co-digestion of wastes, it was shown that co-digestion resulted in lower biogas production and VS removal. Biogas yields for co-digestion mixtures were between 0,16 and0,32 dm3/g VS added, while volatile solid (VS) removal ranged from 36,75 to 42,65%.However average biogas yield and VS degradation degree observed during fermentation of the MSS(mixed sewage sludge) alone were 0,33 dm3/g VS added and 44%, respectively. Only for biogas composition noted the positive effect of mixed sewage sludge co-fermentation with FV. The study showed that the concentration of ammonia generated in this experiment did not inhibit anaerobic digestion. It was found that oleic acid, which is one of the most toxic long chain fatty acids, was present at concentrations (reached a maximum value of 34,38 mg/g TS) within the ranges for which inhibition of methanogenesis has been reported. This suggests that the low efficiency of the process was probably caused a high concentration of oleic acid.
Kwestię monitorowania i raportowania w zakresie emisji gazów cieplarnianych reguluje Rozporządzenie Komisji (UE) nr 601/2012 z 21 czerwca 2012 r., toteż niezbędne jest, aby przemysł cementowy określał w sposób rzetelny całkowitą wartość emisji CO2. Głównymi źródłami emisji CO2 z przemysłu cementowego jest spalanie paliw alternatywnych oraz dekarbonizacja surowca. Określenie frakcji organicznej w paliwach alternatywnych pozwala zredukować część całkowitej emisji CO2 jako tzw. biogenny dwutlenek węgla. Referencyjna norma określająca zawartość składników odnawialnych PN-EN 15440:2011 dopuszcza wykorzystanie metody radiowęglowej lub selektywnego roztwarzania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki oznaczenia zawartości surowców odnawialnych w paliwach alternatywnych, takich jak: PASi, PASr, oraz zużyte opony samochodowe wykorzystywane w piecach cementowych. Przeprowadzono również dyskusję porównawczą wykorzystania metod selektywnego roztwarzania i radiowęglowej do określenia zawartości frakcji organicznej.
The issue of monitoring and reporting on greenhouse gas emissions is regulated by the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 601/2012 of June 21, 2012, so it was necessary for the cement industry to accurately determine the total CO2 emission value. The main sources of CO2 emissions from the cement industry are the combustion of alternative fuels and the decarbonisation of the raw material. Determination of the organic fraction in alternative fuels reduces the proportion of total CO2 emissions as so-called biogenic carbon dioxide. The reference standard defining the content of renewable components PN-EN 15440:2011 allows the use of radiocarbon or selective dissolution method. The article presents the results of the determination of the content of renewable raw materials in alternative fuels, such as: PASi, PASr, and used car tires used in cement kilns. A comparative discussion was also conducted on the use of the selective dissolution method and the radiocarbon method to determine the content of biogenic fraction.
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