The sewerage is an often skipped element of the wastewater treatment system. Because of its high retention capacity and relatively long flow time, it has to be considered that processes affecting wastewater composition and their vulnerability to biological treatment may occur in the sewerage. Changing hydraulic conditions in collectors and numerous side influents providing new portions of wastewater diversified in quantity and quality cause difficulties in a precise description of biochemical transformations occuring during wastewater flow in gravity sewers. The authors conducted research on changes in organic compounds (expressed as total COD) and their dissolved form (soluble COD) in wastewater, during their flow through the laboratory model of a gravity collector. The model is constructed as a cascade of five basins made from acrylic glass, 1.12 L each. Wastewater flowed through the model continuously with the rate of 0.5 L/h. It allowed to achieve the flow time of 11 hours, which is 2-3 times longer than flow times occuring in a typical large sewer network and enabled to take samples in the collector profile. Reaeration process, pH and temperature, as well as the psychro and mezophilic bacteria were also taken into account in the analysis. The results of two research series were presented in the article, i.e. where wastewater flowed continuously through the model for 17 and 33 days, respectively. It was proven that during flow in a collector, a number of processes takes place, including sedimentation, washing out of solid contaminations, removal of dissolved organic compounds and enzymatic hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable organic matter. Biomass growth in bulk wastewater and on the model wall proved that biological processes occur there. There are significant differences between research series, mainly caused by the temperature. It was observed that the amount of biofilm was rather small and did not exceed 5% of total biomass. Removal of total COD was in the range of 28.8-80.3 mg O2/(L h) and soluble COD from 8.5 to 11.5 mg O2/(L h). In the last part of the model, the rate od COD removal decreased due to the lack of substrate, which is in accordance with data given by other researchers.
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The objective of this paper was to establish such operating conditions (the duration of the phases, oxygen concentration, wastewater characteristic, wastewater mixing strategy) in sequencing batch reactor which will enable to achieve biofilm growth (with high share of nitrifying bacteria) on EvU carrier elements. The experiment was performed in a laboratory reactor operating at a maximum fill of 28 Litres and a constant temperature of 18°C. It has been demonstrated that the biofilm growing on the carrier elements was rich in nitrifying bacteria and this in turn guaranteed highly efficient oxidation of ammoniacal nitrogen. After the full growth of biofilm had been established, average removal efficiencies were as follows: organic C removal – 97% (average COD concentration in the effluent 19,9 mg O2/l), nitrification – 96,8% (average ammoniacal N concentration in the effluent 0,84 mg N-NH4/l), denitrification – 88,8% (average total N concentration in the effluent 6,11 mg N/l).
Celem artykułu było pokazanie drogi doboru warunków pracy sekwencyjnego reaktora porcjowego (czas trwania faz, stężenie tlenu, charakterystyka ścieków, strategia mieszania ścieków), które pozwalają na wykształcenie na złożu ruchomym (EvU) błony biologicznej, charakteryzującej się dużą aktywnością bakterii nitryfikacyjnych. Badania prowadzono w laboratoryjnym modelu SBR o objętości czynnej 28l w warunkach stałej temperatury 18°C. Wykazano, że biofilm wykszatłcony na ruchomych elementach zawierał taką ilość bakterii nitryfikacyjnych, która zapewniała uzyskanie wysokiej efektywności utleniania azotu amonowego. Po wykształceniu błony na ruchomych nośnikach uzyskano następującą średnią efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń: usuwanie związków organicznych – 97% (średnia wartość ChZT w ściekach oczyszczonych 19,9 mg O2/l), nitryfikacja – 96,8% (średnia wartość stężenia azotu amonowego w ściekach oczyszczonych 0,84 mg N-NH4/l), denitryfikacja – 88,8% (średnia wartość stężenia azotu ogólnego w ściekach oczyszczonych 6,11 mg N/l).
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Skuteczność usuwania zanieczyszczeń metodami biologicznymi zależy w dużym stopniu od warunków panujących w reaktorze. Reaktor hybrydowy pozwala wykorzystać jednocześnie zalety technologii osadu czynnego i złoża biologicznego. Wykonano badania procesu oczyszczania ścieków w reaktorze hybrydowym w układzie przepływowym ze zmiennym napowietrzaniem. Równolegle pracowały trzy reaktory o pojemności 75 dm³ każdy, z osadnikami wtórnymi o pojemności 30 dm³. W reaktorach umieszczono nośniki biomasy z tworzywa sztucznego, o średnicy i wysokości 13 mm i powierzchni właściwej 560 m²/m³. Badania wykonano w trzech seriach. W dwóch reaktorach podwyższono pH do wartości 8,0 ÷ 8,8, a w poszczególnych seriach zmieniano stopień wypełnienia reaktora nośnikami od 60 do 20% (z uwzględnieniem objętości nasypowej złoża). Czas retencji ścieków wynosił 0,5 doby. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że najlepsze efekty usuwania zanieczyszczeń uzyskano w reaktorze z wypełnieniem i pracującym przy podwyższonym pH. Zawartość związków azotu i związków organicznych w ściekach oczyszczonych w tym reaktorze we wszystkich seriach badań odpowiadała wymaganiom dla oczyszczalni do 2000 RLM. Maksymalna skuteczność wynosiła odpowiednio 85 i 99%. Wraz ze wzrostem stopnia wypełnienia reaktora wzrastała skuteczność usuwania azotu. Stwierdzono, że w warunkach podwyższonego pH zachodził proces symultanicznej nitryfikacji - denitryfikacji (SND), co istotnie zwiększyło skuteczność usuwania azotu całkowitego. Jako wystarczający do uzyskania żądanego efektu dla systemów oczyszczania do 2000 RLM uznano stopień wypełnienia reaktora wynoszący 20% przy pH w zakresie 8,0 ÷ 8,8.
Hybrid reactors combine advantages of activated sludge and biofilm technologies. Removal of nitrogen compounds in such reactors can be enhanced thanks to the moving bed, intermittent aeration and a proper pH value. A hybrid reactor with continuous flow, recirculation and intermittent aeration was investigated. Three parallel reactors of volume 75 dm³ with a secondary settler (30 dm³) were operated. The sewage was preliminary treated in a septic tank. The moving bed was consisted of biomass carriers made of polypropylene cylinders of diameter 13 mm and height 13 mm. The specific surface was 560 m²/m³. The investigations were realized in three series. Factor pH in reactors and the degree of packing were diversified in series. Raw and treated sewage was monitored by measuring concentration of nitrogen compounds and carbon compounds (as BOD5 and COD). In the reactors the following parameters were measured: pH, concentration of dissolved oxygen and concentration of suspended and attached biomass. Concentrations of pollution in raw sewage were: BOD5 = 96 ÷ 101 gO2/m³, COD = 177 ÷ 201 gO2/m³, TN = 48 ÷ 55 gN/m³. Retention time was equal to 12 hours. The number of moving bed carriers in two reactors was 6000, 4000 and 2000 in the subsequent series; one reactor was operated without carriers. Lime solution was added to two reactors (with - carriers and without - carriers) to increase pH value up to 8.0 ÷ 8.8. On the basis of the studies it was found that the best quality of the treated sewage was provided by the reactor with carriers and at higher pH. Contents of nitrogen compounds in the effluent in all research series met Polish standard requirements for up to 2000 p.e. Maximum efficiency of N removal was equal to 85%. Contents of carbon compounds in all reactors also met the standards. Maximum efficiency of COD removal reached 99%. The higher number of carriers the better efficiency of nitrogen compounds removal was observed. That relationship was confirmed by statistical tests. The study revealed that under conditions of high pH, simultaneous nitrification - denitrification (SND) was proceeding; the efficiency of total nitrogen removal was increased. These research results were obtained for low BOD/N on average 1.8:1. In the study it was observed, that 2000 carriers were enough to obtain a good efficiency of treatment for systems up to 2000 p.e. in a reactor with high pH. The effect of nitrogen removal depends on aeration time and frequency, biomass carriers' number and pH value.
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