Let {Xi(t), t ≥ 0}, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, be mutually independent and identically distributed centered stationary Gaussian processes. Under some mild assumptions on the covariance function, we derive an asymptotic expansion of P [formula] ]X(r) (t) ≤ u) as u → ∞, where mr(u) = (P([formula] X(r) (t) > u))−1 (1 + o(1)), and {X(r) (t), t ≥ 0} is the rth order statistic process of {Xi(t), t ≥ 0}, 1 ≤ i, r ≤ n. As an application of the derived result, we analyze the asymptotics of supremum of the order statistic process of stationary Gaussian processes over random intervals.
Estimation of the population mean in a finite and fixed population on the basis of the conditional simple random sampling design dependent on order statistics (quantiles) of an auxiliary variable is considered. Properties of the well-known Horvitz-Thompson and ratio type estimators as well as the sample mean are taken into account under the conditional simple random sampling designs. The considered examples of empirical analysis lead to the conclusion that under some additional conditions the proposed estimation strategies based on the conditional simple random sample are usually more accurate than the mean from the simple random sample drawn without replacement.
In this paper the case of a conditional sampling design proportional to the sum of two order statistics is considered. Several strategies including the Horvitz-Thompson estimator and ratio-type estimators are discussed. The accuracy of these estimators is analyzed on the basis of computer simulation experiments.
The paper deals with the problem of estimation of a domain means in a finite and fixed population. We assume that observations of a multidimensional auxiliary variable are known in the population. The proposed estimation strategy consists of the well known Horvitz-Thompson estimator and the non-simple sampling design dependent on a synthetic auxiliary variable whose observations are equal to the values of a depth function of the auxiliary variable distribution. The well known spherical and Mahalanobis depth functions are considered. A sampling design is proportionate to the maximal order statistic determined on the basis of the synthetic auxiliary variable observations in a simple sample drawn without replacement. A computer simulation analysis leads to the conclusion that the proposed estimation strategy is more accurate for domain means than the well known simple sample means.
Problem dotyczy oceny wartości średnie (globalnej) zmiennej w populacji ustalonej I skończonej. Zakład się, że z góry są znane w populacji wartości dodatniej zmiennej pomocniczej. Do estymacji użyto strategia kwantylowej zależnej m.in. od planu losowania proporcjonalnego do nieujemnej funkcji kwantyla z próby zmiennej pomocniczej. Ponadto, brano pod uwagę estymator Horvitza- Thompsona oraz estymator ilorazowy. Porównanie dokładności przeprowadzono na podstawie symulacji komputerowej.
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