Progressive, dynamic changes of the modern battlefield picture increase requirements towards defence effectiveness of brigade and division tactical forces. Therefore the level of difficulty to perform defence tasks grows while delays in equipping troops in modern armament and ordinance. The defending country has a possibility to use its territory natural defence values and prepare it to defence appropriately. It is an unavailable means to an aggressor enabling the multiplication of own troops’ defence capabilities and restricting or even paralysing the enemy’s attack abilities. In such a situation the challenges that brigade and division tactical forces face are met by territorial defence troops that should be located on the whole territory of the country. It results from the analysis of tasks that operational and territorial defence troops may perform that the effectiveness of their performance of brigade and division operational forces may increase due to a competent use of combat potential and appropriate co-ordination and synchronisation of actions with territorial defence troops. Using the potential of territorial defence forces must agree with the art of waging fight by territorial defence troops. The commander of operational forces has to introduce somehow his own forces into existing defence infrastructure in the framework of territorial defence trops’ are as of responsibility.
Obrona Terytorialna występuje powszechnie w większości państw demokratycznych, w tym szczególnie w krajach członkowskich NATO. Jest ona istotnym komponentem nowoczesnej struktury militarnej, który, dzięki ścisłemu powiązaniu z systemem niemilitarnym, w decydujący sposób może wpływać na skuteczność obrony narodowej. Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej mogą realizować spektrum zadań, zarówno o charakterze militarnym, takich jak np. wsparcie wojsk operacyjnych, jak i niemilitarnym polegających na zwalczaniu skutków awarii technicznych czy klęsk żywiołowych. Formacja ta istniała w Polsce do 2008 r., a obecnie jest reaktywowana. Koncepcja przyjęta przez Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej zakłada utworzenie wojsk Obrony Terytorialnej na trzech poziomach, ściśle powiązanych z podziałem administracyjnym państwa (centralnym, wojewódzkim i powiatowym). Docelowo formacja ta ma liczyć 17 brygad i około 35 tys. żołnierzy. Będzie ona funkcjonować nie tylko w czasie zagrożenia i wojny, ale także w okresie pokoju. Jednakże utworzenie tego nowego i samodzielnego rodzaju sił zbrojnych budzi wiele polemik i kontrowersji, co przedstawiono w artykule.
Territorial Defense is a common issue in most democratic countries, particularly in the NATO Member States. It is an essential component of modern military structure, which, thanks to the close connection with the non-military system, in a decisive way may influence the effectiveness of national defense. Army Territorial Defense can perform wide range of tasks, both, strictly related to military, such as operational troops support, and non-military involving, such as combating the effects of technical failure or natural disasters. This formation existed in Poland until 2008, and now it is being revived. The concept adopted by the Ministry of Defense envisages the establishment of territorial defense forces at three levels, closely associated with the administrative division of the state (central, provincial and local). Ultimately, this formation is to count 17 brigades and about 35 thousand soldiers. It will operate not only in times of danger and war, but also in peacetime. However, the creation of this new and independent type of armed forces is a matter of polemics and controversies, as shown in the article.
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Including territorial defence forces into state defence system by assigning them many significant defensive tasks forces some transformations in conducting defence operations. The attitudes towards the role and importance of various combat actions carried out within operations change. Moreover, the issues concerning planning, organising and conducting the defence fight have reached a new dimension. The prognoses relating to our country's threats and their adequate doctrinal assumptions show the need of a constant analyses of the actions possibilities and methods, the land forces use and actions including. The operational forces and territorial defence forces receive adequate tasks. Both operational and territorial defence troops face appropriate tasks due to a worked out defence operation concept. The land operational forces brigade and division as the key body of defence operations is to be able to counteract effectively the enemy aggression in every direction of the threat. Conducting tasks may depend on comprehensive and solid support that the operational forces may receive using the assets of territorial defence forces efficiently.
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The article deals with the role of Polish operational forces in the system of the state security in 1955 - 1975. The first two parts present the place of these forces in the military security system and their basic tasks in various kinds of military operations. Then the changes of operational forces' combat content was shown, with special attention drawn to their different dynamics. The last part of the article presents plans of these forces' operational use in case of war, within the Warsaw Pact offensive strategic operation, and the concepts of their use for direct defence of the country, which made up the assumptions of regular strategic-operational and operational exercises carried out by the General Staff of the Polish Army. The whole article is complemented with charts and maps.
Zmiany w środowisku bezpieczeństwa, pojawiające się zagrożenia terrorystyczne, jak również geograficzne położenie Polski, skłania autora do rozważań nad możliwościami zoptymalizowania wykorzystania sił i środków Sił Zbrojnych RP oraz armii sojuszniczych celem zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa kraju. Mówiąc o optymalizacji, autor ma na myśli podniesienie efektywności poprzez wsparcie wojsk operacyjnych siłami i środkami innych wyspecjalizowanych służb, takich jak Żandarmeria Wojskowa (ŻW). Analizie poddano zadania ŻW w czasie realizacji zadań bojowych przez wojska operacyjne odnosząc się do wydarzeń historycznych, jak również wniosków zawartych w literaturze przedmiotu. Przytoczone wyniki badań prezentują funkcje i przeznaczenie ŻW w funkcjonowaniu wojsk operacyjnych. Artykuł pozwala zrozumieć, jak istotne jest realizowane przez ŻW wsparcie w celu zapewnienia powodzenia działań bojowych prowadzonych przez wojska operacyjne SZ RP.
Changes in the evolving security environment, which create a sense of uncertainty, emerging terrorist threats, as well as the geographical location of the Poland, prompts the author to consider the possibilities of how the use of forces and resources of the Polish Armed Forces and its allies could be optimized in order to ensure global security. By optimization, the author means enhancing the interaction between operational forces and their support by the forces and resources of other specialized services, such as the Military Police (MP). In order to get the essence of the problem, there are discussed tasks, which the MP faces while supporting combat missions of the PAF. The author uses the examples of historical events as well as conclusions which follow from the subject literature. This article significantly expands the reader’s knowledge of the role of the MP and enables to understand how important the support provided by the MP is to ensure the success of combat operations conducted by the operational forces of the PAF.
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