The Bavarian Virtual University (BVU) offers resources to develop and implement e-learning courses and allows open access to information and provides the capacity to share information. Students of Bavarian universities can participate easily in these courses. Thus, the barriers to enter a university are now much lower. E-learning will be supported by the use of the learning and authoring software CASUS. It optimises the creation of virtual patients and guarantees a common standard and a high quality throughout the whole e-learning course. Methods: This paper describes the application process of proposals at BVU and the development process of online courses with CASUS using the example of “General Practice”. The conceptual structure of the program and its specific rationale is presented herein. In addition, the number of participating students is analysed when the online course is integrated in the curriculum or when it is not. Results: The e-learning course General Practice includes a total of 48 scenarios. They focus on the heuristics in General Practice of prevention and primary care. If the online courses are integrated in the curriculum, the number of students participating in e-learning courses increases. The integration of virtual patients (VPs) into practical training may improve the perceived benefit. Probably, there is no need for examinations to prove students’ knowledge if they can apply contents in the practical training. To answer this question, an evaluation of students’ and teachers’ perspective is needed. In addition, it is challenging to define one level of education for students of different universities. Hence, new methods are needed to develop and evaluate generally accepted standards that fit all participating universities and their students. Conclusions: The application of proposals at BVU and creating VPs with the learning and authoring system CASUS can be highly recommended to other universities, as well as the establishment of organisations like BVU in other countries.
Celem artykułu jest ocena możliwości funkcjonalnych platformy open source Moodle w zakresie wykonywania adaptowalnych kursów elektronicznych, opracowanych za pomocą narzędzi autorskich dostępnych na platformie. Kursy adaptowalne umożliwiają dostosowanie procesu nauczania do możliwości szkolonego, jego początkowego stanu wiedzy, postępów, preferencji i potrzeb. Kursy takie wpływają na zwiększenie skuteczności procesu szkolenia i są obecnie ważnym kierunkiem rozwoju e-learningu. Artykuł obejmuje porównanie tych możliwości z funkcjonalnością rozwijanej w Instytucie Maszyn Matematycznych technologii TeleEdu™.
The aim of the article is to analyse open source Moodle platform with respect to ability to develop adaptive e-courses, using built-in authoring tools. Adaptive e-courses just adapt learning process to students' abilities, their starting level of competence, progress in studies, their needs and expectations. Thus they increase the effectiveness of learning. Adaptive courses have essential significance in contemporary trends of e-learning. The paper covers also the comparison of Moodle platform with relative abilities of TeleEdu™ - a technology created and developed in Warsaw Institute of Mathematical Machines.
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