Celem głównym prowadzonych prac badawczych było otrzymanie roztworów neutralizujących przykre zapachy pochodne ścieków i osadów technologicznych, budowane na wywarze z płatków róży, liści mięty, skórek pomarańczy. Przeprowadzono również wstępną ocenę skuteczności neutralizacji przykrych zapachów za pomocą otrzymanych roztworów neutralizujących z ww. roślin, opartą o doświadczenie neutralizacji zapachu w hali technologicznej Przedsiębiorstwa SUPERFISH w Kukini koło Ustronia Morskiego.
Obtaining solutions neutralizing unpleasant smells from wastewater and technological deposits using rose petals, mint leaves, skins for orange was a main purpose of carried out research work. Also preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of neutralization of unpleasant smells using solutions obtained from given plants, based on experiments on smell in wastewater pretreatment plant in the SUPERFISH Company in Kukinia by Ustronie Morskie, Poland. The method of distillation with steam was applied in this work for the purpose of obtaining essential oils from plant material. Choice of this method is important to analysed plant material. It is applied at getting poorly watersoluble oils and the possible loss of soluble elements does not influence the quality of oil. This method is characterized by uncomplicated apparatus, as well as relatively low costs of carrying the process in comparing to other methods of obtaining oils. Apparatus for production of essential oils obtained from rose petals and mint leaves is presented in fig. 1. Apparatus for production of essential oils obtained from orange skins is presented in fig. 2. In order to determine if substance obtained using method of distillation with steam has aromatic properties, it was essential to create the system of testing and comparing studied substance against established standard. As a starting point standard substance was established, i.e. substance which gave no smell off during examinations. Distilled water was used here as a standard. Next five degree scale of smell intensity was determined contractually (table 1), where lowest degree of the scale "0" means the lack of the smell (standard), 1 is a weak smell, next: average perceptible smell, intense smell and very intense smell. In order to examine effectiveness of action of obtained aromatic solutions it was decided to spray the determined dose of each of them in the pretreatment plant of wastewater from a SUPERFISH fish- plant Examinations consisted in measuring the time of the fragrance duration of sprayed substance by the research team in two zones. It is possible to present the following conclusions on the base of analysis of ex-aminations carried out: As a result of distillation with the steam of substrates from rose, mint and orange, extracts characterized by aromatic properties were obtained. Obtained extracts, depending on the amount of substrate used for distillation, differed in intensity of the fragrance. Biggest concentration of aromatic substances (intense fragrance) in extract, were obtained for biggest amount of substrate used for the process of distillation. Extracts with biggest concentration of dissolved substances are characterized by an intense fragrance. Examinations carried out in the SUPERFISH wastewater pretreatment plant showed the effectiveness of obtained aromatic substances in the neutralization of unpleasant smells. The neutralization duration depends on the amount of substrate used for obtaining aromatic extract. The increase of extract concentration is lengthening duration of effective dezodorization. Research carried out in the wastewater pretreatment plant of SUPERFISH company showed good effectiveness of used fragrance substances in neutralization of unpleasant smells.
W 1770 roku kapitan królewskiej floty brytyjskiej James Cook w poszukiwaniu nowych ziem zszedł z załogą na ląd na wschodnim wybrzeżu Australii. Tam zainteresowały ich drzewa o bardzo aromatycznych, lepkich liściach. Tubylcy opowiadali o ich nieprawdopodobnych właściwościach leczniczych, co z czasem potwierdziło się w zupełności. Autorka omawia niezwykłe właściwości i ich zastosowanie w praktyce tych drzew, nazywanych herbacianymi, noszących gatunkową nazwę Melaeluca alternifolia.
In 1770 James Cook, the captain of the Royal British Navy who searched for new territories, went coastline in the eastern part of Australia. The interest of James Cook and his crew was aroused by trees with aromatic and sticky leaves. The native people told them about extreme medicinal properties and it was confirmed in the future. The author presents extreme properties and practical application of the narrow-leaved tea tree (Latin species name: Melaeluca alternifoliä).