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The process of ageing of societies brings a number of consequences of social and economic nature. The growing importance of older people in a society is often analyzed in the context of threats to public finances, pension systems and institutions of medical and social care, primarily on the basis of an increasing dependency ratio. More often the subject of diagnosis is also an impact of a growing share of working age people on the labour market and a functioning of markets for consumers of goods and services. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between older workers and ageing consumers in a view of demographic changes. The reference point for the analysis is the relationship existing on markets of goods and services. Ageing consumers are the major challenge both for markets and companies operating on them. The changes include, in particular, the reorientation of growing needs of older buyers, related to their age, but more to their lifestyle. One of the areas of necessary adjustments is an HR policy, relating to take an advantage from a potential of older workers. The reference point for the analysis are relations existing on the market of goods and services. To achieve that objective a study literature and conclusions based on the basic statistical tools have been made. The research focuses on three key areas. The first two: the importance of older people on a labour market and behavioral determinants of older consumers are the basis on which a consideration about links between ageing consumers and the role of older workers in the enterprises were built. Key findings confirm the existence of the described relationships, especially in a perspective of growing needs of older consumers and a desire to satisfy them by producers of consumer goods and services. One of the key conclusions is a high heterogeneity of older consumers, and what is connected – a diversity of their consumer behaviours. In the perspective of ageing of societies companies are under an internal pressure, from a staff, and externally – from consumers. The effective tool for meeting new challenges is the HR policy of enterprises. The article discusses two basic functions of age management: the adjustment function, which is using knowledge and experience of older employees to adapt a companies offer to needs of ageing consumers and the business-promotion function – creating a positive image of the company as a producer, a service provider and an employer, opened to the elderly. The paper is descriptive and starts a discussion of the rarely discussed in studies interdependence between both markets in Poland. The publication is a part of scientific research financed from the European Social Fund in as a part of the project “Educators for the elite – integrated training program for PhD students, post-docs and professors as academic teachers at University of Gdańsk” within the framework of Human Capital Operational Programme, Action 4.1.1, Improving the quality of educational offer of tertiary education institutions. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the funder cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Content available remote Mobilita mezi zaměstnaností a nezaměstnaností u starších pracovníků v ČR
nr 4
There is a sharp discrepancy between the emphasis being placed on active ageing and labour market participation in older age and the high unemployment rates observed among older workers. Cross-sectional data in the Czech Republic consistently present evidence of job insecurity and employment vulnerability in older age groups. Aggregated data and statistical indices do not, however, offer a sufficiently detailed picture of the social processes (e.g. exit from the labour market, duration of unemployment, and exit from unemployment) behind the numbers. This article takes a dynamic look at the position of older workers in the labour market by investigating transitions between employment and unemployment using a sub-sample of older workers (50 year and over) from the Czech EU-SILC, who were interviewed repeatedly in a panel survey between 2004 and 2009. The authors use survival analysis methods to study the time-dependence of transitions into and out of unemployment and both with and without covariates. The results suggest that older workers are not at a higher risk of exiting the labour market (compared to other age groups), but once they are unemployed, their odds of getting back into employment are significantly lower. Even when controls (such as education level) are included in the model this disadvantage persists. Interestingly, while education generally protects people from labour market exit, this protective effect is weaker among older workers.
nr 1(16)
The study deals with the issues of organisation, work conditions, and personnel policy in Polish com- panies. The aspect of intergenerational differences is included. Due to appear in the labor market de- mographic changes in analyses a survey to diagnose varied components of organisational practice was used. The study was conducted in a group of 395 persons – 233 women and 162 men – aged 20-64. The research has shown that there is a differentiation regarding age policy and a differentiations of opinions representatives of the surveyed generations. The obtained results are interesting from the point of view of age management, which is a currently promoted solution to the problem of aging employee popula- tion.
tom Vol. 15, no. 3
Foot slippage is the most widespread unforeseen event causing falls on the same level, and a potentially contributing factor to falls from height and falls to a lower level. Statistical data on the number of slip-related accidents at work show the importance of the problem of slipping and indicate the need to continuously improve preventive measures designed to reduce injuries related to slipping, tripping, and falling (STF) on the same level. It is therefore necessary to continuously and insightfully analyze the causes of falls and undertake efforts to eliminate the occurrence of slip- and trip-induced workplace accidents. The occurrence of slips and trips is primarily related to the type and quality of floor surfaces, but it also depends on the biomechanical characteristics of the lower limbs in the transitional phases of walking gait, sole material and tread, human factors such as age, weight, and motor and vision function, the ability to adapt to the floor surface conditions, as well as on a number of factors linked to the workplace environment and work organization. This problem is going to escalate as a result of the higher retirement age, due to which many persons over the age of 60 will have to continue working, often in hazardous conditions.
Certain workplaces are called jobs with limited tenure. Due to physical or psychosocial risk factors, often coupled with qualification mismatches, workers cannot grow old in them. That may lead to premature exit into retirement, to a period of drawing a work incapacity pension or to a long spell of unemployment. A horizontal career change, which enables the worker to move on to a less burdening workplace while preserving social status, is a possible solution. The objective of the “Horizontal career change—a new job opportunity for older employees” project is to develop a model of career changes for workers employed in jobs with limited tenure and to implement it in the form of an information- and communication technology-based tool. Possible applications range from individual career planning, through institutionalized vocational reintegration, to personnel development in small and medium-sized enterprises.
nr 2(217)
Pracodawcy odgrywają podstawową rolę w definiowaniu warunków kontynuowania lub opuszczenia pracy w wieku emerytalnym. W artykule został zaprezentowany zarys teoretyczny relacji pomiędzy pracodawcą i pracownikiem. Wiek pracownika ma znaczenie: chociaż nie determinuje on tej relacji, to jest jednym ze wskaźników dla oceny dopasowania i określania oczekiwanej wartości pracownika. Analizie zostały poddane uwarunkowania preferencji wiekowych polskich pracodawców wobec pracowników. Zaprezentowano je w formie zestawu modeli regresji logistycznych dla akceptacji kandydatów w wieku od 20 do 65 lat. Dane pochodzą z największych polskich badań pracodawców Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego 2010–2013. Wyniki wskazują na powszechne występowania typizacji wiekowej w procesie rekrutacji. Wśród uwarunkowań preferencji wiekowych istotna była między innymi strategia inwestycji w nowego pracownika, zawód, do jakiego poszukiwany był kandydat, wymagania wobec doświadczenia, wykształcenia i kompetencji kandydata. Wyniki wskazują także na związek typizacji wiekowej z typizacją płciową.
Employers play a key role in defining the conditions for continuing or leaving the work in retirement age. The article presents theoretical model of relationship between employer and employee. Age of the employee is important: although it does not determine this relationship, it is one of the indicators for assessing the fit to the job and for determine the expected value of employee. The analysis present the factors affecting age preferences of Polish employers (as a set of logistic regression models for the acceptance of candidates aged from 20 to 65 years). The data comes from the largest Polish research of employers Human Capital Balance 2010-2013. The results indicate that age typing of jobs is common during recruitment process. Among the important determinants of age preferences were: strategy of investment in new employee, profession, requirements for experience, education and skills of the candidate. The results also indicate a relationship of age typing and gender typing of jobs in recruitment.
tom CI
Podejmowane w Niemczech w stosunku do osób starszych inicjatywy koncentrują się przede wszystkim na wydłużaniu ich aktywności zawodowej, obejmując przy tym problematykę przeciwdziałania bezrobociu, aktywizacji zawodowej oraz ograniczania dostępu do pasywnych form wsparcia. Celem opracowania jest ogólna charakterystyka środków prawnych, które wspierając zatrudnienie niemieckich pracowników w starszym wieku, przeciwdziałają ich bezrobociu. Analiza konstrukcji i skuteczności tych środków, uzupełniona wynikami badań przeprowadzonych w innych wybranych krajach europejskich, będzie stanowić podstawę dla opracowania modelu przeciwdziałania bezrobociu wśród osób starszych w Polsce. Poniższe rozważania zostaną skoncentrowane na niemieckich instytucjach prawnych najczęściej omawianych w literaturze przedmiotu.
The initiatives undertaken in Germany with respect to the older workers are concentrated on extending their vocational activity, including the issue of unemployment prevention, labour market activation and limiting the access to the passive form of support. The main purpose of the study is to present a general overview of legal measures that support employment of older German workers and therefore prevent their unemployment. The analysis of the legal construction and effectiveness of these measures, supplemented by the results of researches conducted in other selected European countries, will provide the basis for developing a model of combating unemployment among older people in Poland. The following discussion will be focused on German legal institutions that are most frequently discussed in the literature.
With regard to demographic ageing, there is an increasing need to study and understand the factors affecting labour market participation beyond age 50. The present study focuses on the relation between late employment (economic activity) and health condition among the Czech population aged 60+ with respect to gender. The control group used consists of Czechs aged 50-59 with the relation between economic activity and health condition with respect to gender is also investigated. The findings also showed that the health status of economically active Czech seniors in both age groups is worse than that of economically inactive ones. This outcome is in contradiction of previous researches which have found that poor health is the most frequently cited reason for an early exit from labour market to early retirement. Also these findings emphasize the increasing need of implementation of age management on the organizational as well as on the national level.
Rozważając starzenie się społeczeństwa, istnieje coraz większa potrzeba zbadania i zrozumienia czynników wpływających na uczestnictwo w rynku pracy po 50. roku życia. Niniejsze badanie koncentruje się na związku między późnym zatrudnieniem (działalność gospodarcza) a stanem zdrowia wśród ludności czeskiej w wieku 60+ z uwzględnieniem płci. Grupa kontrolna składa się z Czechów w wieku 50-59 lat, przy czym bada się również związek między aktywnością zawodową a stanem zdrowia w odniesieniu do płci. Wyniki pokazały, że stan zdrowia aktywnych ekonomicznie czeskich seniorów w obu grupach wiekowych jest gorszy niż stan biernych zawodowo. Wynik ten stoi w sprzeczności z wcześniejszymi badaniami, które wykazały, że zły stan zdrowia jest najczęstszym powodem wczesnego wyjścia z rynku pracy na wcześniejszą emeryturę. Wyniki te podkreślają również rosnącą potrzebę wdrożenia zarządzania wiekiem zarówno na poziomie organizacyjnym, jak i krajowym.
Content available remote Vai gados vecāki darbinieki ir noderīgi ekonomikai?
Līdz ar mūsdienu sabiedrības novecošanos ekonomisti pievērš uzmanību tam, ka darbaspēka vecuma sastāvā palielinās gados vecāku darbinieku īpatsvars. Šajā sakarā starptautiskajā zinātniski pētnieciskajā telpā aktuāla ir diskusija par gados vecāku darbinieku noderīgumu ekonomikai. Šī pētījuma mērķis ir empīrisks pārbaudījums hipotēzei, ka gados vecāku darbinieku noderīgums mūsdienu ekonomikai tiek determinēts ne tikai ar pašu darbinieku raksturlielumiem, bet gan arī ar teritorijas attīstības līmeņa faktoriem. Šīs pētījums teorētiski un metodoloģiski balstās uz G. Bekera specifiskā cilvēkkapitāla konceptu un endogēnās izaugsmes teoriju ar tās uzsvaru uz tehnoloģisko attīstību. Pētījuma ietvaros gados vecāku darbinieku noderīgums ekonomikai tiek pētīts saistībā ar ražīgumu kā mērķfunkciju, taču ne individuālajā darbinieku līmenī, bet gan makroekonomiskajā līmenī, t.i., saistībā ar ekonomikas ražīgumu. Lai pierādītu pētījuma hipotēzi, autori izmantoja Pasaules Veselības organizācijas, organizāciju Trading Economics un PwC Global statistikas datus, kā arī datus no Globālās talantu konkurētspējas pārskata par 63 pasaules valstīm. Pētījuma mērķis tiek sasniegts ar vairākām datu analīzes kvantitatīvajām metodēm: korelācijas analīzi, regresijas analīzi un klasteranalīzi. Šīs metodes tiek izmantotas, lai identificētu ne tikai korelācijas paralēlismu, bet arī cēloņsakarības starp pētījuma hipotēzes pierādījumā iekļautajiem mainīgajiem. Empīriskās analīzes rezultāti liecina, ka mūsdienu pasaules valstīs tehnoloģiskā gatavība kopā ar augstu mūžizglītības attīstības līmeni ir tie faktori, kas stimulē pensionēšanās vecuma paaugstināšanas (kas objektīvi palielina gados vecāku darbinieku īpatsvaru darbaspēkā) pozitīvo ietekmi uz ekonomikas ražīgumu. Autori arī secināja, ka pensionēšanās vecuma paaugstināšana valstī, neņemot vērā iepriekš minētos faktorus (kas raksturo šīs valsts attīstības līmeni tehnoloģiskajā un izglītības aspektā), neveicina gados vecāku darbinieku ražošanas potenciāla izmantošanu ekonomikā.
Along with the current phenomenon of population ageing, economists are also concerned about the shift in the age profile of the labour force towards the increased share of older workers. In this regard, the debate on the economic return of older workers remains topical in the international research space. The purpose of this study is to empirically test the hypothesis that in the modern world the economic return of older workers is determined not only by the older workers characteristics as such, but also by factors characterizing the level of the territory development. The theoretical background and methodology of this study are based on the specific human capital concept introduced by Becker, as well as on the endogenous growth theory with its emphasis on technological progress. The study considers the economic return of older workers with productivity being the target function, though not at the individual worker level, but at the macroeconomic level, i.e., relative to productivity of the economy as a whole. To test the hypothesis, the authors use statistics from the World Health Organization, Trading Economics and PwC Global companies, as well as the data from the Global Talent Competitiveness report for 63 countries of the world. The purpose of the study is achieved by applying several quantitative methods of data analysis: correlation analysis, regression analysis and cluster analysis. This set of methods is used to identify not only correlative parallelism, but also causal relationships between variables included in the research hypothesis. The results of empirical analysis show that in the contemporary world the technological readiness coupled with the high level of lifelong learning are the reasons-catalysts that provide the stimulating effect of the retirement age increase (objectively leading to the increase in the share of older workers in the labour force composition) on productivity of the economy. The authors also concluded that raising the retirement age in a country without considering the above factors that characterize its development level in technological and educational aspects does not in itself contribute to the effective use of the economic potential of older workers.
Наряду с современным явлением старения населения экономистов также беспокоят изменения в возрастном составе рабочей силы в сторону увеличения доли работников старшего возраста. В связи с этим в международном исследовательском пространстве актуальна дискуссия о полезности для экономики работников старшего возраста. Целью данного исследования является эмпирическая проверка гипотезы о том, что в современном мире полезность работников старшего возраста для экономики детерминируется, помимо характеристик самих этих работников, также и факторами, характеризующими уровень развития территории. Теоретические предпосылки и методология данного исследования опираются на концепт специфического человеческого капитала Г. Беккера и теорию эндогенного роста с её акцентом на развитии технологий. В рамках данного исследования полезность работников старшего возраста для экономики рассматривается через производительность как целевую функцию, но не на индивидуальном уровне работников, а на макроэкономическом уровне, т.е. относительно производительности экономики в целом. Для доказательства гипотезы исследования авторы используют статистические данные Всемирной организации здравоохранения, организаций Trading Economics и PwC Global, а также данные отчёта о глобальной конкурентоспособности по таланту по 63 странам мира. Цель исследования достигается с помощью нескольких количественных методов анализа данных: корреляционного анализа, регрессионного анализа и кластерного анализа. Этот комплекс методов используется для того, чтобы выявить не только корреляционный параллелизм, но и причинно-следственные связи между переменными, включёнными в доказательство гипотезы исследования. Результаты эмпирического анализа показывают, что в странах современного мира технологическая готовность вкупе с высоким уровнем непрерывного обучения являются теми причинами-катализаторами, которые обеспечивают стимулирующее влияние повышения пенсионного возраста (объективно приводящего к увеличению доли работников старшего возраста в структуре рабочей силы) на производительность экономики. Авторы также пришли к выводу о том, что повышение пенсионного возраста в стране без учёта вышеперечисленных факторов, характеризующих уровень развития этой страны в технологическом и образовательном аспектах, само по себе не способствует эффективному использованию экономического потенциала работников старшего возраста.
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