Current data about fungi prevalence in various ontocenoses in women during procreation period. The aim of study was to analyse fungi prevalence in three ontocenoses (vagina, oral cavity and anus) in women during procreation period, which should be helpful in developing prophylactic programmes for pregnanl womem, newborns and infants infected with fungi. In 716 examined women (age 20-45 yares), 1411 samples of appropriate biological materials were taken and inoculated in the fluid Sabouraud medium and then axenic fungi strains were isolated in Sabouraud agar. High fungi prevalence in three ontocenoses of examined women was noted. Mean percentage for ontocenosis was: 39% ± 1.8% for vagina, 42.18% ± 1.8% for oral cavity and 25.03 ± 1.6% for anus. These data indicate the necessity for further examinations of multifocal fungal infection in women during procreation period.