Ujarzmić przyrodę, by wyglądała tak, jak nakazuje jej człowiek – tak określić można XVII-wieczne ogrody barokowe, które były swego rodzaju pokazowym salonem. Tym większym, im bogatszy był jego właściciel.
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In the 17th century links between residence, garden and landscape were essential. Landscape quality was a key criterion for the choice of location for a palace and garden. The ideal location for Warsaw and its suburbs in this regard was the Warsaw Escarpment. The 18th century residence was inscribed in the landscape of Warsaw differently – it was coupled to interconnected systems reaching beyond the limits of palace gardens, embracing also the urban and suburban built up areas.
W XVII w. sprzężenie rezydencji, ogrodu oraz krajobrazu było niezwykle istotne. O wyborze miejsca pod pałac i ogród decydowały między innymi walory krajobrazowe. W warunkach Warszawy i jej przedmieść idealną pod tym względem lokalizację stanowiła Skarpa Warszawska. Inaczej była w krajobraz Warszawy wpisywana XVIII-wieczna rezydencja – w oparciu o systemy układów sprzężonych, wychodzące poza granice pałacowych ogrodów, obejmujące również tereny zabudowy miejskiej i podmiejskiej.
The royal garden in Wilanow, 10 kilometres to the south-east from the centre of Warsaw, is one o f the best preserved and valuable monuments of Baroque art in Poland. Set up in the last quarter o f the seventeenth century by Jan III Sobieski, it frames the royal palace and prolongs its interiors. During the Baroque era its horseshoe pattern encircled the palace and courtyard, and was composed o f two basic parts. The first was an ornamental two -tier Italian garden located in the central part o f the palace-garden premise, with a retaining wall, geometrically designed flower beds, boskets, gilt mythological statues and a fountain in the middle. The second part, situated on both sides o f the courtyard, was a vegetable-fruit garden, divided into quarters and enhanced with sculptures, grottoes and wells. During the seventeenth and eighteenth century the garden was modified upon a number of occasions, always, however, retaining its basic Baroque composition and symmetrical balance o f plane elements. During the nineteenth century it was thoroughly redesigned in the spirit o f Romantic landscape parks. The second world war caused serious devastation o f the plants and artistic outfitting o f the royal garden. Once Wilanow became state property, the garden was subject to general reconstruction and revalorization based on historical plans, views, on-site research and inventory descriptions (1 9 4 6 -1 9 6 4 ). Despite the restoration of former splendour, a number o f elements still require correction and supplementation. One o f the important and as yet unrealised tasks is the restoration o f the bipartite courtyard and canal, which accentuated the axis of the historical Baroque premise.
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The park in Konarzewo has a long history, which dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. It was established as a result of Andrzej Radomickis decision to make Konarzewo his residence. Over the years the estate has been transformed from its original baroque form, through scenic style and further changes into its present form. It once was the residence of well-known Polish families from Greater Poland and after 1945 it was administrated by the State Agricultural Farm. The preserved historical materials and inventory records can be used for analyses and allowing for the reconstruction of the chronology of changes in the spatial arrangement of the park.
Zabytkowy park w Konarzewie posiada historię sięgającą początku XVII w. Jego powstanie związane było z wyborem Konarzewa na siedzibę Andrzeja Radomickiego. Założenie przez lata ulegało przekształceniom, od pierwotnej barokowej formy przez przebudowę w stylu krajobrazowym i kolejne zmiany. Dawniej stanowiło siedzibę znanych wielkopolskich rodów, a po 1945 r. było zarządzane przez PGR. Na podstawie zachowanych materiałów historycznych i wyników inwentaryzacji możliwe jest dokonanie analiz, prowadzących do odtworzenia chronologii przekształceń, jakim ulegał układ kompozycyjny parku.
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The intention of the article is to present to readers the Palace of the President of the Republic of Poland with its garden. This ensemble is a well-known monument, valuable for the culture of our country. It is located on a Warsaw Scarp, embedded in the landscape of the downtown. Its rich history dates back to the seventeenth century and is associated with many personages, including Stanisław Koniecpolski and Michał Kazimierz II Radziwiłł. The palace and park complex represents a unique historical and natural value, which has been the reason for bringing it under protection. While the palace itself has been broadly described in the monograph by art historians Zbigniew Bania and Tadeusz Stefan Jaroszewski, the garden inextricably linked to it has not been a subject of extensive study and publications. Therefore, the authors of this paper, after having presented the history of the palace, analyse in more detail the shape and the design of the garden: from early baroque until present times. The primary difficulty they encounter is the modest and uncertain source base. Translated by Małgorzata Laskowska-Adamowicz
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