The Integrated Psychosocial Model of Criminal Social Identity (IPM-CSI) explains the underlying reasons, i.e. risk factors, for the development of criminal social identity (CSI). Empirical research surrounding these risk factors is inconsistent in the measures and procedures used and the risk factors were mostly considered in isolation from one another. The main purpose of the paper was to review existing empirical studies elucidating correlates of CSI incorporated in the IPM-CSI and indicate further direction for research. A search in PubMed, PsychInfo, ERIC, Google Scholar, and the journal Child Development and Adolescent Studies was performed. Eleven studies exploring the correlates of CSI were identified and discussed herein. Studies indicated that there is potential for further expansion of the IPM-CSI to consider the consequences of CSI. Based on the present study results, a set of recommendations are provided for future research.
Urban VI był bezkompromisowym papieżem. Doprowadziło to go do skrajnej niepopularności w samym Rzymie. Również jeden z polskich duchownych począł znieważać papieża, że aż został za to aresztowany. W historiografii polskiej owa sprawa nie doczekała się może sporej literatury, ale za to widać doskonale na niej kolejne „warstwy historiografii”, które przez lata rodziła się w umysłach uczonych. W niniejszym szkicu chciałbym odróżnić fakty źródłowe od historiografii, porównując dokument mówiący o tym zdarzenia z dziełami historyków
Urban VI was one of the most adamant popes, which caused his unpopularity in Rome. Polish historiography mentions a Polish priest who was arrested for insulting Urban. Through this case, despite its awakening little interest, the subsequent layers of Polish historiography can be detected, showing the historians’ opinion. In this paper, I would like to focus on distinguishing facts from historiography and comparing primary and secondary sources.