The paper presents Savonius turbine and the results of worldwide research. Statement was made the most optimal geometric parameters and shows how increase a turbine efficiency of energy generation without interfering with the turbine structures, through the use of appropriately selected curtains. Proposed use of building elements to improve the efficiency of the turbine and to create a hybrid system, attaching photovoltaic panels. Calculated energy yield of the entire system and installation diagram is shown in off-grid system.
To better understand the latest development of renewable energy systems, recent studies on multi-energy complementary power systems with a high proportion of renewable energy are reviewed in this paper. The connection modes of power grids and economic system analysis are summarized and discussed respectively, putting forward some suggestions on the system design and operation optimization. Firstly, the characteristics and differences between an integrated system and an off-grid system are reviewed, concluding that an integrated system is more reliable and costeffective based on a few case studies. Secondly, the commonly used economic parameters and cost evaluation methods of the hybrid power system are reviewed. Those methods offer crucial tools to optimize the system, and they are able to analyze the system feasibility, enabling the most economical configuration. The results of several cases prove that the hybrid multi-energy system is more economical than the single-energy system. Finally, there are few articles focusing on technical details assessments and environmental impacts, which leaves room for future study.
Hybrid energy generation incorporating the renewable energy sources is gaining recognition and importance in the world. Institute of Aviation has thus decided to open a project: construction of a portable energy source container, incorporating modern hybrid solutions. In this article, the basic approach to creating a model of such a hybrid energy source is described: an initial scheme and composition of a portable container hybrid energy source, consisting of a wind turbine, photovoltaic array, battery bank and a backup diesel generator is proposed. A preliminary model of the portable hybrid energy source container, with two separate control system schemes, was created in TRNSYS Simulation Studio software and is presented in this article. The data acquired from the TRNSYS simulations of the hybrid source container are gathered and organized, and then presented and analysed. From a theoretical point of view, it is interesting to see how the renewable based system characteristics differ with changing weather conditions, and how supporting the load is being switched between the renewable system and the diesel generator. From a practical point of view, it will be interesting to see the diesel fuel savings, and related to them lowered exhaust gases emission, coming from reduced diesel generator operation times. A problem of reducing emissions and fuel consumption, and matching the operation of energy generation to consumer need more flexibly that is offered by a hybrid source is particularly important.
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Najnowsze wymagania dotyczące budynków nisko i niemal zero energetycznych wymagają zastosowania odnawialnych źródeł energii w ramach budynku lub jego najbliższego otoczenia. Przedmiotem pracy jest analiza warunków pracy paneli fotowoltaicznych zamontowanych w systemie fasady wentylowanej. Przeanalizowano dwie fasady fotowoltaiczne, wschodnią i zachodnią, które zostały wkomponowane w elewację budynku znajdującego się w środowisku miejskim. Badane fasady stanowią zewnętrzną warstwę ścian eksperymentalnych zaprojektowanych dla budynków zero energetycznych. Obie ściany zostały zbudowane w ramach polskoniemieckiego projektu GPEE na temat efektywności energetycznej budynków. Analiza została przeprowadzona dla danych pomiarowych uzyskanych z mierników prądu stałego, czujników temperatury umieszczonych na panelach i stacji meteorologicznej, w której rejestrowano między innymi temperaturę powietrza, kierunek i prędkość wiatru oraz promieniowanie słoneczne docierające zarówno na powierzchnię poziomą jak i pionową, wschodnią i zachodnią. Badania przeprowadzono dla wybranego tygodnia w maju, który charakteryzował się wysokim natężeniem promieniowania słonecznego i temperaturą powietrza utrzymującą się na poziomie około 20°C. Analizując otrzymane dane zaobserwowano, że działanie promieniowania bezpośredniego przy bezchmurnym nieboskłonie wpływa na wzrost temperatury paneli do ponad 60°C przy temperaturze powietrza nieprzekraczającej 20°C. Przy tak wysokiej temperaturze produktywność fasady fotowoltaicznej znacznie spada. Najwyższą moc chwilową zaobserwowano w pierwszej fazie operowania słońca na daną fasadę, przy wysokim natężeniu promieniowania i umiarkowanej temperaturze paneli fotowoltaicznych.
Recent requirements for low or nearly zero energy buildings requires usage of renewable energy sources integrated with building or in nearly surroundings. The aim of the paper is to analyze operating conditions of photovoltaic panels mounted as the ventilated facades system. Analyzed two facades photovoltaic, east and west, were located on the fourth floor of a building located in an urban environment. Studied facades are outer layer of the experimental walls designed for a zero energy buildings. Both walls were built in the framework of Polish-German project GPEE about energy efficiency of buildings. The analysis was conducted for the measurement data obtained from the DC current measurer, temperature sensors placed on the panels and weather station, which recorded, among others air temperature, wind direction and speed, as well as solar irradiation incident on both horizontal and vertical (eastern and western) surfaces. The study was conducted for the selected week in May, which was characterized by high intensity of solar radiation and air temperature holding at about 20°C. Analyzing the obtained data, it was observed that the effect of direct radiation by clear sky have influence on the increase of panels temperature to over 60°C at an air temperature not exceeding 20°C. Such high temperature significantly decreases photovoltaic facades productivity. The highest instantaneous power was observed in the first phase of operating the sun on a given facade, with high-intensity radiation and temperate photovoltaic panels.
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