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The objectives of this study were to define the effect of the milk progesterone (P4) concentration on estrus expression in dairy cows with high milk yield and to identify the effect of milk yield and parity on the milk P4 concentration and cow’s pregnancy after artificial insemination (AI). In this study, 48 clinically healthy cows without reproduction disorders, on day 90-100 after calving were used. At the beginning of estrus and 12 hours after the beginning of estrus, the milk P4 concentration in dairy cows with high milk yield (group 3) was higher than in group 2 (33.66; 22.36%) and in group 1 (51.60; 65.26%) (P < 0.001). The milk P4 concentration in the ≥ 3 lactation cows was higher than the second (13.45%; P > 0.05) and the first (28.28%; P < 0.01) lactation ones (28.28%; P < 0.01). The milk P4 concentration at the beginning of estrus and 12 hours after the beginning of estrus in pregnant and non-pregnant cows was 2.58 and 3.32; 4.20 and 5.00 ng/ml, respectively (P < 0.001). As a result, it was concluded that high progesterone concentration affected the expression of estrus and pregnancy results in dairy cows, and the measuring of progesterone concentration in milk can be used as a non-invasive method to provide detailed information about fertility in high milk yield cows.
The aim of the study was to analyze sexual activities of gilts representing various genotype groups in the RBP4 and MC4R locus. Observations of gilt behaviour during the first and the second oestrus (before initiation of the reproduction phase) were carried out in the Pulawska breed from conservation breeding. The evaluation process comprised the duration of the heat as well as the intensity of heat behaviours. Polymorphism identification in RBP4 (SNP: rs55618789) and MC4R (SNP: rs81219178) genes was performed, which resulted in the identification of three (MC4R: AA, AG and GG) and two (RBP4: CC and CT) gilt genotype groups. Significantly varying sexual activities were observed: the most intensive heat symptoms were demonstrated by CT gilts in the course of the first (P ≤ 0.05) and second (P ≤ 0.01) oestrus (locus RBP4) reaching, on average, 2.15 ± 0.13 and 2.52 ± 0.13 pt. It was further determined that the heats of CT gilts lasted longer and this difference, in the second heat, was significant (P ≤ 0.01). In the case of the MC4R locus, significant differences in gilt sexual activities were observed only in the course of the second oestrus (P ≤ 0.05). In addition, a strong association was also demonstrated of AA (locus MC4R) and CC (locus RBP4) genotypes with the thickness of the subcutaneous fat tissue (P ≤ 0.05) amounting in these gilts to 11.57 ± 0.21 mm and 11.50 ± 0.19 mm, respectively.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of low dose (LOEL - lowest observed effect level) of zearalenone (200 μg/kg b.w.), applied per os for 7 days (short-term intoxication), on sexual behavior, concentration of the examined xenobiotic and its metabolite and selected estrogens in sexually immature gilts: ovariohysterectomised (group Dl) and intact (group D2) animals. Clinical signs of oestrus (reddening, oedema and hyperaemia of the vulva and serorhoea from the reproductive tract - lack of standing reflex) were obserwed in group Dl on day 6 and in group D2 on day 4 of the experiment. Laboratory analyses of blood plasma were carried out determine the presence of zearalenone and a-zearalenole. They revealed an increase in the level of a-zearalenol before the oestrus, decrease in total amount of both examined substances on day when the oestrus appeared and increase in the level of both examined xenobiotics in the post oestrus period together with the higher share of zearalenone. Medium concentrations of estrone and estradiol within the borders of method determination in the majority of periods examined. Higher levels of estrone (32.0 pg/ml) were found on day 4, in the group D2 and estradiol (6.5 pg/ml) on day 6 in the D2 group. The presents study revealed that zearalenone applied per os at LOEL dose causes the incidence of apparent sexual readiness (without standing reflex) in sexually immature gilts with the somatically immature reproductive system.
Female infertility is an increasingly important problem in cattle, causing enormous costs and retarding genetic progress. Current attempts to improve fertility by genetic selection are inefficient due to the low heritability of the respective trait, i.e. the nonreturn-rate 90 days after first sernice (NRR 90). Thus novel phenotypic traits more closely related to fertility are urgently needed.Since a large proportion of pregnancy losses occur in the preimplantation period, the interaction between early embryos and their maternal environment is an attractive target for systematic investigations, which may uncover mechanisms underlying early embryonic death. Based on holistic transcriptome and proteome studies [Hiendleder et al. 2005, Wolf et al. 2006] we attempt to understand the quantitative biology of embryo maternal communication and the regulation of endometrial receptivity [Wolf et al. 2003]. A short-term goal is the development of array-based systems for the differential diagnosis of fertility problems and for evaluating the connection between metabolic disturbances and reproductive functions. A long-term goal is the identification of genetic variation affecting the fertility-related gene expression profiles in female reproductive tissues such as endometrium. The endometrium undergoes marked functional changes during estrous cycle and pregnancy. As the adjacent environment of the conceptus, it represents the maternal interface for embryo maternal communication, which is essential to maintain pregnancy. Transcriptome studiem provide the unique opportunity to assess molecular profiles changing in response to endocrine or metabolic stimuli or to embryonic pregnancy recognition signals [reviewed in Bauersachs et al. 2008, Spencer et al. 2008].
Niepłodność samic staje się w hodowli bydła coraz większym problemem, generującym ogromne koszty i opóźniającym postęp genetyczny. Próby zwiększenia płodności na drodze genetycznej selekcji są nieskuteczne z powodu niskiej odziedziczalności ważnej cechy rozrodu, jaką jest niepowtarzanie rui 90 dni po inseminacji (ang. non return-rate 90; NRR 90). Dlatego konieczne jest znalezienie innych cech fenotypowych bardziej bezpośrednio związanych z płodnością. Ponieważ do znacznej części poronień dochodzi w okresie przed implantacją, wzajemne interakcje pomiędzy wczesnym zarodkiem a jego środowiskiem w układzie rozrodczym matki są atrakcyjnym celem dla przyszłych systemowych badań,które mogą doprowadzić do poznania mechanizmów śmierci zarodków. W oparciu o całościową, analizę transkryptomu i proteomu [Hiendlender i wsp. 2005; Wolf i wsp. 2006] podjęliśmy próbę zrozumienia biologicznych mechanizmów komunikacji matka-zarodek i regulacji receptywności endometrium [Wolf i wsp. 2003]. Na krótką metę, celem tych badań jest opracowanie metody opartej na mikromacierzy,przeznaczonej do diagnozowania problemów z płodnością i analizy związków pomiędzy zakłóceniami metabolizmu a funkcjami rozrodczymi. Celem dalekosiężnym jest poznanie różnic genetycznych wpływających na profil ekspresji genów związanych z rozrodem w tkankach układu rozrodczego samicy, np. w endometrium. Endometrium podlega istotnym zmianom podczas cyklu rujowego i ciąży.Jako najbliższe otoczenie zarodka, endometrium jest czymś w rodzaju biologicznego „interfejsu” pozwalającego na komunikację pomiędzy matką i zarodkiem, bardzo ważnym dla utrzymania ciąży.Analiza transkryptomów daje wyjątkowe możliwości oceny zmian molekularnych zachodzących w odpowiedzi na sygnały hormonalne i molekularne a także matczynej reakcji na obecność płodu [prace przeglądowe: Bauersachs i wsp. 2008, Spencer i wsp. 2008].
Lameness of cows is an important factor influencing the longevity and performance of the herd, including milk yield losses. It has a negative impact on reproductive performance and constitutes an increasing risk for early culling. Claw disorders, such as white line diseases, sole ulcers or papillomatous digital dermatitis, are the most frequent causes of clinical lameness in dairy cows. Lameness most often appears within 100 days postpartum, and its incidence was calculated at 54.5 to 65% per 100 cows, whereas the mean prevalence of lameness has been estimated at 20.6%. Lame cows exhibit different oestrus behavior than non-lame cows. Above all, lame cows had a shorter oestrus, and an increased locomotion score was associated with a shorter time of standing and walking as a consequence of a longer time of lying down. A poor oestrus detection rate is likely to be a more important factor in reducing average fertility levels. Hence, the average conception rate and pregnancy rate for lame cows are lower, and the rates of services per conception are higher. Lame cows have a longer interval from calving to conception compared with non-lame cows. In the case of lame cows with lesions and multiple lesions this interval amounted to 140 and 170 days, respectively, as compared with 100 days for healthy cows. Ovarian cysts are observed in about 10-30% of lactating dairy cows and are more likely to occur within the first 80 days postpartum, i.e. during the same period when hoof disorders and lameness occur. Lameness in cows within the first 30 days postpartum was associated with a higher incidence of ovarian cysts, a lower likelihood of pregnancy and lower fertility than in non-lame cows. The effect of lameness on culling within the first 60 DIM was lower, but cows diagnosed in this period seemed to be at a greater risk of being culled between 121 and 240 DIM. Nevertheless, when deciding whether to cull a cow, one should consider such factors as parity, lactation stage, milk yield, reproductive performance, health, season and animal welfare.
Izolowane narządy rodne loch (100—130 kg m.c/szt.) perfundowano krwią własną zwierząt lub płynem Krebsa-Henseleita. Przy stałym ciśnieniu 100 mm Hg badano wpływ prostaglandyn (PG) E2 i F2α na wielkość przepływów przez tętnice maciczną (ua) i jajnikową (oa) w 1.—2., 13.—14. i 16.—18. dniu cyklu rujowego. Równolegle z pomiarami przepływów kontrolowano stan napięcia myometrium. PGE2 w dawkach równych lub > 0,5 μg podawanych do oa, a w dawkach równych lub > 1,0 μg stosowanych do ua wywołuje nieistotne zmniejszenie, a następnie istotny wzrost przepływów zarówno krwi, jak i płynu fizjologicznego w badanych fazach cyklu. Czas trwania reakcji podczas perfuzji krwią był dłuższy w fazie lutealnej niż w pozostałych fazach. PGF2α, w dawkach równych lub > 0,25 μg podawanych do oa, а w dawkach równych lub > 0,5 μg stosowanych do ua zmniejsza przepływ krwi przez badane naczynia, z wyjątkiem 1.—2. dnia cyklu, w którym notowano wzrost przepływu w oa. PGF2α zwiększa przepływ w ua i oa w trakcie perfuzji płynem fizjologicznym we wszystkich fazach cyklu. Reakcjom zmniejszenia przepływu krwi bezpośrednio po podaniu PGE2 i PGF2α towarzyszy wzrost napięcia mięśni gładkich narządu rodnego.
Изолированные половые органы свиноматок, весящих 100—130 кг, перфундировали собственной кровью животных или жидкостью Кребса-Гензеляйта. При постоянном давлении 100 мм рт. ст. исследовали влияние простагландина (PG) Е2 и F2α на объем крови, проходящей через маточную и яичниковую артерии, на 1—2, 13—14 и 16-18 сутки цикла охоты. Наряду с измерением объема проходящей крови вели наблю­дения за напряжением миометрия. PGE2 в дозах 0,5 мкг и выше, вводимых в яичниковую артерию, и в дозах 1,0 миг и выше, вводимых в маточную артерию, вызывает сначала незначительное умень­шение, а затем значимое увеличение объема проходящей крови и физиологической жидкости в рассматриваемых фазах цикла. При перфузии крови продолжительность реакции в лютеальной фазе была большей, чем в остальных фазах. PGF2α в дозах 0,25 мкг и выше, вводимых в яичниковую артерию, и в дозах .0,5 мкг и выше, вводимых в маточную артерию, уменьшает объем крови, проходящей через указанные сосуды, за исключением 1—2 суток цикла, в течение которых отме­тили увеличение объема крови, проходящей через яичниковую артерию. PGF2α увели­чивает объем физиологической жидкости, проходящей через яичниковую и маточную артерии, во всех фазах цикла. Реакция уменьшения объема проходящей крови непосредственно после подачи PGE2 и PGF2α сопровождается повышенным напряжением гладких мышц полового аппарата.
Isolated reproductive organs from sows (100—130 kg lw) were perfused with own animals blood or Krebs-Henseleit liquid. The influence of PGE2 and PGF2a on the flow level in uterine artery (ua) and ovarian artery (oa) were examined under constant pressure 100 mm Hg on days 1—2, 13—14 and 16—18 of oestrus cycle. At the same time the tension of myometrium was also controled. 0.5 μg and higher doses of PGE2 infused to ovarian artery (oa) and 1.0 μg and higher doses infused to uterine artery (ua) induced nonsignificant decrease and next significant increase of blood flow and salinae during examined periods of oestrus cycle. The time of reaction during perfusion with blood was longer in luteal phase then in the others. 0.25 μg and higher doses of PGF2α infused to ovarian artery (oa) and 0.5 μg and higher doses infused to uterine artery (ua) diminish the blood flow in exa­mined vessels, exept 1—2 days of oestrus cycle, when the increase of blood flow was recorded in ovarian artery. PGF2α increased the flow level in both arteries (ua and oa) in all phases of cycle during perfusion with saline. The increase of smooth muscles tension of reproductive organ followed the injection of PGE2 and PGF2α were parallel to decrease of blood flow.
Energy metabolism in cows during the first three weeks after calving has a decisive effect on the incidence of the first estrus postpartum, the length of the voluntary waiting period and interpregnancy period. Additionally, the negative energy balance (NEB) is usually promoted by the relatively one-sided selection of cows towards high production - accepting the occurrence of NEB after calving as well as excessive body condition of cows before calving. In case of a rapid body condition loss in cows after calving, connected with fat mobilization, characteristic of cows in excessive body condition during drying off, ovarian follicles are not properly formed. Disorders of the ovulation process as well as a lower secretion of progesterone are more frequently recorded in those cows. As a result of an energy deficit at the beginning of lactation, the frequency of GnRH pulses from the hypothalamus is lower in high-producing cows. A lack of pulsation secretion of LH as an effect of the prolonged lack of adaptation of a sufficient amount of energy to the needs of the female was found both in beef and dairy cows. The recurrence of LH pulses, stimulating the onset of ovarian activity and the pre-ovulatory development of ovarian follicles, is crucail to the return of cyclical activity in the postpartum period in cows suffering from NEB. An energy deficit causes the incidence of a dysfunction of the reproductive system in the form of persistent ovarian failure, a delayed onset of normal ovarian activity, and the appearance of the first corpus luteum postpartum. The number of estrus cycles occurring before effective insemination is also reduced and both the voluntary waiting period and interpregnancy period are longer. An energy deficit in the postpartum period results in disorders in the functioning of the endometrium. Disturbed energy-consuming processes of endometrium remodeling lead to delays in uterine involution. Reduced uterine contractility and changes in its environment constitute causes for the retention of the placenta and postpartum metritis; in cows with NEB it was a reduced mitogen response of lymphocytes to cytohaema gglutinin. Moreover, a reduced phagocytic activity of macrophages was found in the milk of cows, in which high contents of ketone compounds were found in their plasma. Similarly, the activity of lymphocytes and neutrophiles was reduced in the environment with an addition of β-hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids, as well as elevated PUFA levels and a reduced blood leptin concentration.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the stimulating effect of synthetic GnRH analogues without the use of prostaglandins on ovarian follicular growth dynamic and oestrus. The study was made on 30, 3 to 9-year-old Lithuanian Black and White (LBW) and German Black and White (GBW) breed cows. The study was conducted in the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy practical training and research farm. Oestrus in 23 cows was stimulated using synthetic GnRH analogues Dalmarelin (Lecirelin) (Fatro S. p. A., Italy) and in 14 cows with the use of Depherelin® (Gonavet® 50, Veyx-Pharma GmbH, Germany). Dalmarelin (Lecirelin) induced oestrus in 100% of the stimulated cows, and Depherelin® (Gonavet® 50) induced oestrus in 92.9 % of stimulated cows. Following an injection of synthetic GnRH analogues, preparations Depherelin® and Dalmarelin, plasma progesterone concentration decreased, due to the ovulation of dominant follicle or onset of the new follicular wave. Cows stimulated with Dalmarelin had a faster follicular growth rate and bigger size of follicles at ovulation compared to Depherelin® and control group cows (p = 0.05). In the pregnancy trial that followed 45 days after artificial insemination, the highest percentage (43.5 %) of pregnant cows was determined in the group of cows stimulated with Dalmarelin.
A relatively high rate of multiple ovulation and resulting multiple pregnancies are one of main problems in Thoroughbred reproduction. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between the intensity of oestrous behaviour and incidence of multiple (MO) vs single (SO) ovulations in 47 Thoroughbred mares. The frequency of five distinct receptive and 12 non-receptive behavioural traits was analysed. For quantitative analysis of sexual behaviour an 8-point behavioural score (BS) expressing increasing mare’s sexual receptivity was used. MO occurred in 48.9% of ovarian cycles observed. Neither frequencies of receptive behaviours, nor BS differed significantly between MO and SO mares. Overall pregnancy rate per one ovulatory cycle was estimated as 40.4%. Pregnancy rate was higher in MO mares (52.2%) as compared to SO mares (29.2%); however, the difference was not proved significant.
Owulacje i ciąże mnogie są jedną z głównych przyczyn problemów w rozrodzie koni pełnej krwi angielskiej.Celem pracy było określenie powiązań między intensywnością zachowań rujowych, ułatwiających wykrycie rui a występowaniem owulacji mnogich i procentem źrebności. Materiał stanowiło 47 klaczy.Analizie poddano frekwencje pięciu receptywnych (Re) i 12 niereceptywnych (Nre) zachowań płciowych klaczy wobec ogiera. Dla liczbowego oszacowania zachowania płciowego wprowadzono współczynnik zachowań płciowych (BS), wyrażający w skali 8-punktowej rosnącą akceptację ogiera przez klacz.Owulacja mnoga wystąpiła w 48,9% badanych cyklów płciowych. Nie wykazano istotnych różnic we frekwencji poszczególnych zachowań płciowych ani w wielkości BS między klaczami z owulacją mnogą (MO) a pojedynczą (SO). Źrebność klaczy po kryciu w badanych cyklach płciowych wynosiła 40,4% i była wyższa u klaczy MO (52,2%) niż u klaczy SO (29,2%); nie udowodniono istotnych różnic między grupami.
Data on insemination and reinsemination were collected from 1 643 Black and White (BW) cows with varied share of Holstein–Friesian (HF) genes, which belonged to the active population managed in five large–scale production farms in the Kujawsko–Pomorskie Province, Poland. A total number of 351 repeated inseminations were recorded, which amounted to 7.71% of all inseminations. The rates of non–return to oestrus after reinseminations were by 2.05% better in relation to single inseminations, however, an economical analysis led to a conclusion that double insemination does not produce economical benefits and can only be recommended in specific cases, e.g. with prolonged oestrus. Highly significant effect on non–return rates after inseminating once or twice was demonstrated for the factors of HF genes share, farm, milk yield, age at first calving, subsequent calving, and season of insemination.
Effect of naked oats used for gilts on the state of their reproductive organs and selected reproductive indicators of sows. The study was carried out on 180 Polish Landrace gilts. The animals were assigned to three groups, two experimental and one control, with 60 individuals in each. The gilts were fed complete mixed rations in amounts consistent with the norms given in Swine Feeding Standards (1993).The mixture fed to the experimental groups contained 40% (D1) and 20% (D2) naked oats of the Akt variety. Sexual activity was observed in the gilts during the second and third oestrus. The standing reflex was tested twice a day, in the morning and afternoon, and its duration was determined by timing the positive reaction to a boar, to touch and to mounting. Half of the gilts, selected in equal numbers from the control group and the experimental groups, were slaughtered between days 5 and 10 of the luteal phase of the second or third oestrous cycle. The number of corpora lutea was determined in these gilts. The reproductive organs were evaluated as well, taking into account the weight of the uterus, the length of the uterine horns and the weight of the ovaries. The remaining gilts (90) were mated during the second (45 gilts) and third (45 gilts) oestrus. Then the age at first farrowing, the weaning-to-conception interval between the first and second and the second and third litters, and the length of the farrowing interval between the first and second and the second and third litters were calculated. The highest uterine weight was noted in the gilts from the experimental groups. In both periods the weight of the uterus ranged from 372.8 (D2, mated during the second oestrus) to 398.4 g (D1, mated during the third oestrus). The weight of the ovaries was within the normal range, but significant differences were noted between the experimental and control groups. The highest sexual activity during oestrus (2.4-2.7 pts) in the first, second and third reproductive cycles was observed in the sows that received naked oats in their feed ration. Gilts mated during the second oestrus of the first reproductive cycle had litters earliest, on average at the age of 314.7 days (group D1), compared to 335.3 days in the case of gilts bred in the third oestrus of the first reproductive cycle (group D1). The most beneficial farrowing interval in each reproductive cycle was noted in the groups of sows receiving mixtures containing naked oats.
Wpływ owsa nagiego na stan narządów rozrodczych loszek i wybrane wskaźniki reprodukcji loch. Doświadczenie zostało przeprowadzone na 180 loszkach rasy Polskiej Białej Zwisłouchej. Zwierzęta zostały podzielone na trzy grupy, dwie eksperymentalne i jedną kontrolną, 60 osobników w każdej. Loszki karmiono mieszankami pełnodawkowymi w ilościach zgodnych z zaleceniami podanymi w Normach Żywienia Trzody Chlewnej (1993). Mieszanka pełnodawkowa dla grup eksperymentalnych zawierała 40% (D1) i 20% (D2) owsa nagiego odmiany Akt. U loszek aktywność seksualna była obserwowana w drugiej i trzeciej rui. Odruch tolerancji badano dwa razy dziennie, rano i po południu, mierząc czas pozytywnej reakcji na knura. Połowa loszek, wybranych w równych ilościach z grupy kontrolnej i z grup doświadczalnych została poddana ubojowi pomiędzy 5 a 10 dniem fazy lutealnej drugiego lub trzeciego cyklu rujowego. U ubitych loszek została określona ilość ciałek żółtych. Narządy rozrodcze były oceniane pod względem: ciężaru macicy, długości rogów macicy i wagi jajników. Pozostałe (90) loszki były kojarzone ciągu drugiej (45 loszek) i trzeciej (45 loszek) rui. W pracy zostały obliczone: wiek pierwszego oproszenia, okres międzymiotu pomiędzy pierwszym i drugim, drugim i trzecim miotem, a także długość okresu międzymiotu pomiędzy pierwszym i drugim, drugim i trzecim miotem. Największą masę macicy zanotowano u loszek z grup eksperymentalnych.W dwóch okresach jej masa mieściła się w przedziale od 372,8 (D2, w okresie drugiej rui) do 398,4g (D1, w okresie trzeciej rui). Masa jajników była w normie, chociaż zaobserwowano istotne różnice pomiędzy grupami doświadczalnymi i kontrolną. Największą aktywność seksualną podczas rui (2,4-2,7 punktów) w pierwszym, drugim i trzecim cyklu rozrodczym obserwowano u loch, które otrzymały w dawkach pokarmowych owies nagi. Loszki kojarzone w okresie 2 rui wydawały mioty najwcześniej, średnio w wieku od 314,7 dni (grupa D1), do 335,3 dni w przypadku loszek w trzeciej rui (grupa D1). Najdłuższy okres międzymiotu miały loszki z grupy żywionej mieszanką z dodatkiem owsa nagiego.
U 33 maciorek wieloródek określono opór elektryczny śluzu pochwowego za pomocą elektronicznego miernika firmy Dramiński. Wykonano 4 pomiary w okresie cyklu rujowego, bezpośrednio po stwierdzeniu występowania rui przez tryka szukarka, a następnie w 12, 24 i 36 godzin od I tego momentu oraz 5 pomiarów po pokryciu maciorek: w 17., 34., 85., 102. i 136. dniu. Stwierdzono pełną przydatność tej metody do wykrywania rui, pozwalającą na jej zastosowanie w przypadku braku szukarków. Używając jej do diagnozowania ciąży w 17., 34., 85. i 102. dniu po pokryciu uzyskano odpowiednio: 69.70%, 78.79%, 63.63% i 57.58% zgodności z faktycznymi rezultatami wykotów
In 33 multipara ewes, an electrical resistance of vaginal mucus was determined with electronic instrument of Dramiński company. During the oestrous cycle, i.e. directly after the oestrus was recognized by teaser ram and after 12-, 24- or 36-hour from that time, four measurements were performed, while five after ewe matings, i.e. in 17-, 34-, 85-, 102- and 136-day. The method was found highly suitable for oestrus detection, allowing for practical application when no teaser rams are available. Using this method for diagnosis of pregnancy in 17-, 34-, 85- and 102-day after mating, a compatability with actual lambings was 69.70%, 78.79%, 63.63% and 57.58%, respectively.
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