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Content available remote Chemizm wód potoku Dupniańskiego w Beskidzie Śląskim
In order to confirm the hypothesis on the variability of water quality in the Potok Dupniański stream in the Silesia Beskid, three sampling sessions have been organized in May. July, and September of 2001. The catchment located in Southern Poland in Beskid Śląski (N 49°35', E 18°50') close to Slovakia and Czech border, has an area of 1,6787 km2. Sampling covered field conductivity and pH in 46 characteristic point of the stream (Tab. 1). The sampling points were selected during the visitation of the sight and the basic criteria of the selection were specific geomorphologic and hydrological conditions and changes in the specific composition and development phases of the tree stand. Moreover, one of the sampling points has been established on the river Olza, which is an intake of water from the stream (point of comparison). Not only the main stream was studied but also inlets and springs. On the basis of the results of tests, 20 further sampling points were selected (Tab. 1). From these points water samples were collected for lab analyzes in November 2001. The analyzes of concentrations of F, Cl, HCO3, NO3, SO4, Na NH4, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and, Zn were performed with the use of the DIONEX-DX-320 ion chromatograph. In addition, conductivity and pH were also analyzed. As a result of these studies it has been found out that the springs in this area come from the active exchange zone and are well supplied by the infiltration of rainfall and therefore their quality is largely affected by the quality of rainfall sifted through and enriched by all horizons of forest ecosystems and the soil. Springs were found as a HCO3 - SO4. It was noticed a effect of different age of spruce stands - the youngest and the older one decreasing pH reaction and conductivity., whereas in beech stands were noticed the highest value in springs and in streams passing though. Moreover, basically able shortage of nitrogenous forms Nitrogen in mild initial sections of some streams, which may be an evidence of intensive development of microorganisms in these sections. It was also found the dependence of releasing Manganese and Zinc from the decrease in pH down to 5.5 with the intensively absorbing Manganese young development phases tree stands hamper its outflow with stream water. It was noticed higher quality of water flowing out of the studied catchment than that from the river Olza, which is an intake of water from the Dupniański stream, however, an increased content of ammonium Nitrogen in the stream comes from the decomposition of matter (litter). At the same time, in the fast flowing streams with stony streambeds the process of infiltration is limited (Tab. 1, 2).
tom Tom 10
The objective of this work is estimation of the small water retention in the forest eco-system of the "Zielonka Forest" located in the proximity of Poznań. This paper presents retention management system in the area of the "Zielonka Forest" until 2005 and the projected development up to 2011. It also shows actual effects of investments made on the river channel retention, lake retention as well as marshes and bogs. Also, it details results of analysis over many years of investigations on the change of groundwater level in the forest catchment area of Hutka watercourse located in central part of "Zielonka Forest" which have been conducted by Department of Land Improvement, Environmental Development and Geodesy from University of Life Science in Poznań. The analysis of the actual retention management system in the area of "Zielonka Forest" showed that 15 structures of small water retention accumulated approximately 548 424 m3 of water and proved that smaller water precipitation caused a decrease of retention in areas of marshy and bog ground. In order to increase the surface water retention in the area of "Zielonka Forest", it was decided to apply different hydrotechnical structures until year 2015 and construction of two retention reservoirs with a total capacity of 20 000 m3. As a result of these investments the river channel retention will increase by approximately 47 700 m3 and it is planned to increase the retention in the forest to a total of about 67 700 m3 compared to the current situation. Field investigations conducted over many years in hydrological years with various sums and distribution of precipitation showed large retention capacities of this forest area. Analysis confirmed the usefulness of the dams on the streams which allow accumulation of water resources which naturally influence the increase of groundwater level and limit runoff in the areas of the most intensively drained forests, both wet as well as wet mixed. The natural conditions of "Zielonka Forest" favours such activities where an average unit runoff (about 1 lź s-1źkm-2) is three times smaller than the average in Wielkopolska Region. The main direction of investments in small water retention in the "Zielonka Forest" should be concentrated on the most economic method of retention which is building dams on lakes. Area of "Zielonka Forest" is favourable for plans of increasing retention. Unfortunately, as a result of hydrotechnical activities most of watercourses was practically changed into drainage ditches and included into the natural drainage system by human dug ditches. Although in most cases they are not maintained, but they influence significantly on shaping of groundwater levels In the range of their reach. Because of a very strong connection between hydrological conditions and flora species composition, there is a real danger, that drainage system may start phytosociological processes, which lead to degradation of natural marshy habitats.
Zasoby wodne Polski są niewielkie w porównaniu do większości krajów europejskich i zależą głównie od opadów. Wody opadowe bardzo szybko spływają do rzek, jezior i mórz i są w niewielkim stopniu wykorzystywane przez środowisko przyrodnicze oraz przez ludzi na cele rolnicze czy gospodarcze.
tom nr 11
Nad Polską wisi groźba kar finansowych za niespełnianie wymogów dyrektywy ściekowej. Zagrożenie to zbiega się w czasie z nowymi wyzwaniami podejmowanymi przez Unię Europejską w zakresie ochrony zasobów wodnych. Te tematy podejmowano podczas sesji Envicon Woda – integralnej części Kongresu Envicon, który w wersji on-line odbył się 19 i 20 października br.
The Water Law Act, passed in July 2001, was composed, among the others, from the point of view of harmonization of the polish water management legislation with the European legislation, in particular with The Framework Water Directive. The Water Law established fundamental principles of water management (sustainable development and basin management) and created formal basis for functioning of the water management system. Despite new legal system, water management structures are nontransparent . competitions are divided among many institutions both basin authorities and government and self-government bodies. In the paper institutional structures of water management with their competitions in range of: water maintenance, flood protection, issuing administrative decisions (permissions, orders, etc.), water management control, financing of water management tasks and investments and planning are discussed. Conclusions about role of the Water Law Act in formulation of rules of water management functioning are presented.
Celem analizy jest przedstawienie obszarów, w których sektor produkcji roślin ozdobnych może podjąć działania w celu ochrony przyrody i zasobów naturalnych. W pracy za pomocą wskaźników liczbowych wskazane są także obszary, w których presja na środowisko jest szczególnie duża oraz istniejące możliwości zmniejszenia tej presji. Są to głównie: obszary intensywnej produkcji pod osłonami zużywające znaczne ilości paliw kopalnych w celu ogrzewania szklarni i tuneli oraz energii elektrycznej do doświetlania upraw, obszary upraw pojemnikowych wymagające intensywnego nawadniania i nawożenia, obszary upraw gruntowych szczególnie oddziałujące na glebę. Według szacunków samo ogrzewanie osłon zużywa 490 tys.·ton węgla i 170 tys. ton mazutu oraz 15,7 mln·m3 gazu ziemnego rocznie. Pond to sektor roślin ozdobnych wytwarza znaczne ilości odpadów organicznych i nieorganicznych oraz zużywa rocznie 274,5 tys·m3 torfu wysokiego jako jednego z najważniejszych komponentów podłoża do uprawy.
The aim of the analysis is to pointed out the areas in the ornamental plant production sector where some activities can be undertaken to prevent environment and natural recourses. In this paper some area of ornamental production with high impact on environment are indicate by a number index and possibilities to reducing this pressure are also pointed out. These are areas with intensive production under protection where great amount of fossil fuels are used to heat greenhouses or plastic tunnels and electricity used for supplementary lighting, areas of container plant production where intensive irrigation and fertilizing is needed, and area of field production with a high pressure on the soil. Estimating results shows that only heating of protected area used yearly 490 thousand tons of coal, 170 thousand ton of heating oil and 15,7 million m3 of natural gas. Apart from that, ornamental sector generate considerable amount of organic and nonorganic waste and also consuming 274,5 thousand m3 of sphagnum peat every year as one of the main component of a growing medium.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest ukazanie środowiska hydrogeologicznego w aspekcie ujmowania i ochrony wód podziemnych na terenie gmin Górzyca, Ośno Lubuskie i Słubice w powiecie Słubice. Praca obejmuje szereg zagadnień: morfologię terenu, hydrografię, budowę geologiczną, eksploatacje i ochronę ujęć wód podziemnych oraz zmianę jakości wody podziemnej w różnych okresach i w poszczególnych miejscowościach. Na podstawie zebranych materiałów archiwalnych, dokumentacji hydrogeologicznych, danych dotyczących eksploatacji ujęć wód podziemnych oraz szeregu innych materiałów źródłowych pochodzących z okresu 1912-2002 r. dokonano szeregu analiz, które zestawiono w tabelach i wykresach. Zrealizowano również plan własnych badań i pomiarów terenowych środowiska gruntowo-wodnego w okresie VII 2002 - II 2003 r. Podjęta próba, polegająca na przedstawieniu zagadnień tematycznych przyniosła wymierne korzyści w postaci opracowania przekrojów hydrogeologicznych obszaru badań i mapy hydroizohips czwartorzędowego poziomu wodonośnego.
Portraying the hydrogeologic environment in the aspect of taking hold and protections of underground waters are a subject of the paper serving at targets existence-economic on the land of administrative districts Górzyca, Osno Lubuskie and Słubice into the composition of the district of Słubicki. Paper with one's scope includes the number of problems having begun from the morphology of the land, the hydrography, the geological structure through the exploitation, the protection of underground water intakes and the change of the quality of the underground water in different period of times in individual towns. Of archive materials on the base collected, hydrogeologic documentation, the size of the exploitation of underground water intakes and the row of different source materials originating from period 1912-2002 of the sequence of analyses, tabulations, graphs and the illustration how a plan of own examinations and field measurements of the ground water environment was also executed in the period July 2002 - February 2003. The taken attempt consisting in presenting thematic problems brought notable benefits in the form among others: of creating hydrogeological section of the area of examinations and the groundwater contour map of the Quaternary water-bearing level.
Wobec braku w regionie dużych i uciążliwych dla środowiska zakładów przemysłowych głównym zagrożeniem dla wód powierzchniowych środowiska przyrodniczego Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich (WJM) jest ich postępująca eutrofizacja. Choć wzrost żyzności (trofii) jest przejawem naturalnej ewolucji wszystkich zbiorników wodnych, to przyspieszona eutrofizacja południowej części systemu WJM obserwowana w drugiej połowie XX wieku była efektem szeroko pojętej aktywności człowieka. Tempo procesów eutrofizacyjnych jest funkcją ilości substancji biogennych zgromadzonych w ekosystemach wodnych. Analiza danych historycznych dokumentujących zmiany całkowitego stężenia fosforu (PT) w wodach południowej części systemu WJM pozwoliła wyodrębnić trzy wyraźnie zróżnicowane etapy ewolucji tworzących go jezior: (i) okres do roku 1995, charakteryzujący się szybką eutrofizacja i, zwłaszcza w jego schyłku, występującymi okresowo gwałtownymi zaburzeniami homeostazy wód jeziornych; (ii) lata 1995-2005, w których procesy eutrofizacyjne uległy gwałtownemu spowolnieniu, a nawet odwróceniu (de-eutrofizacja) oraz; (iii) lata 2005-2011, w których korzystne tendencje z lat 1995-2005 uległy wyhamowaniu. W artykule poddano analizie przyczyny, mechanizmy i skutki zmian trofii jezior południowej części systemu WJM. Określono punkty krytyczne systemu decydujące o dynamice tych zmian. Wskazano potencjalne zagrożenia dla jakości wód WJM, a także sformułowano szereg zaleceń dotyczących ochrony ich zasobów wodnych oraz zlewni.
Due to lack of heavy urbanized areas and large industrial plants exhausting the natural environment, eutrophication is the main threat to waters of the Great Masurian Lakes (GML). Although the increase in fertility (trophy) is a manifestation of the natural evolution of all freshwater ecosystems, accelerated degradation of southern part of GML system observed in second half of 20th century was caused by various aspects of human activity. The intensity of eutrophication processes depends on quantity and quality of biogenic substances stored in aquatic ecosystems. Analysis of historical data documenting changes in total phosphorus concentra¬tions in waters of lakes that belong to the southern part of GML system permitted to distinguish of three clearly different stages of their evolution: (i) period until 1995 characterized by fast eutrophication and, especially during its last phase, periodic rapid disturbances of homeostasis of lakę waters; (ii) years 1995-2005 when eutrophication processes or were even reversed (de-eutrophication) and; (iii) time from 2005 to 2011 when beneficial changes of water quality observed at the turn of the 20th and 21 st centuries diminished. In the article causes, mechanisms and consequences of anthropogenic impact on the southern part of Great Masurian Lakes system are discussed. The authors establish the critical points of the GML system that strongly affected evolutionary changes in its trophic status. Moreover, they indicate potential threats and solutions concerning management and protection of waters and drainage area of GML system.
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