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Autor omówił przepisy dotyczące informacji, a także planu bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia sporządzanych na podstawie ustawy – Prawo budowlane oraz rozporządzeń ministra infrastruktury.
The author discusses regulations concerning information and plans regarding safety and health protection, based on the Construction Law and decrees issued by the Minister of Infrastructure.
The introductory part of this paper presents the development of education during the last few years in the area of Occupational Health and Safety and Ergonomics in Poland. The next part contains the characteristic of a checklist, which was used during conducting the research described in the paper. Moreover, the results of the above mentioned diagnosis at institutions of higher education were discussed. These results show that the Universities of Technology, the youngest Polish universities, and the faculties of industrial forms at the Academies of Fine Arts in Poland are the ones that have pursued the discussed issue didactics in the widest extent. Also, these institutions of higher education pursue the education at specific specializations or diploma profiles in the widest extent (circa 50% of ail Polish state universities). The final part of the paper describes the postulates concerning the development of education in the discussed issue in Poland.
W artykule zaprezentowano część księgozbioru Biblioteki CIOP-PIB z zakresu bezpieczeństwa i ochrony człowieka w środowisku pracy, z lat 1900 –1950. Przy wyborze pozycji kierowano się aktualnością dla współczesnego czytelnika wybranych publikacji.
This article presents that part of CIOP-PIB’s library collection which was published between 1900 and 1950. The following criteria for selecting particular publications were used: relevance for the contemporary reader, coverage of problems connected with safety and the protection of human in the working environment, and the publications’ form and look.
Content available Platformy technologiczne. Powszechna mobilizacja
Komisja Europejska wprowadziła nową formułę integracji przemysłu z nauką - Europejskie Platformy Technologiczne. Ich krajowym odpowiednikiem są Polskie Platformy Technologiczne, a wśród nich tworząca się Polska Platforma Technologiczna Bezpieczeństwo Pracy w Przemyśle. W artykule omówiono cele, źródła finansowania i rodzaje polskich i europejskich platform oraz wizję ich rozwoju do 2020 roku.
The European Commission has introduced a new formula of integration between industry and research: the European Technology Platforms. At the same Polish Technology Platforms have been established. One of them is the Polish Technology Platform Occupational Safety in Industry. The aims, finance, sources and description of European and Polish platforms, as as well as a vision of their development have been presented in this article.
W artykule przedstawiono cechy konstrukcyjne elementów przenośnych pilarek łańcuchowych zmniejszających ryzyko bezpośredniego kontaktu operatora maszyny z ruchomą piłą łańcuchową i umożliwiających, w sposób planowy i dogodny dla użytkowników, poprawę technicznych parametrów tej maszyny, w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa jej użytkowania.
This paper introduces the reader to design features of chain saw elements that decrease the risk of immediate contact of a machine’s operator with a moving cutting chain and also make it possible to deliberately and conveniently improve the technical parameters, ensuring safe use of these machines.
Managing occupational safety in any kind of industry, especially in processing, is very important and complex. This paper develops a new method for occupational risk assessment in the presence of uncertainties. Uncertain values of hazardous factors and consequence frequencies are described with linguistic expressions defined by a safety management team. They are modeled with fuzzy sets. Consequence severities depend on current hazardous factors, and their values are calculated with the proposed procedure. The proposed model is tested with real-life data from fruit processing firms in Central Serbia.
Occupational injuries requiring admission to a trauma unit were examined to outline the events surrounding the injury and to examine the costs. Sixty-nine patients were admitted over a 12-month period, representing 4.30% of all work-related injuries attending the emergency department and 4.25% of all admissions to the trauma unit. Most were male (91%), working in skilled trade occupations (65%), with a mean age of 38.8 years. Personal protective equipment was used only by 46% of injured workers who should have been using it. Sixty-one percent of patients believed that their injury was preventable. Half of the injuries were to the upper limb, fall was the most frequent mechanism (25%) and the median duration of admission was 2 days. The direct hospital costs were estimated at over 300 000 GBP. Failure to use protective equipment and to follow health and safety guidelines suggests that opportunities exist for injury prevention.
W artykule zaproponowano wykorzystanie światła chemicznego do oznaczania sytuacji potencjalnie niebezpiecznych na stanowisku pracy oraz w dowolnych miejscach wyrobisk górniczych. Przedstawiono zasady zastosowania sygnalizatorów chemiczno-świetlnych jako alternatywne uzupełnienie rozwoju konstrukcji sygnalizatorów odblaskowych i fotowoltaniczno-akustycznych planowanych do zastosowania w procedurze PPSIO stanowiącej moduł wykonawczy Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Pracy, opracowanego w Politechnice Śląskiej w Gliwicach [8,9]. Wykorzystywanie światła chemicznego ma na celu udoskonalenie stosowanych w kopalniach sygnalizatorów osobistych, służących jako narzędzia do oznaczania przez górników takich stanów i sytuacji techniczno-ruchowych, które oceniają jako ryzykowne i niezgodne z ich osobistym poczuciem ładu i porządku oraz uznawanymi wzorcami bezpieczeństwa pracy. Przedstawiono również niektóre z wyników procedury PPSIO wdrożonej w ZG BYTOM III.
This article is a proposition of chemical light utilization to mark potentially dangerous situations in a workplace as well as in any other places in an underground mine. It presents rules of application chemical-light signals as an alternative supplement to reflective signals construction which are planned to be use in procedure PPSIO (a part of an executive module of Occupational Safety Management System done by Silesian Technical University in Gliwice[8,9]). Chemical light is supposed to modify applied personal signals used by miners to mark risky situation in their opinion. The article introduce some results of PPSIO Procedure implemented BYTOM III Mine.
W numerze 1/2004 Bezpieczeństwa Pracy zaprezentowano część księgozbioru Biblioteki CIOP-PIB z zakresu bezpieczeństwa i ochrony człowieka w środowisku pracy, z lat 1900 -1950. W tym artykule zaprezentowano księgozbiór Biblioteki CIOP-PIB z lat 1950-1970. Zwrócono uwagę na wpływ uwarunkowań historycznych, politycznych i społeczno-ekonomicznych, na treść i charakter wydawanych publikacji.
The first article in this series presented that part of CIOP-PIB’s library collection which was published between 1900 and 1950. This article presents part of CIOP-PIB’s library collection, from the next period, i.e., 1950-1970. Attention was focused on the influence of history, politics and socio-economics on the contents and the character of the publications.
Content available Nowa statystyczna karta wypadku przy pracy
W artykule omówiono nowe rozporządzenie ministra gospodarki i pracy z dnia 8 grudnia 2004 r. w sprawie statystycznej karty wypadku przy pracy, które obowiązuje od dnia 1 stycznia 2005 r.
This article discusses a new ordinance of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Labour of 8 December 2004, which came into force on 1 January 2005 on statistical cards for accidents at work
The National Council of Nurses and Midwives organized the Polish National Conference under the Honorary Patronage of the Minister ofHealth on “Occupational Safety for Nurses and Midwives,” held in Warsaw on September 10 –11, 2018. The main issues that were addressed concerned the following: Mental and health disorders in shift work; Aggression towards nurses and midwives; The effect of shift work on nurses’ health and functioning; Occupational biological hazards and risk of exposure to biological materials for nurses and midwives; Occupational causes and injuries for nurses and midwives; Occupational ergonomics for nurses and midwives.
Content available Zapobieganie wypadkom przy pracach stolarskich
W artykule przedstawiono typowy przebieg oraz przyczyny większości wypadków przy obróbce drewna. Opisano najważniejsze działania prewencyjne w celu uniknięcia wypadków przy pracach stolarskich. Dotyczą one organizacji pracy, szkolenia i zachowań pracowników, wyposażenia stanowisk pracy oraz narzędzi i elementów maszyn, które mają kluczowe znaczenie w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa podczas pracy.
On the basis of descriptions of several hundreds of accidents during woodworking, typical sequences and causes of the majority of those accidents are presented in the article. The most important prevention activities in woodworking are described. They concern work organisation, training and behaviour of workers, workstand equipment as well as tools and elements of machines that are crucially important for safety during machining.
Background: The pupillary reflex (PLR) can be used to describe the function of individual segments of the visual pathway. It is modulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and clinical disorders. The results of the research on the PLR parameterization methods presented in the article show that it is possible to use the phenomenon of pupil contraction as a result of light stimulation to assess the level of sleepiness. Currently, the PLR reflex is mainly used as the primary tool to study the integrity of the sensory and motor functions of the eye. Emergency medicine physicians routinely test the pupil light reflex to assess brain-stem function. Methods: The study utilized a method for estimating the fatigue level caused by 48-hour sleep deprivation under standardized and controlled conditions through the development and implementation of the Kelvin-Voigt rheology model (KV), explaining the dynamics of the pupillary light reflex. The baseline parameters for the model were as follows: parasympathetic force (fp), sympathetic force (fs), pupil radius in rest conditions (r0), onset time: parasympathetic system (tp), onset time: sympathetic system (ts), product fp tp and product fs ts. These parameters were subject to a statistical analysis of variance and compared with the parameters determined by the pupillographic assessment system by AmTech, such as contraction velocity (CV), relative amplitude (RA), pupil diameter (DDil1-fast), pupil diameter (DDil2-slow), latency (Lat), time of minimum diameter (TMD), contraction time (CT), redilation time (RT). Results: The statistical analysis involved the data obtained in the research experiment on a group of 18 healthy volunteers enrolled in our study (range 26–32 years, fifty percent of the study group were female). Based on the parameters from the KV model developed, the statistical significance for the model indicators was determined, i.e, fp, r0, tp, ts and fp × ts, compared at different levels of sleep deprivation of 48 h. In addition, analysis of the determined indicators, via the AmTech pupillographic system, demonstrated that an increased level of sleep deprivation does not only result in a change in the slope and amplitude of the curve of the pupil diameter in the contraction phase, which is visualized by the CV, RA, CT parameters, but also in the pupil dilation curve shape (Dil1-fast, Dil2-slow, RT). Sleep deprivation was observed to cause an increase of TMD and Lat. Correlation analysis presented the strongest correlations between fp and the contraction velocity r = 0.73 (p < 0.05) and the minimum pupil diameters as expressed by the RA values: 0.66 (p < 0.05). The force fp, originating from the parasympathetic system, was correlated with redilation time – i.e., the larger the force, the shorter the time: -0.52 (p < 0.05). It also affected the value of the pupil diameter at the end of dilatation (DDil2-slow) r = 0.49 (p < 0.05). The delay in the force tp, originating from the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), increased the duration of pupil contraction time. In this case, the correlation coefficient was r = 0.73 (p < 0.05). This was also facilitated by a delay (ts) on the part of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), leading to a delay in dilatation and thus facilitating unrestrained pupil constriction. The correlation coefficient was r = 0.7 (p < 0.05). The controlled level of sleepiness, assessed via the Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) test, had increased by about 150% by the end of the experiment. Conclusion: The results of the studies indicate that the fatigue biomarkers, as determined during the pupil dilation phase (DDil1-fast, DDil2-Slow), as well as the new method for describing the dynamics of the PLR, can provide an effective and specific indicator of sleepiness levels. These results are also confirmed by an analysis of the Stanford Sleepiness Scale assessment results. In addition, the use of the KV rheological model to describe the curve of the pupillary reflex makes it possible, through the designated parameters of the model, to independently assess the sympathetic (fs, ts) and parasympathetic (tp, tp) activation of the autonomic nervous system.
Wraz ze stowarzyszeniem Polski z Unią Europejską i jej państwami członkowskimi rozpoczął się proces stopniowego dostosowywania prawa polskiego do prawa Wspólnot Europejskich. W artykule przedstawiono stan wdrożenia do prawa krajowego dziesięciu dyrektyw dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia pracowników, należących do właściwości Ministerstwa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej.
Together with Poland’s association with the European Union and its Member States, the process of gradual adaptation of Polish law to the law of the European Communities has started. The state of implementation of 10 directives concerning workers’ safety and health protection that are in the competence of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is presented in the article.
Autor omawia przyczyny i skutki powodowane przez zdarzenie traumatyczne, czyli takie nagłe sytuacje jak katastrofy spowodowane przez siły natury lub człowieka. W artykule przedstawiono również sposoby zapobiegania zaburzeniom po stresie traumatycznym.
Author presented reasons and results of traumatic events, such as unexpected situations, catastrophes caused by man or nature. The paper presented different ways of posttraumatic stress disorder prevention.
W ramach diagnostyki stanu bezpieczeństwa pracy coraz częściej, obok tradycyjnych metod i technik ukierunkowanych na badanie przyczyn i okoliczności wypadków już zaistniałych (analiza retrospektywna stanu bezpieczeństwa), stosowane są metody i techniki prospektywne (wyprzedzające), ukierunkowane na badanie potencjału zagrożeniowego. W artykule umówiono istotę jednej z nich, tj. metody porównawczo-jakościowej, a na przykładzie wyrobiska korytarzowego – możliwości jej zastosowania w warunkach dołowych.
In the framework of diagnostics of the occupational safety state more and more often apart from the traditional methods and techniques oriented on investigations regarding the reasons and circumstances of accidents that already took place (retrospective analysis of the safety state), prospective advanced methods and techniques are applied, oriented on the examination of the hazard potential. In the article the essence of one of these methods, i. e. the comparatively-qualitative method, and on the example of a roadway working – the possibility of its application in underground conditions were discussed.
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