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In the article major factors exerting an adverse impact on the comfort of work have been characterised. Mining plants engaged in the process of coal mining and their working conditions have been characterised. Selected examples of hazards influencing the incidence of occupational diseases have been presented. The results of investigations carried out at selected workstations in a mine, both overground and underground, have been presented. Solutions and measures aimed at reducing the existing threats have been proposed.
N-hexane neuropathy is an occupational disease caused by exposure to n-hexane, which is used as a solvent in silk screen printing. Here, we describe a 35-year-old man, a silk screen printer by profession, who presented with dizziness, distal swelling of both lower limbs for 10 months and tingling and burning sensation in both feet for 9.5 months along with cold allodynia. The patient had normal results of a motor and sensory system examination, apart from an impaired temperature sense. Nerve conduction tests showed a conduction block in bilateral common peroneal nerves and absence of conduction in bilateral sural nerves. These symptoms resolved when further exposure to n-hexane was ceased but cold allodynia remained. Thus, cold allodynia and impaired temperature sense can be a manifestation of n-hexane neuropathy. Hence, abnormalities on nerve conduction studies can be detected in n-hexane neuropathy patients, even before clinical examination detects any such abnormalities. In the case of the patients presenting with sensory motor neuropathy, history of occupational exposure to n-hexane becomes important, as the sooner the disease is detected, the better the chances of recovery.
Objectives About 5–10% of asthmatics do not respond well to standard treatment plan. Occupational exposure may be one of the factors that can be linked with treatment failure. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of work-related asthma (WRA) among adult asthmatics under follow up in an outpatient allergy clinic and to create a useful tool for detecting individuals with possible WRA. Material and Methods Preliminary 5-question questionnaire designed to recognize WRA was presented to 300 asthmatics. All patients with positive preliminary verification along with 50 subjects from control group were asked to fill up a detailed questionnaire. The WRA was diagnosed by positive match for asthma symptoms in combination with workplace exposure indicated in the detailed WRA questionnaire followed by confirmation of each WRA case by detailed exposure analysis. Results Work-related asthma was recognized in 63 subjects (21% of study group). The preliminary questionnaire has 76.9% sensitivity and 94% specificity in recognition of WRA. Occupational exposure to irritants is a risk factor of WRA recognition (relative risk (RR) = 2.09 (1.44:3.03)). Working in exposure-free environment is a factor against WRA recognition (RR = 0.38 (0.24:0.61)). Among subjects with work-related asthma, the uncontrolled course of the disease is significantly more frequent (p = 0.012). Subjects with WRA more often report sickness absenteeism due to asthma than those without WRA (9.6% vs. 3.2%, respectively), but the observed differences did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusions Short 5-question questionnaire seems to be a promising tool to detect individuals with possible work-related asthma in the outpatient setting for further evaluation and additional attention.
Content available Nowelizacja wykazu chorób zawodowych
Artykuł stanowi komentarz do nowego wykazu chorób zawodowych wprowadzonego w Polsce rozporządzeniem Rady Ministrów z dnia 30 lipca 2002 r. (DzU nr 132 poz. 1115). Wykaz został dostosowany do aktualnego stanu wiedzy i wymogów Unii Europejskiej. Autor porównuje treść nowego wykazu ze starym wykazem, obowiązującym do roku 2002 i omawia wprowadzone zmiany.
This paper comments on the new schedule of occupational diseases introduced by the legal act of the Council of Ministers Council (Dz.U. no. 132 item 1115). The list has been adapted to the current state of knowledge and recommendations of the European Union. The author compares the new schedule with the old one, valid until 2002 and discusses the changes which have been introduced.
Content available Neurologiczne choroby zawodowe w Polsce
Znaczenie neurologicznych chorób zawodowych (zwłaszcza przewlekłych chorób obwodowego układu nerwowego wywołanych sposobem wykonywania pracy) w ostatnich latach rośnie. Sumaryczna liczba rozpoznanych chorób zawodowych w latach 2003-2008 uległa zmniejszeniu o 18,8%. Największy spadek liczby stwierdzonych chorób zawodowych (o 28,3%) obserwowano w latach 2003-2006. Natomiast liczba stwierdzonych zawodowych, przewlekłych chorób obwodowego układu nerwowego wywołanych sposobem wykonywania pracy w omawianym okresie uległa zwiększeniu o 79,8%. Dlatego też spróbowano przedstawić w obecnym artykule choroby zawodowe mające podłoże neurologiczne.
In recent years the significance of neurological occupational diseases (especially work-related chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system) nas been growing. The total number of diagnosed occupational diseases in 2003 - 2008 decreased by 18.8%. The biggest decrease in the number of diagnosed occupational diseases took place in 2003-2006. However, the number of diagnosed chronic occupational diseases of the peripheral nervous system in the same period increased by 79.8%. That is why this article discusses the problem of occupational diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
This study aimed to investigate the subjective health complaints (SHC) in the teaching profession of Hong Kong. On the basis of the SHC inventory, a questionnaire was prepared for data collection through a mail survey. A total of 1 710 usable questionnaires were returned by the primary or secondary school teachers. The results showed that 99.5% (n = 1 702) of respondents suffered at least one type of the 39 single health problems on the total SHC scale during the preceding 30 days. The 10 most frequently reported health complaints among the teachers were tiredness, eyestrain, anxiety, sleep problems, voice disorder, shoulder pain, neck pain, headache, cold/flu, and lower-back pain. With the exception of the category of pseudoneurological complaints, primary school teachers showed a statistically higher prevalence in reporting problems in 6 of 7 subscales. The 5 most severe complaints were tiredness, eyestrain, sleep problems, shoulder pain, and voice disorder.
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację cyklu publikacji dotyczących higieny pracy w górnictwie. Przedstawiono w nim analizę zapadalności na choroby zawodowe w Polsce i w polskim górnictwie w roku 2007. Analizą objęto strukturę zachorowań w gospodarce narodowej oraz w poszczególnych działach górnictwa, a także przeprowadzono ocenę kształto­wania się higieny pracy w górnictwie.
The article is a continuation of a series of publications concerning hygiene at work in mining. Presented is the analysis of incidence of occupational diseases in Poland and in Polish mining in 2007. The analysis comprises incidence structure in national economy and in the individual branches of mining. The assessment of hygiene at work development in mining is also presented.
Wstęp. Praca lekarza stomatologa często wymaga długotrwałego utrzymywania wymuszonej, nieergonomicznej pozycji ciała podczas pracy. Powoduje to, że przez wiele godzin kręgosłup stale narażony jest na przeciążenia. To z kolei może objawiać się bólami kręgosłupa. Od pewnego czasu stomatolodzy mają dwie możliwości sposobu pracy. Pracują z prawego boku pacjenta, co wymaga pochylenia się w przód i w prawo lub mają możliwość pracy zza głowy pacjenta wykorzystując specjalnie do tego przystosowane krzesło wymuszające prawidłowe ustawienie kręgosłupa. Materiał i metody. Badania, które zostały przeprowadzone, dotyczyły oceny występowania bólów kręgosłupa lędźwiowego u lekarzy stomatologów z podziałem na dwie grupy w zależności od przyjmowanej pozycji podczas pracy. Badaniami objęto 63 lekarzy. W celu oceny wykorzystano kilka prostych testów oraz ankietę utworzoną na potrzebę badania. Wyniki. W grupie lekarzy pracujących z boku pacjenta 18 badanych (54,5%) wskazywało na szósty stopień bólu, 11 badanych (33,3%) na siódmy oraz czworo badanych (12,1%) na piąty stopień bólu w skali VAS. U stomatologów z grupy pracujących w pozycji zza głowy pacjenta, skala bólu nie przekroczyła trzech. Wnioski. Pozycja podczas pracy lekarza stomatologa ma istotny wpływ na powstawanie dolegliwości bólowych kręgosłupa lędźwiowego. Pozycja lekarza pracującego zza głowy pacjenta jest bardziej ergonomiczna niż z boku pacjenta. Lekarze pracujący z boku pacjenta częściej zgłaszają dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa lędźwiowego.
Introduction. The work of a dental surgeon often entails remaining in a forced and non-ergonomic body posture for a prolonged time. Consequently, the spine is exposed to overstraining for many hours. This in turn may manifest in spine pain disorders. For some time now, dentists can choose between two working methods. They proceed at the patient’s right-hand side, which requires them to lean forward and rightward, or they may work from behind the patient’s head using a specially adjusted chair that enforces a proper position of the lumbar spine. Material and methods. The research was carried out to assess dentists’ lumbar spine pains. The subjects were divided into two groups depending on the posture they adopted while working. The research included 63 dentists. To analyse the results, a few simple tests and a questionnaire were carried out. Results. Among the dentists proceed at the patient’s right- hand side, 18 of them (54,5%) indicated on the sixth level of pain, 11 patients (33,3%) the seventh level of pain and four (12,1%) dentists suffered from pain at fifth level of the pain scale (0-10). In the group of dentists working in the position from behind the patient’s head pain scale did not exceed third level. Conclusion: dentists’ working posture has a significant impact on the formation of the lumbar spine disorders. Position of the dentists working from behind the patient’s head is more ergonomic than position while working on the patient’s one side. Dentists working on patient’s one side more often report the pain in a low back spine section.
W krajach Europy Zachodniej od roku 1995 obserwuje się u pracowników nowoczesnych, skomputeryzowanych biur, zwłaszcza u kobiet, wzrost częstości występowania (lipoatrofii półkolistej) lokalnego zaniku podskórnej tkanki tłuszczowej na udach. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę i analizę potencjalnych przyczyn tej dolegliwości, warunki jej występowania oraz wskazano środki profilaktyczne.
Since 1995, there has been a significant increase in the number of cases of lipoatrophy semicircularis (a semicircular zone of atrophy of the subcutaneous fatty tissue located mostly on the front of the thighs) in Western Europe. This disorder mainly afflicts workers in modern, computerized offices, especially women. The paper presents a description of LS, an analysis of the potential etiology and precautions.
The paper describes an atypical case of simultaneous airborne and direct contact dermatitis in a beekeeper from the Małopolska region. This is the third such case described in a beekeeper in the world and the fi rst in Poland. I suggest that propolis should be regarded as both a direct and airborne contact allergen in beekeepers.
Content available Praca zawodowa a choroby reumatyczne
W artykule przedstawiono problemy dotyczące osób aktywnych zawodowo, z rozpoznaną chorobą reumatyczną. Przybliżono czytelnikom charakter tych schorzeń oraz ich związek ze sposobem wykonywania pracy lub warunkami pracy. Wskazano konieczność profilaktyki pierwotnej i wtórnej, jak również rehabilitacji zawodowej.
n the article the authors present the problems of working people with rheumatic disease. The character of these disorders and the relation between them and the kind of work or working environment are described. The necessity of primary and secondary prevention and rehabilitation is indicated.
Content available Choroby zawodowe stwierdzone w Polsce w 2012 r.
Background: The aim of the paper was to present basic statistical data on occupational diseases diagnosed in 2012. Material and Methods: The work was based on the data from "Occupational Disease Reporting Forms" received by the Central Register of Occupational Diseases in 2012. The data comprised information on nosologic units, gender and age of patients, duration of occupational exposure, sections of the national economy and voivodeships. The incidence was specified in terms of the number of cases in relation to paid employees or to employed people. Results: The number of occupational diseases accounted for 2402 cases. The incidence rate was 23 cases per 100 000 paid employees. In spite of the general decline in the number of cases, the incidence of infectious and parasitic diseases increased by 8.6%. The highest incidence was noted for infectious and parasitic diseases (6.8/100 000), pneumoconioses (5.5/100 000), hearing loss (2.1/100 000), diseases of: the peripheral nervous system (2/100 000), voice disorders (1.9/100 000) and the musculo-skeletal system pathologies (1.1/100 000). The pathologies specified above accounted in total for 84% of all occupational diseases. The industrial sectors of the national economy characterized by the highest incidence included mining and quarrying (288.3/100 000) and manufacturing (27.8/100 000). The highest incidence was recorded in the Silesian (46.2/100 000) and the lowest in the Opolskie (4.2/100 000) voivodeships. Conclusions: The downward trend in the incidence of occupational diseases continues. Different incidence of voice disorders among teachers in individual provinces suggests that uniform preventive, diagnostic and certification standards are missing. Med Pr 2013;64(3):317–326
Wstęp: W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe dane o chorobach zawodowych stwierdzonych w 2012 r. Materiał i metody: Podstawą opracowania były „Karty stwierdzenia choroby zawodowej” wystawione przez stacje sanitarno-epidemiologiczne w 2012 r. i przesłane do Centralnego Rejestru Chorób Zawodowych w Instytucie Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera w Łodzi. Dane przedstawiono z uwzględnieniem jednostek chorobowych, płci i wieku osób chorych, okresu narażenia w miejscu pracy na czynniki szkodliwe, które powodują stwierdzoną patologię, oraz w zależności od sekcji gospodarki narodowej i województw. Zapadalność scharakteryzowano za pomocą współczynników obliczanych w stosunku do liczby zatrudnionych lub liczby pracujących. Wyniki: Stwierdzono 2402 przypadki chorób zawodowych. Współczynnik zapadalności na 100 tys. zatrudnionych wynosił 23. Przy ogólnym spadku liczby chorób zawodowych w 2012 r. wzrosła o 56 (8,6%) liczba przypadków chorób zakaźnych lub pasożytniczych. Najwyższe współczynniki dotyczyły chorób zakaźnych lub pasożytniczych (6,8 na 100 tys. zatrudnionych), pylic płuc (5,5 na 100 tys.), ubytku słuchu (2,1 na 100 tys.), chorób obwodowego układu nerwowego (2 na 100 tys.), narządu głosu (1,9 na 100 tys.) i układu ruchu (1,1 na 100 tys.). Wymienione patologie stanowiły łącznie 84% wszystkich chorób zawodowych. Sekcjami gospodarki o charakterze przemysłowym, których dotyczyła najwyższa zapadalność, były górnictwo i wydobywanie (288,3 na 100 tys.) oraz przetwórstwo przemysłowe (27,9 na 100 tys.). Pod względem terytorialnego rozproszenia najwyższą zapadalność odnotowano w województwie śląskim (46,2 na 100 tys. pracujących), a najniższą w opolskim (4,2). Wnioski: Utrzymuje się tendencja spadkowa zapadalności na choroby zawodowe. Zróżnicowanie zapadalności w województwach na choroby narządu głosu u nauczycieli wskazuje na brak jednolitych standardów profilaktycznych, diagnostycznych i orzeczniczych. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):317–326
Background: In this report the increase in the number of notifications of suspicions of diseases caused by the way the job is performed, observed recently in the Regional Center of Occupational Medicine in Wrocław, is highlighted. The problem stems from the recognition of medical certification of such diseases as occupational diseases only in one third of all notifications of suspicions. Material and Methods: The case study was based on statistical data concerning notifications of suspected occupational diseases collected in the Branches of the Regional Center of Occupational Medicine in Wrocław in the years 2006-2011, as well as on medical certificates issued by the Center's Out-patient Clinics of Occupational Diseases. More than 700 reports of suspected chronic occupational diseases of the musculo-skeletal system and chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system caused by the way the job is performed were analyzed, taking into account gender, age and how the work had been done. On the basis of the analysis of medical certificates issued by physicians, decision-making procedures and the recognition of occupational disease certification are discussed. Results: The analysis of the data collected in the Regional Center of Occupational Medicine, Wroclaw, in the years 2006-2011 showed a significant increase in the percentage of notifications of suspicions of diseases caused by the way the job is performed. At the same time it was shown that only about one third of reported suspicions were concluded with issuing medical certification of an occupational disease and the administrative confirmation of the decision. Conclusions: The results of the study revealed significant certification problems in the group of diseases caused by the way the job is performed in terms of the recognition of this type of pathology as an occupational disease. These issues are ambiguous because of a large number of non-occupational factors involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Med Pr 2013;64(3):387–396
Wstęp: W doniesieniu przedstawiono obserwowany w ostatnich latach w Dolnośląskim Wojewódzkim Ośrodku Medycyny Pracy (DWOMP) we Wrocławiu wzrost liczby zgłoszeń podejrzenia chorób wywołanych sposobem wykonywania pracy. Problem orzeczniczy wynika z uznawania tego typu schorzeń za choroby zawodowe tylko w przypadku 1/3 zgłoszeń. Materiał i metody: Do opracowania wykorzystano dane statystyczne dotyczące zgłoszeń podejrzenia chorób zawodowych złożone w oddziałach DWOMP we Wrocławiu w latach 2006-2011 oraz orzeczeń lekarskich wydanych w Poradniach Chorób Zawodowych (PChZ) oddziałów DWOMP. Analizie poddano ponad 700 zgłoszeń podejrzenia przewlekłej choroby zawodowej układu ruchu oraz przewlekłej choroby obwodowego układu nerwowego wywołanych sposobem wykonywania pracy, z uwzględnieniem płci, wieku i sposobu wykonywania pracy. Na podstawie analizy wydanych orzeczeń lekarskich opisano procedury orzekania i rozpoznawania choroby zawodowej. Wyniki: Analiza zebranych danych wykazała znaczny wzrost procentowego udziału zgłoszeń podejrzeń chorób wynikających ze sposobu wykonywania pracy w DWOMP we Wrocławiu w latach 2006-2011. Jednocześnie wykazano, że tylko około 1/3 zgłaszanych podejrzeń kończyło się orzeczeniem lekarskim o rozpoznaniu choroby zawodowej i wydaniem decyzji administracyjnej o jej stwierdzeniu. Wnioski: Wyniki badania wskazują na problemy orzecznicze przy stwierdzaniu chorób zawodowych w odniesieniu do chorób wywołanych sposobem wykonywania pracy. Problemy te są wieloznaczne z uwagi na udział czynników pozazawodowych w etiopatogenezie tego typu schorzeń. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):387–396
Znaczny wzrost rozpoznawanych chorób zawodowych narządu głosu zwłaszcza wśród nauczycieli, skłonił autorów artykułu do przeanalizowania dostępnych materiałów naukowych i opracowania zasad profilaktyki oraz programu prewencji narządu głosu. Wszyscy polscy specjaliści z dziedziny foniatrii i laryngologii podkreślają w swoich pracach, że najskuteczniejszym sposobem zapobiegania zaburzeniom emisji głosu jest usunięcie czynników wpływających na dysfunkcję.
The significant increase in diagnosed occupational diseases related to voice disorders has prompted the authors to examine the available scientific materials and to develop principles of and a programme for preventing voice disorders. All Polish specialists in laryngology and phoniatrics stress that the most effective way to prevent the disturbance of speech is to eliminate factors contributing to the dysfunction.
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację cyklu publikacji dotyczących higieny pracy w górnictwie. Przedstawiono w nim analizę zapadalności na choroby zawodowe w Polsce i w górnictwie w roku 2005. Analizą objęto strukturę zachorowań w gospodarce narodowej oraz w poszczególnych działach górnictwa a także dokonano próby oceny kształtowania się higieny pracy w górnictwie.
The article is a continuation of a cycle of publications on work hygiene in the mining industry. It presents the incidence rate of occupational diseases in Poland and in the mining industry in 2005. The analysis includes the structure and in particular mining sectors, as well as an attempt to assess the shaping of work hygiene in mining.
Objectives The aim of the study was to evaluate health effects of occupational exposure to diisocyanates (DIC) among polyurethane foam products factory workers. Material and Methods Thirty workers had a physical examination, skin prick tests with common allergens, allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to diisocyanates and pulmonary function tests. Concentrations of selected isocyanates in the workplace air samples as well as concentration of their metabolites in the urine samples collected from the workers of the plant were determined. Results The most frequent work-related symptoms reported by the examined subjects were rhinitis and skin symptoms. Sensitization to at least 1 common allergen was noted in 26.7% of the subjects. Spirometry changes of bronchial obstruction of a mild degree was observed in 5 workers. The specific IgE antibodies to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and 4,4’-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) (MDI) were not detected in any of the patients’ serum. Cellular profiles of the collected induced sputum (ISP) did not reveal any abnormalities. Air concentrations of TDI isomers ranged 0.2–58.9 μg/m³ and in 7 cases they exceeded the Combined Exposure Index (CEI) value for those compounds. Concentrations of TDI metabolites in post-shift urine samples were significantly higher than in the case of pre-shift urine samples and in 6 cases they exceeded the British Biological Monitoring Guidance Value (BMGV – 1 μmol amine/mol creatinine). We didn’t find a correlation between urinary concentrations of TDI, concentrations in the air and concentrations of toluenediamine (TDA) in the post shift urine samples. Lack of such a correlation may be an effect of the respiratory protective equipment use. Conclusions Determination of specific IgE in serum is not sensitive enough to serve as a biomarker. Estimation of concentrations of diisocyanate metabolites in urine samples and the presence of work-related allergic symptoms seem to be an adequate method for occupational exposure monitoring of DIC, which may help to determine workers at risk as well as to recognize hazardous workplaces.
Objectives Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common occupational disease. The aim was to assess the effect of preventive measures in automotive assembly workers. Material and Methods The analysis summarizes data from annual crosssectional studies. The 7-year analysis of data was based on medical records obtained from an occupational physician and inspections carried out at the workplace where targeted preventive measures were introduced, including better ergonomic arrangement of the workplace, technical adjustments facilitating the work, preventive nerve conduction studies (NCS) testing of the median nerve once a year, switching of workers and their targeted rotation within the workplace. The NCS testing of median nerve conduction at the wrist was the basic objective method for assessment of the prevalence and severity of CTS. Over the study period, the sample comprised 1804 workers at risk for repetitive overuse of the upper extremities, of whom 281 were females with a mean age of 38.5 years and 1523 were males with a mean age of 31.4 years. Results Over the study period, a total of 13 cases of CTS were recognized as an occupational disease in the plant, 8 of which occurred within the first 2 years from the initiation of production. Introduction of preventive measures decreased the prevalence of median neuropathy from 18.3% of examined extremities in 2011 to 10.5% in 2013 (p = 0.003). In early 2014, the production pace increased and this was accompanied by a rise in abnormal NCS findings to 16.9%. Over the study period, the rate of sensorimotor neuropathy decreased in favor of merely sensory neuropathies, which have been most frequent since 2013. The percentage of employees whose contracts were terminated due to median neuropathy decreased steadily from 5.5% to 0.4%. Conclusions Targeted prevention of work-related CTS is effective as evidenced by the decrease in the prevalence of median neuropathy detected by NCS. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(1):45–54
Objectives The data regarding the health of professional tattooists is inexistent. Tattooists are usually heavily tattooed and exposed daily to body fluids and skin-to-skin contacts with customers, tattoo inks, solvents, allergens, irritants, and work for hours often in inadequate positions using vibrating tattoo machines. We analyzed the health status of active French professional tattooists. Material and Methods An observational self-reported Internet survey was performed among 448 tattooists who were members of the French Tattoo Union in November 2013. Results The main physical complaints were musculoskeletal: back pain (65%), finger pain (41.5%) and muscular pain (28.8%). Finger pain, back pain, muscular pain and carpal tunnel symptoms/tingling sensations on the fingers occurred among 88%, 61.5%, 68% and 84% of the cases after having started their activity (p < 0.001). Other chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases and cancers remained at a low level here. Conclusions Professional tattooists have a high prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints about back pain due to repetitive movements, awkward postures and use of a vibrating tattoo machine. Tattooists have a unique environment that imply developing intervention and preventive strategies for them. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(1):111–120
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