W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych wśród osób z dozoru podziemnych zakładów górniczych wydobywających węgiel kamienny. Badania dotyczyły samooceny stanu faktycznego w wyrobiskach, w których dochodziło do niebezpiecznych zdarzeń związanych z utrzymaniem stropu. Analiza wyników może posłużyć jako narzędzie do odpowiednich działań zapobiegawczych przeciwdziałających niezamierzonym opadom stropu w drążonych wyrobiskach chodnikowych.
The paper presents the results of survey conducted among managing staff of underground coal mines. The total number of 225 questionnaires were realized and respondents represented all major mining companies in Poland. The survey was related to self-esteem of actual situation in galleries where occurred dangerous phenomena associated with roof maintenance. The questionnaire developed was divided into four parts. In first part the professional experience of respondents was determined. Next the roof falls during roadways drivage were classified based on their geometrical dimensions and with consideration of time needed for roof fall consequences removal. The third part was devoted to assessment of most important parameters that impacts the roof falls occurrence. In last part of questionnaire the respondents characterized most commonly used roof fall prevention and mitigation measures. The analysis of results could be used as tool for assessment of roof fall occurrence hazard as well as development of appropriated roof falls prevention and mitigation measures in course of roadways drivage.
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