In this article subject of death and illness in Aleksandr Kuprin’s work was presented mainly from biological point of view, treating death as tangible existential fact, which occurs in everyone’s life and which is affected by social and family position of a dying person. Hence, dying was pictured here as kind of a process consisting of number of physiological, social and cultural occurrences, interrelating and having effect on each other.
The Gidar of northern Cameroon make a distinction between a good death and a bad one. As a rule, the death of a person of advanced years, who has children, who is prepared to pass on, is counted as a good death. Along with natural death, the death of a warrior is also counted as a good death. A bad death does not fulfill these conditions. There are three basic stages in funeral rites: burial preparations, the burial itself, and what is known as the second burial, or, day of mourning, usually designated from one month to a year after the actual burial. Funeral rites are a condition for entering the world of ancestors – the Gidar teda. These rites clearly show a spiritual vision of life. The Gidar see man as a being composed of material and spiritual elements, but treated as a single totality. Thanks to the funeral rites and to the purification rites following them, the deceased ceases to be a trememdum, as a taboo, and becomes an admirandum, as an ancestor. This is expressed by the installation of the deceased as an ancestor. The transition of the deceased to the world of ancestors does not separate him from his earthly family because he is continually present in their life. There are some points of contact between Gidar funeral rites and the traditional Christian approach. These encourage significant innovations in Church funeral rites.
Gidar z północnego Kamerunu wyróżniają śmierć dobrą od złej. Do śmierci dobrej zaliczają z reguły śmierć człowieka w podeszłym wieku, mającego dzieci, przygotowanego do odejścia. Do śmierci naturalnej zaliczyć też można śmierć wojownika. Zła śmierć nie spełnia tych warunków. W obrzędach pogrzebowych można wyróżnić trzy zasadnicze etapy: przygotowanie do pochówku, pochówek właściwy oraz tzw. pochówek wtórny, czy też dzień żałoby, wyznaczany zwykle od miesiąca do roku po pochówku właściwym. Obrzędy pogrzebowe są warunkiem wejścia do świata przodków – gidarskie teda. Obrzędy te wskazują wyraźnie na duchową wizję życia. Gidar postrzegają człowieka jako istotę złożoną z pierwiastka materialnego i duchowego, chociaż traktowana jest ona jako jedna całość. Dzięki obrzędom pogrzebowym i następującym po nich obrzędom purifikacyjnym zmarły przestaje być tremendum jako tabu, a staje się admirandum – jako przodek. Wyraża to instalacja zmarłego jako przodka. Przejście zmarłego do świata przodków nie separuje go od jego ziemskiej rodziny, ponieważ jest on stale obecny w jej życiu. W gidarskich obrzędach pogrzebowych istnieją jednak pewne punkty styczne z tradycyjnym ujęciem chrześcijańskim. Zachęcają one do znacznych innowacji w kościelnych obrzędach pogrzebowych.
The subject of the article is a group of items associated with Christian religious symbolism. Among them there are typical devotional items such as crosses and openwork cross-shaped pendants as well as finger rings with representation of the cross or sacred inscriptions fulfilling the same function. In total 24 objects from 23 graves were analysed (Table 1). Almost all of them were located in the cemeteries operating within the two largest settlement complexes of the Chełmno-Dobrzyń zone - Kałdus, the pre-incotporation Chełmno, and Gruczno near Świecie (Fig. 1). Both settlements in the younger phases of the early Middle Ages were the main centres of production and exchange, fulfilling important political and religious functions in the administrative structures of the Polish state. The analysis shows that these items should be treated primarily as an expression of religious beliefs. More often, their owners were women, especially young ones, and children, also probably of the female sex. Very rarely they were found within men's furnishings - rather as a gift - and in the graves of mature women (maturus). In most cases, crosses and cross-shaped pendants were parts of necklaces made of glass beads. Apart from the necklaces, the grave goods included other jewellery items, such as temple rings or finger rings, but not those of a religious nature. However, the presence of tools, apart from knives, as well as vessels and weapons was not confirmed. The analysis of the origin of most of the devotional artefacts shows their association with the areas of Rus’ and the Greek cultural circle. This may be evidence of presence, especially in Gruczno, of people (women?) of the Orthodox denomination. The presence of crosses and finger rings of religious nature is an evidence of the consolidation of Christianity in the Chełmno-Dobrzyń zone, but they are also an important testimony to the fears deeply embedded in the minds of people of the time about the fate of the dead, who were to be protected by new, already Christian amulets placed in graves.
The article is an attempt to describe the conditions in which the body assumes the role of a prop – it becomes an object organizing individual and social life. For such a process to take place, it is necessary to disconnect the body from the Self. It comes with his death. Funeral practices that change the social status of the body can take a monistic or dualistic form. The former make the body a relic and are based on the belief that soma is connected with its spiritual essence. The latter, on the contrary, points to the impermanence of such a connection. In this way, the body becomes a prop, an object, an object, and a tool for funeral performances.
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