Purpose: The main purpose of this article was to present the actions taken by the company in the field of its food defence and food fraud. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents the approach used in the analyzed company to supervise the food defence and food fraud area. As part of the analysis, the applicable documents in the scope of the conducted risk analyzes were presented. The adopted methodology for the evaluation of raw materials and their suppliers in the food fraud area is based on the IFS guidelines, as well as an approach developed by the authors of this study, who participated in the implementation of this methodology in the company. Findings: The presented approach to supervision in the area of food defence and food fraud in the analyzed company ensures its continuous development depending on the changing environment and risk factors. The Sushi&Food Factor company is characterized by a high culture of safety and quality of the produced food. Actions are still being taken to support its development in various areas, such as communication, employee involvement, risk awareness. The activities used by the company related to the verification of the effectiveness of supervision over the areas of food defence and food fraud, such as the simulation of unauthorized access or the review and assessment of incidents that have currently occurred on the market, allow for the necessary preventive measures to be taken. Originality/value: The article presents a practical approach to the implementation of the requirements of standards in the area of food defence and food fraud. The article may be an element influencing the improvement of activities in the discussed areas in other enterprises, which may contribute to the development of their food safety and quality culture.
Due to the role of food in human life and for the economies of the whole world, both food and the entire food chain are very vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Food terrorism is not a new phenomenon, and current experience confirms that it is still very dangerous. The aim of the article is to answer two research questions: (1) Does statutory law define the framework for protecting food against deliberate contamination and, if so, to what extent? (2) What role does private food law play in defending food against terrorism? As a result of the conducted analyses of law, including food law, and private food law, it was confirmed that in national and European food law there is no reference to food terrorism or food defence. The only regulations that exist concern the protection of the so-called critical infrastructure, such as those that ensure the provision of food and water supplies. The most developed law in the world in this respect is the American food law, including the so-called modernization act, which imposes an obligation on organizations to implement the HARPC system. Private food law plays a very important role in food defence against food terrorism, as well as voluntary – in terms of their implementation – risk assessment tools, such as the TACCP system, developed by various agencies and industry associations.
Ze względu na rolę żywności w życiu człowieka i dla gospodarek całego świata, zarówno żywność, jak i cały łańcuch żywnościowy są bardzo podatnym celem ataku terrorystycznego. Terroryzm żywnościowy nie jest zjawiskiem nowym, a bieżące doświadczenia potwierdzają, że jest nadal bardzo groźny. Celem artykułu jest uzyskanie odpowiedzi na dwa pytania badawcze: (1) Czy i w jakim zakresie prawo stanowione wyznacza ramy ochrony żywności przed celowym zanieczyszczeniem? (2) Jaką rolę w zakresie obrony żywności przed terroryzmem pełni prywatne prawo żywnościowe? W wyniku przeprowadzanych analiz prawa, w tym prawa żywnościowego i prywatnego prawa żywnościowego, potwierdzono, że w prawie krajowym oraz europejskim prawie żywnościowym nie ma odniesienia do terroryzmu żywnościowego oraz obrony żywności. Jedyne regulacje, które istnieją, dotyczą ochrony tzw. infrastruktury krytycznej, w tym zapewniającej dostawy żywności i wody. Najbardziej w tym względzie rozwiniętym prawem na świecie jest amerykańskie prawo żywnościowe, w tym tzw. ustawa modernizacyjna, nakładająca obowiązek wdrożenia przez organizacje systemu analizy zagrożeń i opartych na ryzyku środków zapobiegawczych wobec żywności (Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls, HARPC). Bardzo ważną rolę w temacie obrony przed terroryzmem żywnościowym odgrywa prywatne prawo żywnościowe, a także dobrowolne pod względem ich wdrożenia narzędzia oceny ryzyka (np. system TACCP), wypracowywane przez różne agendy i stowarzyszenia branżowe.
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