This article is aimed at examining the dynamics of liquidity measures in capital markets at various stages of development – Deutsche Börse in Frankfurt and the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The study uses generally available daily data from 2001–2016. It is shown that the liquidity measures determined for both markets display similar dynamics, suggesting that stock liquidity is strongly influenced by global risk factors. In the case of stocks listed in the German market, the Amihud liquidity measure and measures of transaction costs are closely correlated in the entire sample. In the Polish market, the interdependence between these measures becomes stronger over time. Transaction costs in a mature market are lower and liquidity measures are more consistent.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie dynamiki miar płynności na rynkach kapitałowych będących na różnych etapach rozwoju, Deutsche Börse we Frankfurcie i Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie. W badaniach wykorzystano ogólnie dostępne dane dzienne z okresu 2001–2016. Wykazano, że wskaźniki płynności wyznaczone dla obu rynków wykazują podobną dynamikę, co sugeruje, że na płynność akcji silnie wpływają globalne czynniki ryzyka. W przypadku akcji notowanych na rynku niemieckim w całej próbie występuje silna korelacja między miarą płynności Amihuda i miarami kosztów transakcyjnych. Na rynku polskim współzależność między tymi miarami wzmacnia się wraz z upływem czasu. Koszty transakcyjne na rynku dojrzałym są niższe, a miary płynności bardziej spójne.
This article focuses on the critical importance of demand estimates for effective planning and decision-making in the railway freight transportation industry. Various departments within transportation companies, including marketing, production, distribution, and finance departments, heavily rely on accurate demand forecasts to make informed decisions. Forecasting demand is a crucial aspect of managing business processes, and the methods for doing this can vary across different industries. The ultimate goal remains consistent - to obtain precise predictions of future demand by analyzing historical data and current environmental factors. In the context of transportation services, accurate demand forecasting is essential for successful operational planning and management of functional areas such as transportation operations, marketing, and finance. The current case study specifically examines the National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ), a transport and logistics holding engaged in rail transportation in Kazakhstan. KTZ’s main sources of income are related to freight transportation. The volume of cargo transportation (in tons) and the freight turnover play a significant role in assessing demand and forecasting future revenues from freight traffic. Different techniques for demand forecasting are explored, including qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods rely on judgments and opinions, while quantitative methods utilize historical data or identify causal relationships between variables. Overall, the present study highlights the critical role of demand forecasting in the railway freight transportation industry and its impact on efficient planning and decision-making processes.
In 2015 the Polish Power Exchange (Polish: Towarowa Giełda Energii) launched a financial instrument market (Polish: RIF), introducing derivatives – futures contracts which are a basic instrument to protect against volatility on the spot market. The emergence of financial instruments was meant to attract financial institutions to enter the market exchange. They were supposed to bring capital to build up liquidity on the market and take over the risk from industry entities, which should focus on their primary activity instead. During two and a half years of the market’s operation, there was little volume in futures transactions. The article presents benefits from trading the instruments to prompt market activity of potential participants. At the same time, other power exchanges experienced high trade volume growth in derivatives – their trade volume was often higher than physical supply contracts. The future contracts enhance predictability of electrical energy prices that are paid by customers, therefore their role is extremely important.
Na towarowej giełdzie energii (TGE) w 2015 roku uruchomiono rynek instrumentów finansowych RIF, wprowadzając do obrotu instrumenty pochodne – kontrakty futures, które są podstawowym narzędziem służącym do zabezpieczenia przed wahaniami cen energii elektrycznej na rynku spot. Pojawienie się instrumentów finansowych miało przyciągnąć na giełdę towarową insty- tucje finansowe, które miały dostarczać kapitału do budowania płynności na rynku giełdowym i przejąć ryzyko od branżowych podmiotów, których głównym celem powinno być skoncentrowanie się na podstawowej działalności. Dwa i pół roku funkcjono- wania rynku finansowego na TGE charakteryzuje się praktycznie zerowym obrotem kontraktami futures. W artykule przedsta- wiono korzyści wynikające z obrotu tymi instrumentami w celu zainteresowania potencjalnych uczestników tego rynku do aktyw- nego uczestnictwa. Tym bardziej, że większość giełd energii elektrycznej zanotowało w tym okresie największe obroty właśnie w obszarze instrumentów pochodnych oraz dynamiczny ich wzrost, były one kila razy większe niż obrót kontraktami z fizyczną dostawą. Kontrakty futures przekładają się na przewidywalność cen energii elektrycznej, jakie ostatecznie płaci klient, i dlatego pełnią ważną rolę na rynku energii.
In recent years, electric and hybrid vehicles have taken more and more attention due to their apparent advantages in saving fuel resources and reducing harmful emissions into the environment. Even though electric vehicles can solve the ecological problem, their operation is faced with a number of inconveniences associated with a limited driving distance from a single charge due to limited storage of energy from an independent power source and a lack of the required service and repair infrastructure. In hybrid and electric vehicles one of the main parameters is the curb weight, which affects energy consumption, vehicle speed, stability, controllability and maneuverability. In this regard, leading car manufacturers use parts with a low specific weight (non-metallic, aluminum alloys, etc.) in the design and also exclude some units from the design. Due to these technical solutions, the vehicle's operating is improved. One of the groups of parameters to be defined when designing a new electric vehicle is the parameters relating to the electric motor. The purpose of the article is determination of the mechanical characteristics of a two-rotor electric motor during magnetic flux control and assessment of the possibility of organizing the drive of the drive wheels of the vehicle. The electric motor has two mechanically independent outputs. For the study, an electrical equivalent diagram has been developed for the given two-rotor electric motor. A simulation model of the equivalent diagram has been built. Simulating the interaction processes of the rotors with the stator made it possible to obtain data for building the mechanical characteristics for each output of the electric motor. Analysis and processing of the mechanical characteristics data of the electric motors showed the conformity and the range of changes in the torque on each of the rotors when changing their slip and revolution, which are required when building algorithms for the operation of electric motor control systems as part of drives for various purposes. Analysis of the simulation results made it possible to assess the possibility of using the considered two-rotor electric motor for the drive of drive wheels in an electric and hybrid wheeled vehicle.
Important basic transformations, implemented in CAD systems, are congruence transformations, so-called isometries, which preserve the distance of points. Logic of CAD software bases on the reflection, translation, rotation, and similarity. This fact is the important desideratum in the teaching of Descriptive Geometry. The paper includes a proposal for a teaching from the scope of isometries on the plane and in three-dimensional space.
Ważnymi przekształceniami zaimplementowanymi w oprogramowaniu CAD, są izometrie, czyli przekształcenia zachowujące odległość punktów. Logika tych systemów opiera się gównie na pojęciu symetrii, translacji i obrotu. Ważną jeszcze rolę odgrywa podobieństwo. Uwzględnienie tego faktu w nauczaniu geometrii wykreślnej jest ważnym dezyderatem dydaktycznym. Praca zawiera propozycję dydaktyczną z zakresu zastosowania izometrii na płaszczyźnie i w przestrzeni.
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