Artykuł przedstawia wpływ instytucji zatarcia skazania na odpowiedzialność karną z art. 178a § 4 k.k. W nauce prawa karnego powstał spór co do normatywnego charakteru tego przepisu, który oddziałuje także na problematykę zatarcia skazania. Autor prezentuje argumentację popierającą stanowisko Sądu Najwyższego, który przyjął tezę o niejednorodnym charakterze art. 178a § 4 k.k., zawierającym w pierwszej części instytucję nadzwyczajnego obostrzenia kary, w drugiej natomiast typ kwalifikowany, oraz tezę o braku wpływu zatarcia skazania na ustalenie znamion typu czynu zabronionego. Artykuł zawiera także polemikę z poglądami przedstawionymi w doktrynie, krytykującymi wskazane wyżej tezy Sądu Najwyższego.
The article presents the impact of the institution of erasion of conviction on criminal liability under art. 178 § 4 of the Penal Code. In criminal law a dispute arose as to the normative character of this provision, which also affects erasion of conviction. The author presents arguments supporting the position of the Supreme Court which adopted the thesis of the heterogeneous nature of art. 178a § 4 of the Penal Code, containing, in the first part the institution of extraordinary tightening of punishment, in the second part the aggravated type, and the thesis about lack of influence on erasion of conviction on the identification of the type of prohibited act. The article also contains a polemic with views presented in the doctrine that criticise the above-mentioned theses of the Supreme Court.
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The study contains an analysis and evaluation of some legal solutions proposed in the draft amendment to criminal law of 25 January 2019, especially regarding the sentence, both statutory and judicial. Attention was paid to changes that constitute the most vivid manifestations of the tendency clearly outlined in the draft — expressed explicitly in the assumptions of the postulated changes — towards increasing the repressive norms of the Penal Code of 1997. This is carried out on three main levels — 1 increasing the severity of sanctions for individual, selected types of crimes, 2 extending the application of the extraordinary institution to tighten the penalties and 3 changes to the court directive on the sentence. The study focuses on changes concerning the foundations and rules of the extraordinary progression of punishment, in particular on the modification referring to criminal liability for an offense committed in the conditions of a continuous act covered by the formula of Article 12 § 1 of the Penal Code. In this case, the project provides for mandatory toughening of the penalty by raising the lower liability threshold by half, and the upper one by two. In this regard, both the arguments of the position approving such a solution and the views of the part of the criminal law doctrine which fully accepts the law adopted in the Penal Code of 1997 and which are binding in this respect are presented.
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