There are electrochemical processes occurring on a metal object surface in seawater. As the result of these processes, one can observe an electric field in the object vicinity. The paper presents the method and measurement system that allows to locate the detected object and to identify parameters of its simplified model in form of a current dipole. The identify method is based on the matrix norm minimization. The matrix contains results of measurements and parameters of the object in request taken as the current dipole. The results of simulation and experimental detection of sea mines are given. The research results confirmed the effectiveness of the developed method.
W artykule zaprezentowano metodykę przetwarzania danych obrazowych wykorzystywaną do analiz czasowych i przestrzennych w rozproszonym systemie wizyjnym. Poprawność działania zaprojektowanego systemu uwarunkowana jest kalibracją układu wizyjnego za pomocą dedykowanego znacznika pomiarowego. Operacja ta dzięki wyznaczeniu orientacji przestrzennej każdego z modułów akwizycji obrazu umożliwia modelowanie przestrzeni pomiarowej oraz usprawnia procedurę wykrywania, lokalizacji i analizy ruchu obiektów przemieszczających się w analizowanym obszarze. Proponowane rozwiązanie może przyczynić się do rozszerzenia funkcjonalności dynamicznie rozwijającego się tzw. "Inteligentnego monitoringu."
Development of digital image acquisition devices of increased computing power enables implementing more sophisticated algorithms in intelligent image analysis. It results in huge amounts of data that need to be processed and relevant information should be extracted from them. Most intelligent systems restrict their analysis of the "observed" scene to the image coordinates of individual cameras. However, you can go a step further in this type of analysis. If a distributed vision system can be parameterized, it is possible to perform space-time analysis of events in relation to the entire vision system (and monitored by the area), not just a single camera. The integrity of the designed system is determined by calibration of the video by using a dedicated measurement marker. This operation through the appointment of the spatial orientation of each image acquisition module allows modelling the measuring space and improves the procedure for detection, localization and motion analysis of objects moving in the analysed area. The paper presents configuration and methodology of image data processing of a distributed vision system which performed preliminary time - space analysis of the recorded video. It also describes algorithms used for calibrating and testing a position detector and positioning objects within the test scene. The proposed distributed monitoring system provides new opportunities for the market.
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