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In the recent years sandwich constructions, most often in the form of plates and shells, have been widely used in many fields of technology. Composite materials, due to their physicalproperties, are often used in agricultural buildings. Howewer the basic resistance parameters of these materials, which greatly influence the deformation of a plate under load, change in a random manner. The objective of the paper was to find a solution for the problem of deformation of a composite object with a regard to a stochastic character of material parameters, loads and boundary conditions. An analisys was made for a composite plate with hardboard facings in which foamed and hardened polyurethane was used as the filler. A variational approach of the finite difference metod was used to develop a numerical model. in order to consider randomness of physical properties of the plates's filler, load and boundary conditions, a numerical random field function generator was built and used, the parameters of which were set experimentally. The obtained results differed considerably from the results obtained by conventional calculations that assume determined values. Therefore, the proposed computing method provides the means for a more precise and complete analysis of the deformation of composite elements in constructions used in agricultural building.
W pracy omówiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych, dotyczących deformacji płyty trójwarstwowej poddanej losowemu obciążeniu normalnemu, której warstwa rdzenna, ze względu na swoje parametry fizyczne, wykazuje cechy stochastyczne. W szczególności, dokonano oceny wpływu charakteru losowości parametrów wypełniacza płyty, na cechy rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa składowych wektora deformacji ugiętej płyty trójwarstwowej. Ocenie poddano również celowość stosowania proponowanej metody w porównaniu z obliczeniami tradycyjnymi, tj. traktującymi parametry fizyczne rdzenia jako wartości zdeterminowane.
Omówiono poroblematykę obciążeń od tzw. przejazdów nienormatywnych w polskim mostownictwie. Podano procedurę oceny możliwości takich przejazdów przez obiekty mostowe o różnym ukształtowaniu przęseł i o różnych schematach statycznych. Przedstawiono algorytmy oceny bezpieczeństwa obiektów starych i nowych, odniesione do wymagań obecnych norm projektowania mostów.
The problem of s.c. 'not standarized transit' in Polish bridge engineering has been discussed. The procedure for evaluation of such not standarized loading passing bridges of different shapes and span construction has been given. Safety evaluation algorithms for old and new constructions in relation to the actual valid standards have been produced as well.
W artykule dokonano analizy obciążeń dynamicznych oddziałujących na osprzęt roboczy koparki jednonaczyniowej podczas awaryjnego stanu obciążenia, wynikającego z uderzenia łyżki koparki o przeszkodę znajdującą się w urabianym gruncie. Analiza dotyczy elementu najbardziej obciążonego podczas uderzenia, jakim jest cylinder hydrauliczny łyżki koparki.
There were analyzed the dynamic loads acting on working equipment of single-bucket excavator during an accidental loads resulting from the impact of the bucket against the obstacle located in digged soil. The analysis applied to the most loaded element during the impact - which is the hydraulic cylinder of the bucket.
Content available remote Structure stability under multiparameter loads
The precritical response analysis of a structure is generally sufficient for designing purposes. However, the prediction of the response in the postcritical range is essential to identify the ability of the structure to sustain loads at large values of displacements. The modern stability analysis usually consists in generating the equilibrium path for a structure and determining its critical points, but this way is admissible only for one-parameter loads. The formal procedure allows to continue the above procedure for the multiparameter systems, although, equilibrium path should be converted into equilibrium surface or hypersurface. It must clearly be said that this method is useless for the practice due to its complexity. In the paper, the proposal of solving this problem and determining the probability of stability loss is presented.
Content available remote Trial soil loading as the method of evaluating its model parameters.
Trial soil loading, as a rule, is related to large soil sample and takes prominent position among the methods of field soil tests. The results of trial soil loading are the real truth approximations and are represented by the experimental relationship qE - sE, which is a complex function of geotechnical parameters (this relationship is described as a global soil answer to its loading). Solving inverse value boundary problem enables evaluating parameters of assumed soil model. The back analysis consists in finding such a theoretical relationship qT - sT for calibrated model that sufficiently exactly approximates the experimental characteristic qE - sE. Trial loading, scale effect and back analysis are presented. The example of using trial soil loading for estimation its model parameters is described.
Próbne obciążenie gruntu odnosi się do dużej próby gruntu i jako takie jest bezkonkurencyjne w stosunku do innych badań geotechnicznych. Zatem wynik badań próbnego obciążenia stanowi najlepsze przybliżenie prawdy rzeczywistej, ale jednocześnie wynik ten, wyrażony relacją eksperymentalną qE - sE, jest złożoną funkcją parametrów geotechnicznych (globalną odpowiedzią gruntu na zadane obciążenie). Rozwiązanie zadania odwrotnego umożliwia rozwikłanie tej funkcji, czyli określenie parametrów przyjętego modelu gruntu. Istotą tej metody jest znalezienie takiej zależności teoretycznej qT - sT (będącej funkcją poszukiwanych parametrów), która wystarczająco dokładnie aproksymuje zależność eksperymentalną qE - sE . Przedstawiono istotę próbnych obciążeń, efekt skali i analizę odwrotną. Sposób wykorzystania próbnych obciążeń gruntu do wyznaczania jego parametrów zilustrowano przykładem.
Przedstawiono algorytm umożliwiający analizę rozdziału poprzecznego obciążenia w obiektach mostowych o dwu dźwigarach głównych. Stwierdzono, że tego rodzaju ustroje charakteryzują się mniejszym zużyciem materiałów niż ustroje wielodźwigarowe.
Algorithm which enables analysing transfer distribution of loading in bridges with two capital girders is presented. The author has stated that such construction gives Iower material consumption than multi-girder bridges.
V stat’e razrabotana metodika staticeskogo rasceta bol’seproletnogo kombinirovannogo pokrytia s vkluceniem v rabotu progonov i profilirovannogo nastila, i s ucetom dejstvitel’noj raboty uzlovych soedinenij strukturnoj plity. Dostovernost’ metodiki podtverzdena sravneniem teoreticeskich dannych s rezul’tatami naturnych issledovanij.
Rozpatrzono różne czynniki powodujące nierównomierne obciążenia ustroju dwuwspornikowego, a więc również podpór tymczasowych. Podano przykłady obciążeń przyjmowanych w analizie stanów montażowych konstrukcji.
Different factors which influence non-uniform loading of double- cantilever system and consequently also temporary supports are analysed. Examples of loading assumed in the analysis in assembly phases of construction are given.
Przedstawiono analizę statyczną pewnej siatki cięgnowej poddanej obciążeniu zarówno węzłowemu, jak i międzywęzłowemu. Wykazano, że rodzaj obciążenia ma duży wpływ na siły i przemieszczenia ustroju.
The design analysis of a cable net under nodal and continuous loads is presented. It was proved that the kind of load has a great influence on the static behaviour of cable nets.
The paper deals with the field-circuit method developed for fast computation of load characteristics of stand-alone permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) with linear R or RL type load. The metod is based on the so-called loading method. Load characteristics of chosen PMSG (interior magnets rotor construction) calculated with proposed field-circuit method are shown in the paper and compared to the same characteristics calculated with the use of sophisticated and precise mathematical model of the PMSG based on a two-dimensional transient finite element analysis. Comparison of load characteristics calculated with two different methods shows that the results obtained from the elaborated fast field-circuit calculation algorithm are very close to the results obtained from significantly more time consuming 2D transient method.
The main objective of the paper is the investigation of localization phenomena in thermo-viscoplastic flow processes under cyclic dynamic loadings. Recent experimental observations for cycle fatigue damage mechanics at high temperature and dynamic loadings of metals suggest that the intrinsic microdamage process does very much dependent on the strain rate and the wave shape effects and is mostly developed in the regions where the plastic deformation is localized. The microdamage kinetics interacts with thermal and load changes to make failure of solids a highly rate, temperature and history dependent, nonlinear process. A general constitutive model of elasto-viscoplastic damaged polycrystalline solids is developed within the thermodynamic framework of the rate type covariance structure with finite set of the internal state variables. A set of the internal state variables is assumed and interpreted such that the theory developed takes account of the effects as follows: (i) plastic non-normality; (ii) plastic strain induced anisotropy (kinematic hardening); (iii) softening generated by microdamage mechanisms (nucleation, growth and coalescence of microcracks); (iv) thermomechanical coupling (thermal plastic softening and thermal expansion); (v) rate sensitivity; (vi) plastic spin. To describe suitably the time and temperature dependent effects observed experimentally and the accumulation of the plastic deformation and damage during dynamic cyclic loading process the kinetics of microdamage and the kinematic hardening law have been modified. The relaxation time is used as a regularization parameter. By assuming that the relaxation time tends to zero, the rate independent elastic-plastic response can be obtained. The viscoplastic regularization procedure assures the stable integration algorithm by using the finite difference method. Particular attention is focused on the well-posedness of the evolution problem (the initial-boundary value problem) as well as on its numerical solutions. The Lax-Richtmyer equivalence theorem is formulated and conditions under which this theory is valid are examined. Utilizing the finite difference method for regularized elasto-viscoplastic model, the numerical investigation of the three-dimensional dynamic adiabatic deformation in a particular body under cyclic loading condition is presented. Particular examples have been considered, namely dynamic, adiabatic and isothermal, cyclic loading processes for a thin steel plate with small rectangular hole located in the centre. To the upper edge of the plate the normal and parallel displacements are applied while the lower edge is supported rigidly. Both these displacements change in time cyclically. Small two asymmetric regions which undergo significant deformations and temperature rise have been determined. Their evolution until occurrence of final fracture has been simulated. The accumulation of damage and equivalent plastic deformation on each considered cycle has been obtained. It has been found that this accumulation distinctly depends on the wave shape of the assumed loading cycle.
Dominującymi postaciami zużycia przekładni ślimakowej są zużycie ścierne i zmęczeniowe zębów ślimacznicy. Z wielu czynników wpływających na te procesy decydujące znaczenie mają wielkość i rozkład obciążenia na powierzchni zęba ślimacznicy. W artykule przedstawiono metodę analityczno-doświadczalną, opartą na równaniu całkowym Fredholma pierwszego rodzaju, służącą do wyznaczenia tych wielkości. Obliczenia dotyczyły zazębienia przekładni ewolwentowej i przekładni o zarysie kołowo-wklęsłym (typu CAVEX).
Abrasive wear and fatigue wear are the dominant forms of worm transmission wear. Among many factors affecting these processes, magnitude and distribution of loading of worm wheel teeth irfaces are the dominant ones. The analytical and experimental methods applied to solve the roblem are presented in the paper. The method is based on the Fredholms integral equation of ie first kind. Calculations were carried out for the involute and Cavex type tooth profiles.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie posredniej identyfikacji dynamicznych parametrów układu mechanicznego. Przedstawiono model syntezy energetycznej oraz przenoszenia mocy w systemie mechanicznym.
The problem of indirect identification of dynamic parameters of mechanical system is presented in the paper. The model of energetic synthesis and power transferring in mechanical system are there also shown.
Bezpieczeństwo eksploatacyjne kolejowych sieci trakcyjnych prądu stałego zależy od prawidłowego działania wszystkich elementów układu zasilania. Szczególną rolę na podstacjach trakcyjnych i w kabinach sekcyjnych odgrywają wyłączniki szybkie (WS) prądu stałego. Urządzenia te montowane są w obwodach bezpośrednio zasilających sieć jezdną o potencjale 3 kV DC, a ich zadaniem jest wyłączanie prądów roboczych, przeciążeniowych i zwarciowych. Poprawne i skuteczne działanie WS jest bardzo ważne dla aparatury trakcyjnej i może również decydować o zdrowiu a nawet życiu ludzkim.
Content available remote Anapproach to elastic shakedown based on the maximum plastic dissipation theorem
Elastic-perfectly plastic solid structures are considered subjected to combined loads, superposition of permanent (mechanical) loads and cyclically variable loads, the latter being specified to within a scalar multiplier. The classical maximum dissipation theorem is used to derive known results of the shakedown theory, as well as a few apparently novel concepts: the shakedown limit load associated with a given (noninstantaneous) collapse mode, the mixed upper bound to the shakedown safety factor, and the mixed static-kinematic formulation of the shakedown safety factor problem. The shakedown load boundary surface is also investigated and a number of its notable features are pointed out. A simple illustrative example is presented.
Content available remote Can all muscular load sharing patterns be regarded as optimal in some sense?
Muscles crossing a joint usually outnumber its degrees of freedom, which renders the motor system underdetermined. Typically, optimization laws are postulated to cope with this redundancy. A natural question then arises whether all muscular load sharing patterns can be regarded as the results of optimization. To answer it we propose a method of constructing an objective function whose minimization yields a given load sharing pattern. We give necessary conditions for this construction to be feasible and investigate its uniqueness. For linear load sharing patterns the Crowninshield and Brand (1981) objective function is reproduced – nonlinear ones require a more general formula.
Content available Loading and damageability of wheels and rails
Friction, rolling resistance and durability of rails and wheels at operation, belong to a number of the most important problems of railway transportation because they have strong impact on derailment, energy consumption and restorative maintenance. Various aspects of these problems are insufficiently investigated, have only partial solution. The sources of creep and slipping of a wheel on a rail and ways of its reduction are specified in the work. These approaches alongside with the traditional methods (lubrication, radial steering bogie, etc.) will ensure the reduction both the power and the thermal loading of the contact zone and wear rate of rails and wheels
The present paper deals with theoretical modeling and numerical simulation of a thin circular plate subjected to impulsive loading. To this end, the convective description is applied. The kinematical hypothesis used for theoretical description of the transient response includes membrane deformations only. This assumption is valid in the range of large deformations. The dynamical response of the material is described by Perzyna's elasto-viscoplastic constitutive relations. The theory is completed by an algorithm of the explicit finite difference method. With respect to the conditional stability of that method, the stability criterion is given. Basing on experimental data, an identification of material parameters is carried out. Some comparisons with the corresponding theoretical and experimental results are presented. Satisfactory agreement of the results has been found. Finally, an example of the plastic strain localization in a membrane is presented.
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